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Everything posted by darkhalf

  1. Also Morpowa and BoostWorx are now tuning with NIStune boards in Adelaide These are a plug in board and tuned via your diagnostics port. Current tuners list: http://www.plmsdevelopments.com/tuning_shops.htm Morpowa just did a GTR with our Type 2 boards 250rwkw @ 15PSI
  2. AAnet said they had fixed the email issues so I was hoping that was still working. I'm going through a mass of emails in my yahoo account currently and it appears the aanet email still isn't going If its also gone to my yahoo account you will get a reply now as I'm going through them
  3. yes they are. SR20 / VG30 guys do this all the time. Note that Q45 will max out before Z32 even though bigger diameter. One of our customers compared the two
  4. if you are still interested please email me [email protected] AAnet mail server is discarding emails, sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt :-/
  5. Hey Guys Good to hear news is spreading. And sorry for the no reponses to email. Just found out last week that AAnets mail server has been really dodgy and not passing on emails... and I just thought it was getting a bit quiet until Pete L told me customers were able to contact him through his site. Not happy but not much I can do now until they fix it! Please contact me [email protected] in the meantime if you wanted to know any thing about the boards or place an order etc. thanks Matt
  6. yeah thats fine when its eventually finished!
  7. ummm yeah but they dont work realtime.... you have to stop the engine, do the upload and then restart the car each time... until your emulator is ready also TP calcs based from forumla utliising MAF consult output may not wont work properly on these for maptracing?
  8. okay what i have worked out from disassembly currently is... Fuel map Hi Fuel map Lo Ignition map Hi Ignition map Lo Fuel map TP index table Fuel map RPM index table Ignition map TP index table Ignition map RPM index table Voltage Quantifier map (aka Swap your AFM over with another one) also I have just been going through and working out the TP and RPM indexes themselves for fuel/timing maptracing (be nice to see where you are tuning) dont do calculated TP from MAF voltage for tracing since the TP forumale can vary between ecus and may alter where the map is really being accessed. sersiously the whole TP equation is dependent on a multitude of tables and constants which are indexed depending on values of inputs (temperature, sensors etc) what i plan to look for when i get time to work on this particular project next is... Theoretical Pulsewidth Limiter (aka AF Limit aka Boost cut) K Constant (aka Injection multiplier) there is also speed and rev limiters. these single values are so difficult to find. there are like 1000 or so possible places it could be I think there are also boost solenoid maps like S14/S15 but needs to be confirmed
  9. i wont be able to do the auto chips without knowing the IDs and being able to match it against a datasheet to get the pinouts (and then retrieving the contents of the chip and making a board to change them). either that or i need the pinouts of the rest of the unused solder pads which use the ECU and the jumpers to change to read from the external board whoever made the multiboard would have had inside information of how the ecu works in order to know which pins did what and what resistors to change. that JECS chip is really an all in one MELPS with other stuff connected. for this job on Eds board, I already had the multiboard and using the pinouts of the EPROMs and the S13 SR20 pinouts on the multiboard let me figure it out further to fit NVRAM and know the pinouts of the ER34 socket
  10. okay its done and it works fine! we have realtime tuning on ER34 via the consult port two small adaptor boards and one cut track (plus some wires hanging off). i'm going to get this schematic done properly and look into getting some boards made up. this will also work for other ECUs supported by this board (S13,S14,S15,Z32 etc etc). guess i better hunt down TP so you can maptrace the fuel/timing maps properly also
  11. sorry i hadn't started it yet... little one is getting up too early in the mornings so i hadn't much time at night to go and mod it!!!! the changes shouldnt be that messy anyway since only have to cut a couple of tracks after drawing it all up
  12. need to work out some more of this daughterboard so i can plug NVRAM into it. also i found that the fuel tables have an extra bit set so it wont look right in romeditor or other programs. i've put in a tick box in nistune to turn that off so it displays okay. the er34 consult code has been modified and i can change RAM values via the consult port, once the NVRAM is plugged in i can then modify maps from the software in realtime next i'll try and find RPM/TP RAMvalues for maptracing .... finished working out the schematic for the NVRAM. i'll start putting the parts together in the next few days
  13. well you're going to make money from it right? its taken me a lot of time to do what i have so far together.... and it will take more time to finish it finished buzzing out the ER34 schematic last night so i can get some boards made from these
  14. okay sam http://test.nice.com.au/ed/sau/grid1.jpg http://test.nice.com.au/ed/sau/grid2.jpg these are the sheets that came with the board. im sure you have these already. the boards came out in two revisions, Peter from PLMS has the first revision (without the ER34 connector). Eds board is the second revision * first thing is while the ecu is in the car, plug in consult and retrieve the entire ROM image (0000-FFFF). (actually the ROM code is actually 1000-FFFF the first 0000-0FFF is memory mapped I/O and RAM). * use only that ECU ROM image in your car otherwise if you run into problems later having a different ECU image wont help you troubleshoot * if there is any coating over the PCB on these pads you will need to remove it using acetone and a cotton bud. we didn't really need to do that * next thing you need to do is used a solder sucker to remove the solder on pads 1-40 on the ecu as shown in the pic * using acetone/circuit board cleaner again remove the coating around surface mount resistors J903 and J904 and spare pads J902 and J905. * using a soldering iron on both side remove the 0 ohm resistors. these are very small and easily damaged. resolder these to J902 and J905 * next thing is using a bit of solder, join the jumpers J1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9 together for the ER34 ecu * next thing I did was solder the sockets into the daughterboard. rather than the standard 28 pin sockets that came with the board I went to the electronics shop and got 32 pin strips and snapped them into 14 pin rows and soldered 8 of them in. this way I can use either 27C256 in odd/even or 27C512 in skip mode. the EPROMs must be 120ns or less according to the sheet * final thing was soldering the board to the ecu. got the orientation the right way (sockets facing down) and then put it all together [27C256 ODD/EVEN MODE] * next i loaded my 64K ROM image into ROM Editor against a dummy address file. rom editor is a bit dodgy/buggy however * I saved the images as ODD/EVEN from the file menu as 512 size. 256 size should have worked but trunscuated the file in half 0000-3FFF filled with FF for 4000-7FFF. * 512 puts the image at 0000-7FFF and then FFs for 8000-FFFF. i cropped them to 0000-7FFF in a hex editor and resaved the files * first used 27C256-100ns EPROMs and programmed one with EVEN and the other with ODD from the files out of ROM editor * Rom editor also saves ODD as EVEN and EVEN as ODD!!! so i swapped over the stickers and the order of the chips in the board after it didn't work the first time [27C512 SKIP MODE] * this time just put the consult 64K image burnt straight onto two 27C512 chips and plugged those in, and it worked. these chips were 150ns so a bit slower than the sheet specifies but should be okay after you socket, if you have the customers car there, just plug the ecu in and then the chips, fasten the board and try it out. make sure you get the EPROMs in the right direction otherwise you will definately fry something. my main problem was i had to run the ECU by itself on the bench so had to solder a heap of wires to the pads on the ECU just to get the thing running each time you want to change the tune you will need to either plug in a decent emulator (or two pocket romulators doing skip mode) or see if a badbiki board is going to do it. however the badbiki board will be a pain since you will need to turn off the car, change the map, start the car again, test and then repeat (better than eproms however but you need a decent emulator). anyway I'm going to buzz the board out tonight and put the schematic for a modified one together so I can run it from NVRAM. i've got modified consult patch code for this ECU which will let you retune the thing via consult so once the board is in you will never need to touch the ecu again
  15. okay guys i know this thread was a group buy for these GRID boards but I should be able to adapt these into an NVRAM version with full realtime tuning capability via the consult port. Currently working with PLMS on one of these for the S13 SR20s which I got prototyped last week but am looking into other models also. ER34 is definately a canidate i managed to get the full code disassembled and have got the main maps for Eds ecu. however revs, limiters, k constant would need more investigation....
  16. many hours later... working ECU with daughterboard okay ed you have an email. basically the board can run both 27C256 (ODD/EVEN programmed chips) or 27C512 (SKIP - both programmed with same 64KB image) because I used strip sockets rather than the ones which came with the board the chips need to be 120ns or less. however after trying 2 x 27C256 @ 100ns i then tried 2 x 27C512 @ 150ns and it seems to run consult etc okay but in a running car.... dunno. should be okay i think but i dont have a datasheet on the processor to know its timings we are looking at doing a realtime programmable version of this type of board. the bikirom one you have to turn off the car, upload and then start it back up. its not quite realtime yet....
  17. okay thanks to ed for the wiring page (EC-11) I put 12V on 67/72 (Control unit power) and 24/31 (Ignition signal and power supply) Also put LEDs against the fuel pump, ECCS relay and malfunction outputs to see whats happening Consult works fine now and downloading the ROM for this particular ECU. More to come...
  18. okay i've got the ER34 ecu in front of me now and need some help from you guys. its powered from a 12v lead acid battery and currently drawing 80mA pins 67/72 Control Unit Power to +12V pins 25/32 Control Unit Ground to +12V how do you know when the damn thing is powered on (ie if you didn't have an engine connected). there are no lights or anything to indicate life on the ECU itself. Is consult the only way? On the consult port itself, do you need to have the CHK connected to IGN or GROUND to get it talking? I have currently hooked up PLMS Consult (Rev#4) RX/TX lines to 75/76 (RX/TX) I also connected Ignition power supply (31) to Ignition Switch Signal (24). At that stage I assumed pin 31 would provide 12v to get the pin 24 going. Measuring it afterwards however, there is no voltage from this pin (well about 0.6v). Hopefully I didn't damage anything yet by tieing these lines. I also tried tieing the CHK pin to pin 31 but this would have worked either seeing there is no signal from this line On other ECUs (R31,R32,R33) to get it started I normally get a LED light up when power is connected and connecting 12v to Ignition Switch Signal. I haven't done this yet directly from the +12v terminal Have you guys got a wiring diagram for the engine management system for ER34? Big ask... but I need it to get proper power to the ECU and make sure I dont blow anything up (how much are these worth?) thanks Matt
  19. that would be nice, but i dont know where these values are located without the GRID address table. you could ask badbiki (lucus) if he knows since his boards are for sale now and accomodate this ECU but i somewhat doubt it (since he hasn't tested it on an ER34) the maps/tables i worked out earlier were easier to find because of the patterns of data anyway i'll try and run some disassemblers through the source and see if any work since i can't ID the main chip. if i could modify consult on this thing, i can make it realtime tunable and traceable cheaply like I have very recently got working on prototypes for SR20, RB20 and RB30 ecus (next up is R33 RB25...)
  20. yep im still watching this thread... recevied the ecu and has had relevant pads sucked out i've got to wire up power and consult to this ecu and pull the rom image for this and then program the 27C512s ... will post progress as it goes
  21. Ian - yep that is correct. It is the formatting that ROM Editor uses for displaying generic data properly internally The main things you need to know is the location of the map (address) and its size. However knowing how the table is represented in A/F ratio, volts or whatever is also another good thing to know
  22. okay attached is the address file and an image. well this wont look completely right in rom editor. there appears to be additional flags used which are used and wont calculate right in romeditor and my nistune software currently if you look at the hex addresses for ignition/fuel they are definately 3D maps but you will need to check them because they look different to other ecus ive decoded maps from i'll have to update my software to cater for the additional flags and recalculate the A/F ratios etc. unfortunately without disassembling the code i wont be able to find TP for maptracing functionality matt
  23. do you want to try the ADR file i put together for Ed? I was waiting for the ECU to be sent over to install his board its sitting at home on my PC not doing anything. you just dont have K constant or the limiters ... thats all
  24. Ian - sorry to confuse things. The group buy proposed by Ed is the M377-2 you pictured. which is a multiboard, meaning it can be used for S13-S15 Silvia, 180SX etc. Picture this against the bikirom board and you can see where someone got the original pinouts from... I was just mentioning a third alternative - the NSX10AA is a different board again with less parts yeah i think my Nistune software will end up just reporting what consult is displaying, performing pinpoint map tracing and diagnostics. consult protocol is limited to displaying 20 registers at a time and if you have a GTR with dual O2 sensors, AFMs etc you run out of registers quickly (2 registers are used for 16 bit values like MAF etc). so I have done things another way to display and log everything possible. the problem is the streaming used makes programming using consult difficult. i run two state machines in software to keep track of it all. i've only used an old version of nissandatascan. it does the job of displaying consult stuff but you can't do much else with it. also TP used for the X index in maptracing doesn't come as a consult register. it needs to be found and then read somehow from the ECU (like direct RAM read) to use it the badbiki board USB module uses a FT232BM which is basically a USB-serial converter to what I think is an Atmel mega microcontroller. he mentions it takes over 1 minute to perform an upload 32K/64K image so he must be running it at 9600bps cos my romualtor takes seconds to upload at 115000bps and to download over consult (9600bps) takes about the same time (minute) also because its serial, if the protocol to the bikirom board isn't make public, just put a TTL level sniffer on the lines from the FT232BM to the microcontroller and reverse engineer it ;-) that was how consult was cracked.... Matt
  25. - badbiki is taking orders now and should be ready in a month price is now $300AUD .... however see below and 3) NSX10AA WC34/ER34 only daughterboard. This is not a multiboard but specifically for your cars @ 5000yen ($61.04 AUD) http://www2.odn.ne.jp/~caq00020/page.camera.htm use babelfish.altavista.com to translate Ian - the bikirom software is just to upload the binary to the NVRAM on the daugtherboard via USB and also provides a graphical view of the maps like in Rom Editor (but also does consult display and extra features like my Nistune software) i would think though it may not provide you with the ADR file mappings or the associated binary image dumps from these particular ECUs unless Lucus has been spending some time with ER34 ecus going through the images and locating the maps himself (you can check this with him). as you know the ER34 ADR files didn't come with romeditor (which is where lucus and many others got the basic rom tuning info from) so i doubt they'll suddenly come out with bikirom i think you may still have to buy the address file and/or 'normal data' image file (if the one downloaded from consult interface using nissandatascan, calumsult etc doesn't work). the one i made has the tables/maps but doesn't have TP CUT, or speed/rev limits
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