On the plus side scotty... I hit a little bit of boost just fine the other afternoon... but as soon as rpm and boost went up... it all went to crap and I'm assuming it leaned out (didn't pop a hose, but it blew dark grey smoke and lost power for the 0.5 seconds it was happening) Retune is booked for tomorrow, and it drives around fine off boost.
Your pipe certainly sounds different to stock when the BOV air enters it... when I let off the gas (from about 2psi) it does its normal shhhhh and then about half a second later (when the air gets back to the intake pipe?) it goes kerchewww. Can't wait to hear it at full song
Hopefully no dramas on the Dyno, since I'm leaving for Shepp Thursday evening
Ooooo also, New Koyorad and Nismo Thermostat and 1.3Bar Cap = 67c driving temp, 69c max temp over an hour of driving, comes up to temp fast, and stays there rock solid. But yeah, haven't boosted yet.
Also haven't gotten the temperatures high enough for the new Tomei oil cooler w/ thermostat to open up yet.
Who would stock an adaptor which would screw into a hole which is 18mm/1.5mm thread and be able to accept a smaller sensor... unsure of the actual size... about 12mm across perhaps? Will get exact measurements at lunch time. What kind of shops stock fitting like that?