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Everything posted by hamiltonau

  1. coz thats what the commentators say in the video..watch it one more time. to the end. look at me sounding like a smart arse the look on his face after he climbs out of the torana/crushed tin can..priceless. Actually thats probably the wrong word to use considering those slumped shoulders are bearing the weight of a brain scrambling to figure out how much the bingle is going to cost him. poor bugger. As said before 'thats racing' but doesnt lessen the pain any. Also pretty much as demonstrated the same thing can happen at trackdays if much much less often. Been going to wakefield since 2003, probably once a month and thats the first time ive seen a hit that bad. Eastern creek you see it more often but thats a much faster track with less run off so its to be expected. oh and dyno day doesnt have to be a charity thing for anyone in particular, mebbe do it for SAUs clubhouse to get it set up for gran turismo/ need for speed nights? still looking forward to anything else Eric organises for his thing.
  2. yah only just discovered performance forums thanks to a link in a different thread regarding roger cordia endless comedy got the cliff notes on the powerchip thing too, sounds like the owner of that company went a bit powermad in the worst sense of the word, yup, so very different rules over there. Kind of like the wild west nature of it but jeez it can get messy. Thanks for the interesting posts anyway Thunder, great sentiments and i just think its a pity forums cant have a disclaimer like DVD commentaries do absolving themselves from any responsibilities for the random things people may have posted which would make a lot more sense. Bathurst videos were awesome and it sure puts this incident in a little more perspective, i came close to touching doors with an Evo at wakefield yesterday and nearly shat myself, after seeing what eric went through and now these guys, certainly gets your heart racing along 'with' the car. Anyway BBQ at ur dyno shop sounds awesome, and ive always been curious what kind of stock power i was putting out at the wheels with nothing but a bodgy exhaust. Whos going to brave enough to suggest a date? who supplies sangas and tinnies? (non alcoholic of course though i did go to a IS racing one that was just handing out beer).
  3. bastards, i would have photocopied a licence or something. still, tough break.
  4. stop telling me what i want to hear! your like the passenger i had at wakefield yesterday who spent the whole session telling me that i was a good steerer and had skills. this was kind of balanced out by begging me to back off as he had a baby on the way and wanted to live... anyway app in when i get home from work
  5. i assume 'voting booth' is some kind of public school term for love shack? or maybe lavatory? TMI methinks oh and eric i thought i was slow with video editing...a month? just post up the different angles of the hit to cheesy trance/heavy metal like anyone else would and u would be done in 5mins
  6. just discovered this thread and 'great success' only on lvl 8 and still yet to get a companion, maybe coz kept all the charisma type stats low? buiding up speech etc now but boy its sucks not having enough to get through any conversation tree beyond 'hi' 'why are u here' and bye' also i got through the power station level, killed all the robots only to find out i had to go turn on a back up generator. anyone know where this is? i found a power stationy looking thing just over the valley and tried to get on the computer in there but the NCR pogues just told me to leave. Of course i ignored them and by the time i walked out the door i was 'hated' by the NCR. made t impossible to talk to the night guard in the nearby town and start the quest. went back to vegas and started the cannibal casino quest, of course told the father at the bar where his son was instantly ending any chance of a more subtle win at the quest., chased out by assassins only to find out i was now 'neutral to the NCR.... can only assume it was related to my dealings in vegas or was it just a matter of time? oh and thanks for posting the caravan video, had left it till now. will find this deathclaw path, hate those f**kers...death in two hits.
  7. noob here but whats this remote b speccing entail exactly?
  8. aaah thanks for the info iron chef. knew it was too good to be true!
  9. hmm ditto above post but from central cbd..
  10. yeah i know that was a bit snarky huh, thats what i get for logging on with no sleep. sorry Boz, been to a couple of club track days recently and none were in that price bracket but i know, dont have the instructors etc just im on a serious budget with my track time so have to skimp on luxuries like driver training For a lot of people especially first timers this would be a great idea, im sure i would get something out of it too but blew my track budget for the first quarter after going to like five track days in Feb/March alone. Next will probably be the NSCC one in May, about 90 bucks for members. SAU one was 250 including renewal i think so not far off this thing and the HSV owners one i went to today was about 150 for some reason. anyway the whole cost issue is relative and depends on the person, i was chatting to Hamster the EPCC guy at the last eastern creek night run i drove at, 5th of march. I was saying how great it was they did a two for one with the tix and if they kept it that cheap i would be able to go every month, but he said most of his members dont even blink at the $340 plus it usually costs to do an EC day. They do all drive fast euros which might have something to do with it but point is if enough people are willing to pay then thats what they will charge. k sorry for the rant, guess i was just bitter reading about a track day i couldnt make
  11. cant wait to see this thing, would love to have a car that was worthy of inclusion but while mine qualifies spec wise its way too battered and bruised after 11ty track days to put on display, and no i dont think all those scratches will buff out. unless we have a category for most drift hack looking car?
  12. hmm how do you know this about Fatz ? cmon Terry.. HOW?? as for the thread having its childish elements, meh, thats what makes this forum so great and vexing at the same time. Stripping it of any of that colour in some knee jerk ass covering reaction would just be the kind of PC move that is what drives me nuts about modern Australian culture. Though i gotta admit spamming companies with hate mail is pretty lame, what goes on in the forum stays in the forum!
  13. aargh, obvious grammar typo and i cant go back and edit once someones posted after me. ohhh the shame, the shame. anyway totally agree CPD, and would love to see the uncut force stuff they didnt show probably be something like that decades old doco they did in redfern with the cops. forget the name but they all got transferred to the boonies afterwards for carrying on about coons etc oh and Terry, whats the buy in? ifs its under 20 bucks and i dont need to be fluent in cantonese or mandarin im in!
  14. thanks a lot for that mental image Fatz. with a username like that im sure your doing wonders for local property values pulling stunts like that :cheers:seriously i laughed so hard i now have chocolate milk all over the laptop. Eric, thanks for sharing your moving and emotional journey, definitely a cultural no no if your an aussie but as you mentioned, you come from a land of Z's and supersized cokes and the same rules dont apply. This sort of boldness can only enrich SAU and the community that grows around it, anyone who takes issue with your forthrightness (including your neighbors) can go jump!
  15. is possibly a totally gutted drift hack? looked ok though, hmm oh well. have to hope i find a similar bargain when i finally make my trip.
  16. should be a flood of 'water damaged' cars on the market for cheap soon.. got to be some skylines etc in there are bargain prices. Surely will dry out on the boat over? too soon?
  17. well it was the last design that was out, they really are that old huh? I guess a classic design is, well, classic. their words were 300 bucks i will find the video and time when its mentioned... 30mins10 secs for the quote. odd as later on they are at a car yard and they are at more realistic prices, 5-10k etc.
  18. Damn, well im screwed then.. Seriously you must be a fan of 'lie to me' and with those skills angling for the D's one day or happy as a pig in mud in the HWP? (oh crap i just realised the unfortunate pun there, unintentional but not tactful enough to think of another one) Recruit training in the army certainly sloughed away a few of my bad habits and that was after only a month of it, im not surprised that after nearly six months of intense behaviour modification you come out a different person. Sounds like mostly for the better though and once your on the job your personality would re assert itself eventually I imagine. anymore odd traffic stops lately? I noticed on the odd times i saw them on 'the force' or 'motorway/highway patrol' programmes (the only reality tv i can handle) that it was often the young P platers in a group that would have an attitude when pulled over and throw out a few choice lines, always to their own detriment. I cant understand how people dont realise how much in their at your mercy..no sympathy when they get 5 or 6 different charges thrown at them when a polite demeanor would have resulted in only one or possibly a warning.
  19. Yes rest in peace little MX5 so whats happening with the fundraising and the little bit drip fed in so far? put it towards another toy (imported varietta/MRS?) or just use whats there to mop up a few of the painful costs of the car funeral?
  20. aww snap. i watched that mightcar mods vid sponsored by JTB and now want to buy one over there and drive it around japan for a while first (week or so) before getting it shipped home. Some amazing roads over there and if your getting the car there u might as well drive on some of em first i reckon, jetstar make it affordable enough to do i think. heard the tolls are exxy over there but hey if i saved for a bit, planning it for 2012. will probably still use iron chef or someone for the connections to auctions over there. anyway in the mightymod vid there was a new ish FD for 300 bucks?! how does that work?
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