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Everything posted by hamiltonau

  1. i have usually been a paid up member by the time events come around, cant wait for march at wakey which for once might not get rained out...last two track days ended up bucketing down on me so no new PB's for ages, still stuck at 1.16.00 and im hoping for 1.14 ish which i hear is respectable for a relatively stock R33/boat. dont worry i wont set any new speed records in school zones, that was a vaguely ACA baiting comment in my profile i had forgot about..if u want me to change it i dont mind at all. Last ticket was in 07 and plan to keep it that way..fingers crossed. look forward to monthly events, great idea and emails out to remind lazy sods like me would be much appreciated loved the pics from putty rd thread and the thought of seeing all those cars in the flesh bombing down the highway..orgasmic.
  2. my front windscreen got cracked last wakey day on a big off. in the summer heat the crack is becoming pretty big and i may have to bight the bullet and replace the whole thing.. does ur mate have the connect for a new r33 front too? whats the normal charge for removal and new one in? or just pm me his details if all thats too many Q's. ta
  3. so mad at myself for missing this thing, any chance it will be less than a yr before another cruise?
  4. love the thread resurrection, missed it the first time and its made a good if slightly sobering read on an otherwise dull monday morning. i take it rb25 that your an active boy in blue? what do you make of all the baiting stories? Does this eveer happen on your watch and if so do mixed feelings ensue? seen the odd non typical cop car but as above it was usually a glorified courtesy car, will keep an eye out for the black bankstown RX8 though its not like i need another reason not to go out there
  5. that r35 sounds pants wettingly good. saw one on aussie day screaming up wentworth ave towards hyde park at about lunch oh and this at railway sq.
  6. ahh ok. well except for the weather and the presence of beer with names like 'old speckled hen', 'adnams' and 'best' he is still a lucky bastard. hope he and others get one more blast before it all ends, i was lucky enough to have a coupla of goe's at Oran park but sadly the 'ring' looks a little out of reach..
  7. My missus sat behind him the other day (he's parked AT the dotted line at the corner, and looks like he's about to pull out and drive down towards Springwood), eventually tooting at him, until he got out of his car and impatiently told her to drive around him. She then asked him sweetly what the minimum parking distance from a corner was. She said he went red and started mumbling... She said "speak up please" as he was muttering and walking away CSB, cool story bro! mines not as good but.. mate at work lives up near epping, forget the road but basically a cop was using his driveway to do radar checks as he lives just after a blind corner, soon as my work colleague realised what was going on he marched out and told them to take a hike. They tried to convince him they were just doing their job but he just told them to 'f**k off and do it somewhere else.' gold.
  8. rockabilly, is your gtr based in germany or did u ship it over there from aus? talk about an epic roadtrip.. can barely scrape together the budget for a fly/hire/coupla laps ring trip, might have to put all that together sooner than i thought if this is really happening imminently. yeah and vry curious re the GTR, super jealous whether u have it there or took it over, trying to imagine what it would be like to bring my gtst to the freeways of germany etc...sigh.
  9. well they have my vote anyway, even if they are horror of horros, affiliated with the libs. might even go to the next meeting, god knows their chances of getting in with the climate the way it is but fingers crossed..
  10. saw this in bondi junction today around lunchtime. 140pm
  11. im kinda torn here between feeling sorry for the guy and being amazed at his stupidity. My ability to empathise has an inverse relationship with the number of speeding tickets i have had and the fact i lost my licence once back in 07' ish. I understand how tempting it is to let loose on an open road in a high powered car, even professionals like lewis hamilton and a journo in a fezza out in WA recently have not been able to resist the devil on their shoulder even while im sure they both had common sense in spades we all make mistakes. However since that rather harsh rap on my knuckles im yet to receive another ticket and am only weeks away from all 12 (13?) points again finally. So please dude, if your still on here try not to take all the criticism personally and eat a bit of humble pie re your mistakes. I know what i did was 'fun' but im also more than willing to admit that doing 160 along syd enfield drive (albeit 3 lanes, one am etc) was off the charts dumb and would never attempt anything like it again.. i dont know about all the 'get a bike, dont drive for 50 yrs comments' they arent realistic or helpful but definitely dont drive during the suspension period as you will get caught eventually and when your back on the road as from your enthusiasm you will be the very day your licence is intact (i know i was) please, for all our sakes, take it easy. peace.
  12. sitting on norton st last week (leichardt) in the space of half an hour saw 4 STI's, not a big deal but then a white gallardo, red 458, silver R8 and a murcie, cant remember colour, think black. they werent cruising together, all at least a few mins apart just another night on norton i guess? saw the 458 on m5 as well on 18 dec, damn they are nice! oh and thanks for the pic of the 700hp gtr, will look out for that.
  13. saw this in chinatown other day, opposite the capitol theatre and harrys hot dog stand..beautiful in nismo blue. spotted the white one on bathhurst st last week i think. sorry, slow at getting phone near the laptop
  14. im in, will be my first cruise so cant wait!
  15. ive been using my turbo timer on 30secs for a few months now since a mechanic recommended it, drive a 150kms but non engine modded skyline r33...really a waste of time? might only turn it on now when i have been driving hard and suddenly arrive home..
  16. is three hundred an hour the norm? im paying 350/hr at ford criminal lawyers, she is an associate though so i guess that rates a little more? its potentially a criminal matter but hopefully wont get that far, completely got the wrong guy etc. as far as i know they dont have expertise in traffic but it is city central (370 pitt st) which is why i went there (plus she was the first one to call me back). good luck jstylz
  17. i used my section 10 already about five yrs ago for going through a stop sign. first offence yadda yadda. is it too late to get the points returned? would love more points to spend..
  18. dont worry man i understand totally, every time i read a quote from him in the daily toilet paper or worse, see him on ACA my blood boils. making him an arbiter of road safety would be like putting bruce ruxton in charge of immigration..
  19. just got back from a 2 month vacation and got NRMA to turn up to give the battery some life..as i went to pop the key in..oops. no ignition!? some roving kunz from redfern/maroubra/laparouse have got into the car somehow (windows fine though my mate said he locked it) and tried to start it. thank god for immobilisers.. a friend said if i jump start it i should be able to get it going with a screwdriver and then go get a new barrel etc and have it fixed somewhere. is currently on edgecliff rd woollahra, would any mechanic fit it fine or best to go to an import specialist? will put pics up when home but yeah front of ignition is clean, just the metal barrel cylinder is sheared off so the front end is separated..sniff. poor skyline. oh and its an r33
  20. someone here mentioned a 4 month wait on importing one from japan. do u save a lot of money doing this? do you need to pay then wait all that time?
  21. er yeah its all that ham and egg nog.. this happened to me a few months back. took a while but the police got the owners details eventually who i had to play phone tag with for a while. Kept denying it even with 3 or 4 witnesses and it wasnt easy as i only had 3rd party not comprehensive but i eventually got them to make a claim when i threatened them with civil action. Hope you either have compre or a more co-operative offender.. good luck!
  22. fo' shizzle. those rims need to be killed. killed with fire! oh and if i was you (have a series2 turbo) would just hide the turbo in a giant tinfoil airbox thingy. make it look as sleeper as possible and you will be fiiine...what could possibly go wrong?
  23. cant wait for this to take effect, I know they get my vote hate the bastards but whats the alternative? agree re points seem to be removed for the wrong offences, should def be increased for not indicating, clapped out cars and my big hate, hogging the overtaking lane doing ten under.. oh and Rawgr, sign me up as your first courier. I used to be a government bus driver (until i didnt have enough points) and we always complained about having the same points as everyone else (bus drivers are REALLY good at complaining though). Still i will be pretty suprised if this gets through while the daily telegraph, police union and harold scruby (pedestrian council) are still dictating the headlines..
  24. yeah nice world and picture salad, or rather looks like he did his post then put it in a blender just for the hell of it. and how about that puce yellow interior? it would have to knock about half the price off for me, i dont know many girls that would sit next to me in that. Or at least any with class.. sweet engine bay though/ slashies//
  25. wow i read all five pages in that link, fair amount of pics and info on the dude. someone should repost the pics here, some cute chick in a blue tracksuit that bears a 2nd showing. should at least be some win in here. oh and i fbooked him saying im going to message all his fbook friends telling them he is a scammer etc. only made it though a couple of them before i got bored but anyone else tried same? cant believe after going to court etc he is still doing this..
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