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Everything posted by darkhalf

  1. Whats wrong with using the AFMs? We did quite a bit of research on moving to MAP sensors and concluded its just not worth the effort, especially given the problems experienced by those with those who do use MAP sensors. AFMs will always have an accurate measurement, no retuning required, even after intake and exhaust modifications and can be enlarged beyond Z32 AFM to Ford Cobra/Lightning versions for higher HP readings
  2. Adam - you are using a test ENT file that I provided to Pete. It should be TPS idle < 1 volt and then use the fuel maps above this. However 1 volt was a starting point, after some discussion tonight about 0.9 volts should be used. Suspect that the TPS trigger may be backwards hence the problem. I'll retest the firmware changes and probably get Pete to recheck on Monday. Unplugging TPS makes the car drivable in the interim In regards to R33 daughterboards, as per the picture: This is a Techtom daughterboard installed into an R33 ECU. The main 84 pin MPU is removed and a 84 pin transition socket is fitted to the ECU. Then carefully the board fits into the 84 pins on the transition socket and the MCU is plugged into this daughterboard. The daughterboards are very expensive and emulators used to tune the ECU and then an EPROM chip is burnt afterwards Workarounds to this is like Toshi does - use the board to tune and then remove the original MCU and reprogram a blank MCU with the tuned maps. The blanks are about $80-$90AUD each and burn once then throw away jobs. An EPROM to MCU adaptor is used to program these PROM MCUs Making a Nistune equivalent with 32KB NVsRAM is no easy task. The transition sockets alone are very expensive and require expert installation to fit to the ECU. On top of that is reverse engineering the existing operation (which I kinda got sussed) but then there is the design effort, mulitple logic chpis and the effort in putting a prototype together. The consult speed is slower (less buffering) and sync and cell change speeds may be affected. This is not an installation process which most workshops would be able to do, even EPROM boards which I've fitted for dr drift have experienced problems and after checking all connections, something like a single coil etc shown not to work due to track problem on the board or even a pin not connecting properly on the MCU to the socket. Its not reliable and very difficult from a support point of view The Z32 ECU works well, and even skimping on swapping injector lines not not appear to impact the running of the vehicle. The TPS transition from idle to fuel map is something we are making configurable for completeness with this type of install
  3. 3071 in my GTT if that helps, 278.5rwkw @ 17psi. So are we talking at the wheels here or not? http://forum.nistune.com/viewtopic.php?t=950 depends what you mean with no extra lag introduced by bigger turbo and now more balls. see the dyno curves on that link. its a little slower coming on boost than stock but thats about it and makes for a fun and drivable car ...
  4. This is an issue with both Z32 and R32 ECUs and its because the RB25 engines dont have the TPS idle switch available that both R32/Z32 ECUs require. Z32 ECU however has a limp value which it uses based from the TPS variable voltage but has the blip because the TPS transition point needs adjusting, but R32 ECU doesnt have this and wont use the idle tables at all Herman from Envy has queried me about this and I've done some investigation and patching to the HCR32 and Z32 ECU code to use the variable voltage from the TPS to tell the ECU when the idle switch is being used. This means an adjustable transition point in the ECU adjustable from Nistune Test ENT files for reprogramming boards are here: http://forum.nistune.com/viewtopic.php?t=1047&start=15 Latest Nistune version has modified address files to browse for in the /address/misc subfolder for HCR32 and Z32 adding a parameter 'TPS Trigger voltage'. Set currently to default 1 volt, this is adjustable depending where you want the ECU to transition from idle maps to main fuel maps. I've tested this using an engine simulator on the bench, and just waiting results from workshop testing now Sam - the aircond input problem that was noticed has been rectified in the R32 rev4 version
  5. 1998 R34 GTT Standard RB25DET, ~112,000kms Standard coil packs, 98 octane fuel, K&N pod, ARC front mount intercooler and trust exhaust Standard turbo, injectors and ECU, Turbotech bleedvalve 219rwkw @ 12psi Upgraded GT3071R turbo and Nismo 480CC injectors driven by Nistune Type 4 board 278.5rwkw @ 17psi http://forum.nistune.com/viewtopic.php?t=950 Next up will be fitting cams and also some extra tuning for the VTC since theres a bump in the current dyno curve where it was left stock. Also looking into tweaking the factory boost control solenoid via factory ECU with variable boost control rather than using the Turbotech valve
  6. we install the factory ROM into the board which matches the Nissan part# on your ECU. The ECU will function identically as before. For example on my GTT I installed a board about a week after getting the vehicle but we didnt upgrade the parts until many months later. First went in the injectors/turbo and I resized from factory to 480CC Nismos whilst at the fitters and got it home. After that we took it for a spin and maxed out the factory AFM quickly!! After a few weeks was was installing Z32 AFM at my place in the driveway and then resizing inside Nistune to that. After about a week we finally took it to the dyno for a tune and that was the first mapping done on the board. So the tune is already in there and the minor tweaks required no major changes. Note that I didnt boost it until we got to the dyno because the enrichment changes are theroeticaly only and need to be checked with a wideband AFR meter This is a tricky one... the Nissan maps are 16x16 grid and the load scaling depends on how much power your engine makes to how you setup the scaling. Nissan ECUs use a 'TP' value for load so you would need to translate the equivalent from the other ECU. Fueling on a factory ECU use Fuel and VE maps. VE used during O2 feedback and fuel maps may be different to how the aftermarket is setup. You would probably be best starting with the factory tune and then tweaking that. For RB25DET NEOs we found with mine that the fuel map did not need much changing. Other tuners have said the same, that they basically left the factory fuel map alone as the AFRs were all good. Probably can view the timing table from the aftermarket unit and use it as a reference I would suggest and just copy the timing maps across where possible. I wouldnt do it here though on the bench... leave that for when the car is ready to be tuned
  7. be careful with software. I bought Microsoft Office 2003 and thought it was legit. All the hologram, COA etc checked out against howtotell.com. I finally got around to installing and something didnt look right with the serial number entry. Ended up being a fake after I peeled plastic coating from the CDROM and could scratch the hologram off (MS CDROMs have the hologram imbuilt into the plastic). Paypal give you 45 days to raise a claim, after that you have nothing. Taken too long to install this one. Chasing this one up now but wont get the $190 on this one back
  8. Nistune boards use EEPROM backed NVRAM... so settings are stored permanetly. I'm sure powerFC would use FLASH or something similar Only settings that get lost are really O2 sensor closed loop and alpha learn trimmings and DTC codes which get stored in the ECU
  9. no problems there. we just put a manual ROM image into the board
  10. auto trans chip on your ECU may be internal ROM. not external ROM chip which is the 1012a stamped chip
  11. okay here is what I had mailed to me... R34 GT ECU with H8539F FLASH ROM chip (I believe).... so this thing might be able to be reflashed like later model ECUs given enough hours (and beer) to look into the thing I haven't delved into flash tuning yet because (a) no time (b) no publically available information about it for Nissans © cobbtuning already have a product for FLASH based ECUs.... but they wouldnt have done the RB25DE pic below no daughterboard capability as can be seen. what ECU are you using? there is a 28 pin header on this ECU... but that is for Auto trans auxillary chip not for the main MCU (micro controller unit) Consult download command 0xc9 not recognosed in the R34 GTR ecu... might be the same for this one. Must be a different command perhaps?
  12. oldish thread. yellow hat one is probably rechipped ECU as opposed to daughterboard. they change the maps using an daughterboard+emulator in separate ECU then burn to ~$80 chip You cant retune that ECU unless you use a different one with daughterboard/emulator do to the tune then program a new chip. This is what Toshi does in NSW
  13. Might be a bit of confusion here? I was talking the R34 GTR ECUs will not do a download for us but I've never attempted on the NA R34 ECU before I had been previously sent pictures from what was meant to be a NA R34 ECU and it looked like it didnt take a board Perhaps I have that confused ??? If the NA R34 does take a Type 2 board then we should be able to do it... if you have one and can use the HCR32/BNR32 address file and do a Operations - Consult Download and send me the BIN file I'll have a look at it and generate a new address file and ENT programming for it I was checking over the R34 manual last night and I'm sure it was a grey connector for this ECU ... and updated internals using Hitachi MCU?
  14. no it isnt... piggybacks intercept and alter signals between the factory ECU and the engine. Effectively fooling the factory computer to achieve the desired result Nistune is the same as remapping but an easier method of doing it (using programmable daughterboard via consult port rather than emulating/burning EPROM chips)
  15. For the R33 RB25 option people are using the Z32 ECU which supports VCT and TPS variable input only
  16. The techedge will some with a serial output, plug this into your laptop Inside Nistune use File-Configuration and then (a) wideband set to TechEdge 2.0 wideband (b) wideband directory C:\Program Files\NIStune\Wideband\TechEdge2.0 thats where the lookup tables for AFRs, auxillary inputs etc are Nistune will read the load in from your ECU directly (via usb cable) and display that along with the AFRs. As crans mentioned you can do AFR tracing against load/PRM scales and record/playback with the log player If you are using a VL Turbo ECU with Z32 AFM.... after doing the wiring to the AFM plug (make sure yellow/red calibration line goes through 370 ohm resistor to ground) then you need to modify the ECU to work with this later era AFM The details are in the software users manual. There are wideband and AFM upgrade sections with step by step instructions to help you there. Once you do that, edit the VL turbo address file and remove the line MAF_OFFSET so the AFM voltage is reported correctly now with the Z32 AFM in the software We have a forum for Nistune questions etc at www.nistune.com under forums also
  17. no its not. i have a preliminary design and thats about it. i dont have the firmware, proper schematic, pcb layout or anything like that for the R33. its a very difficult board to make, especially trying to construct a transition socket where the original 84 pin chip sits. installation is quite difficult and doesnt make it a easy product in terms of production and support the R33 ECU can be remapped using daughterboards from overseas but they are expensive. they take considerable time and patience to uninstall the original 84 pin MCU and install the transition socket which the board then plugs into. after that you need an EPROM emulator (for tuning) and then burn to chip when finished We are recommending if you did want to go the factory ECU route with nistune board or remap to use a Z32 ECU. It has VCT and has been proven to run the RB25 with transplanted maps over the Z32 ones. About 6 wires for injectors etc need to be swapped over in the loom and some people dont like cutting their loom. I'm also thinking of adding TPS switch modifications and VCT code to the R32 ECU and adding a VCT component to Type 2 boards as another option... no cutting wires then
  18. what are you guys using to wind the pushrod? There is a bit of grip on there so I've been slowly adjusting with pliers but theres gotta be a better tool for the job
  19. you mean this one? http://www.plmsdevelopments.com/images_ms/...table_Ver_2.pdf i've never had a vested interest (ie car) until now to start mucking aruond with this stuff. but would be good to try out now i've got the 34 we have S-HICAS ECU table, AIRCON table and A/T ECU tables here. Yeah would be good to sort out the HICAS and A/T ones at least. I dont think anyone cares too much about the aircond ... I dont have an A/T ECU here to test that stuff on since I purposely got a M/T so that might need some hunting down for an ECU which supports this (or separate A/T controller off earlier vehicle)
  20. Mike - Thanks for the offer. Series2 are confirmed working no problems with Type 4 board however Series1 we just cant do. Its similar to the Hitachi R33 RB25 computer with no easy provision for external daughterboard (so we recommend Z32 ECU with rewire since its more cost effective) QWK32- If you wire in a Z32/R32 ECU you wont have any transmission or boost control in these ECUs for the Stagea like the WC34 ECUs have
  21. was thinking of adding some stuff like this into Nistune for my R34 ... HICAS, trans controller etc. Just a matter of finding time to do it. Keep in mind also, with the earlier vehicles like R32 you wont get as many outputs as the later models
  22. It takes minimum 30-60 minutes to desolder/resolder an EPROM or board to an ECU. Soldering skills are essential as you dont want to kill a customers ECU!! The only Skylines which are single EPROM chip are R31 and R32. It will take another 30 minutes just to roll the car onto the dyno and set everything up... so theres an hour to factor into your time on top of tuning. You didnt mention emulators here so I'm assuming you are going to burn/reburn? Thats going to chew a lot of expensive dyno time also so you are better off with an emulator so you can at least change maps on the fly. You also need maptracing to see which part of the maps you are going to use using NissanDataScan or our offerings As others have mentioned Jeff does this all the time and has got it down to a tee. He knows his engines and tuning since hes been doing it for quite a while and got his base tunes sorted for many combinations making it cost effective. In addition to this he knows how the ECU code functions and has assisted me in finding more tables for things which fall in the special conditions part of the ECU (warm starting, idle control etc) for more special cases. Hes not the only one doing this stuff either since workshops in Adelaide using our stuff are already setup and Nistune is just an extension of ROM tuning. Just some food for thought anyways
  23. Depends which way you go... if you stick with the R33 ECU then adding a EPROM daughterboard to that is about $1000 for an which you can tune with Nistune (using an emulator) If you use a Z32 ECU with Type 2 board then with minor loom rewiring (see our FAQ) you can drive an R33 RB25 with it Type 4 boards for RB25DET are for the R34 GTT ECU which use a different (grey) plug to earlier RB25s. This is what I have in mine
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