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Everything posted by darkhalf

  1. Ed - with the ER34 ADR file that i created, have you used that to look at the ROM image in RomEditor rather than spending $300 to buy the one from GRID? the realtime updates need an emulator which is plugged into the Badbiki board. From what I understand the current version (multiboard) is NVRAM which can be uploaded over USB (but not realtime emulation). you can check with lucus on that.... the Grid emulator looks good but what software runs it? it would probably be raw hex editing (rather than a tuner friendly program) since its just an emulator package. if it possible to user program the thing via DLL calls to the USB interface then it would be a feasible option
  2. on the consult side of things not 100% sure. if you cant read any ROM addresses &H8000 upwards (say in &H1000 byte steps) then i guess so but it doesn't seem right. for example on another type of HR34 from russia the H8/539 im finding is 128k big so no chance consult can't read it all without some modification to manually page the 16K memory blocks external to the MCU this is for the ER34/WC34 only daughterboard so for this (and the multiboard also) ER34/WC34 required 2 x 27C512 (8bit x 64K) in which the image is duplicated and simulates 16bits on the databus. being a board taking 64K in size i would think indicate requiring a 64K image out of consult? most other images have some vector addresses and blanks at the end of the image, this one doesnt. wonder what size 'normal' data is from Grid? hopefully im wrong here and the current 32K image fits into the 64K EPROMs somehow? i need an attempt to read the rest of the address space from consult to see if anything there just in case
  3. yeah if you can post it that would help in the mentime in terms of me trying something with disassembly ... until we can get another binary out of Eds to upload to his daughterboard. the binary size needs to be 64K since 32K seems too small (like not all the code is there) dr_drift did you just upload the 64K image straight out of consult (nissandatascan or whatever program) and burn it split it even/odd into the two 27C512 EPROMs (or emulators?)
  4. Ed is getting his daughterboard fitted soon and I have identified the main maps and some of the tables for modification. Next thing is retuning the board with an emulator (16 bit for this daughterboard) Last available version of LiveEdit for 16 bit did this but no trace... I last knew Lawrence is almost finished another version of this with calc'd maptracing in it. Sam may be able to provide more info on this I can currently do 8 bit emulation and real tracing with my Nistune software (http://home.iprimus.com.au/darkhalf/nistune/) and possibly maptrace on this ECU once I can ID TP RAM location but would need another transitronics romulator box for 16 bit (romulator in short term until I get my 16 bit emulator built)
  5. i have basic design plans for making an r33/r34 daughterboard on stock ecus. i guess this would help you guys esp if the software was available to anyone to retune http://home.iprimus.com.au/darkhalf/nistune badbiki was guaging interest for this a while ago but not much feedback and i have been busy with the tuning software (currently r31/r32 but will retune r33/r34) if enough people are keen i would actually start working on some hardware
  6. thanks for the offer but i've got the r33 daughterboard imaged (h8 chip) just need the er34 multiboard (previously pictured) pinouts. about a year i borrowed an r33 ecu with h8 daughterboard and took some closeups, pinouts etc. the main problem is getting the parts (84 pin connector onto the board etc). the chips on the daughterboard have had id markings removed but we should be able to come up with a new design to replace this. the hr34 h8/539 measures up 128kx8 in size. i just haven't had time to work on that since i've been doing retuning software for the emulator and maptracer im currently using the hardest thing with the multiboard is getting the correct pitch cables but badbiki has got that sussed
  7. thanks for that. i'll see how we go with the translation! sorry i haven't got around to disassembling the code yet. i'll try and get that done soon. someone has also sent me pics of other R34 ecus with a Hitachi H8/539 CPU on board. this looks similar to the R33 ecus. thinking about a daughterboard for this since badbiki isn't doing those if you could get some closeup high res pics of both sides of that daughterboard also that would be helpful to compare against the documentation. if you could email me those since those would be pretty big
  8. no probs i might be able to translate some of it well looks like the badbiki mutliboard is almost finished. no more burning EPROMS since he is using NVMRAM programmed over USB. estimated about $200 but you wont need a burner/eraser. at this stage its program only... www.bikirom.com it has provision for the ER34 connector (must have copied the multiboard for the pinouts) btw for some reason administrator wont let me view my private messages??
  9. no probs i might be able to translate some of it well looks like the badbiki mutliboard is almost finished. no more burning EPROMS since he is using NVMRAM programmed over USB. estimated about $200 but you wont need a burner/eraser. at this stage its program only... www.bikirom.com it has provision for the ER34 connector (must have copied the multiboard for the pinouts)
  10. there is another board NSX10AA which is a ER34 daughterboard also (not a multiboard) do you get instructions with the mutliboard on which part you modify on the ECU to get the Microcontroller (big chip) to read from the daughterboard rather than internal PROM? someone had to figure out the actual chip pinouts (and even the address table) from somewhere to make and tune these things. haven't had time to hunt through the binary properly yet....
  11. unfortunately i cant id the processor to find a datasheet/disassembler. i'll have a look into the addresses however when i get some time to sit down and go through it completely
  12. just reading these posts r31 and z31 dont have consult. it was developed r32/z32/s14 onwards i am currently making an interface for the r31 (6802 processor has no serial connect interface, but imports HR31 use 6303 which does so it is possible to get consult implmentation on that). one of my many projects. also trying to nut out TP values for most ECUs to do accurate maptracing (R32 i have done, R33 to come) along with nutting out daughterboard for R33 (its difficult but not impossible) you can pull maps from any ECU with the right software. ideal for putting in the chips of daughterboards because the MCUs contents inside ECUs are locked protected otherwise
  13. the A12 number is the JECS identifcation code. the bottom number would be serial number the top one. LM = manufacturer code of which there are about 20 listed for LM on chipdir. i think it is probably Hitachi as most Nissan ecus are but could be anything. SR20 ecus are badged JECS but are Mitsubishi chips for example how accurate are those digits? i know they get hard to read. best with magnifying class under fluro light at some wierd angle to read the writing properly. at worst wont if i cant get it disassembled wont get constants (rpm, k const, speed limit) only tables/maps from doing a rom compare
  14. theres a lot of r32 images on the ztech forums.... once you have the ecu resocketed, anyone who can burn eproms and knows how to tune can do it. there is some software around to do it, most of it is still in development (like mine)
  15. ECU fault finding is like tip of an iceberg cos it only gives you an idea of that it really is take ignition singal fault for example. if it detects any misses in current to any of the coil packs it would be the coils or the transistors to the coils, something not adding up right and the ECU will flag it as far as CAS goes. if it doesnt work the car wont run. basically its as simple as that, it has an optic sensor inside with a disc with small slits in it that spins heaps fast. they get too hot and start to crack etc and then they just die. then the car doesn't even run at all cos it doesn't get the right signals - so you know when they go. putting voltmeter/cro on it and then working tracing out the problem is the only way to diagnose. swapping parts is just guessing. i wouldnt pay someone unless they actually fixed the problem
  16. yikes that was quick. yeah i need the numbers (top row) on the big chip of the ecu to do the disassembly. you can see on the second pic there are a row of holes which you solder the daughterboard to
  17. the badbiki daughterboard pictured wont work with other R33/R34 (non ER34) ecus which have a Hitachi H8 chip. these need a special daughterboard which houses the H8 chip and decoder circuitry. i am able to disassemble and create address files from binary images (things like K constant, RPM and speed cuts if not in the rom editor ADR files are a bit more tricky but not impossible) that one posted i see maps around 1200- 2800. the VQ is 1200-127F what is the main chip number on the ER34 ecu? ie what type of CPU
  18. its probably NICS redtop... depends what year, otherwise its ECCS redtop arrrgh cant want until my software is finished so you wont need to bother with spending $$$ on aftermarket only to have to retune most of it just to get it running properly. all the R31/VLT factory ECUs are easily tunable. i got the realtime tuning part finished, just the maptracing and realtime diagnostics display part i gotta finish off
  19. are you saying AFMs self cleaning? thats only on the earlier model AFMs as i dont see any self cleaning wire on the 4 pin types (r32,r33). its only for cleaning dust and not the oil residue crap left by oil based pods
  20. probably can remove the chip and retune it
  21. okay thanks. i'll try a 10K variable resistor on the ecu and see how it goes
  22. I've had the same problems with the wiring for my bench ecu setup I've got an R32 and R33 ECU that I've soldered the consult wires directly to. Last week got an ECU harness connector from and found out that there are a lot of pin/wires missing (consult etc) which I needed Have a look at this - this is my wiring pinout from the R32 service manual. the R33 is the same but there are some extra wires (i will update this diagram soon) http://darkhalf.r31skylineclub.com/article...B20-pinout2.jpg as for the connectors, since you found a spare one i just used a small screw driver to lift the plastic clip holding the pin connector in and pulled on the wire. for my setup i used some wires which were doubled (CAS wires, ground wires) the consult wires you use need to go to a consult plug or you can use a PLMS developments consult interface board and supporting software http://www.plmsdevelopments.com
  23. note actual ecu/loom pin connections for z31/r31 VG/RB30xxx are different locations and voltages (2-4 volt) A - mixture B - VCC (12v ign relay) C - cleaning D - output (2-4v) E - ECU gnd F - chasis gnd z32/r32 upwards are 0-5v and ecus are very similar. using the RB30 plug of course as described mentioned above isn't a problem!
  24. I am making a test bench with an R32 ECU for a consult/tuning program I need the throttle sensor resistance measurement if someone could get the value for me? Either on the pins of connector itself or from the ECU connector pins 48 and 30 thanks! Matt
  25. the main problem is that the Nissan ECU has a direct serial link with the trans computer. so unless the aftermarket manufacturer completely replicates the link, protocols etc it makes it very difficult. until we get a daughterboard working with the R34s (im working on R33 first) with a standard emulator and software you'll prob have to look at something which intercepts in the meantime
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