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Everything posted by Odium

  1. LMAO... But srs, don't ruin this cinematic masterpiece for me...
  2. Had some porsche with the plates RS997 try to give me a go the other night on nepean highway... was even... there's no way it was an RS.. didn't get a look at the back of it to see what it actually was... Just saw him looking angry afterwards before he turned off to go have a cry about the extra $100,000 he wasted on his slow porsche. It's always the rich cars and commodores that want to race me
  3. Yep, and full set of pics on his site here http://jrmphotography.photoshelter.com/gallery/Skylines-Australia-Victoria-DECA-June-2013/G0000CnTO3c0wvIc/C0000Io.atSjn7us
  4. Toilet seat is a bit loose, so I don't want to risk standing on it to upper deck, falling, and having to explain what I was doing up there. I pissed in the shower this morning. Does that count? Long distance... I don't know how people do that... I guess its a bit easier now with technology helping out... back in the days of STD phone calls and no video chat, that would be even more painful. Strong aware... I've been putting up with it for months already, trying to ween her off him and making her realise that there are better things in life (like me)
  5. I should also add, that the beer I made at U-Brew-It was an Asahi Super Dry replica and it tasted amazeballs... It didn't have any preservatives in it, so you could get drunk as fuark (I think mine ended up being 5.5%) and wake up the next morning without a headache or serious hangover because it doesn't have the chemicals in it... But due to this, it needs to be kept cold or it'll start fermenting again... I made 6 cases worth, 144 bottles of beer on the wall, and they all had to fit in the fridge... Luckily at home we've got a dedicated booze fridge in the garage. /strayaflamin mongrel Think the total cost for the 6 cases was approx $200? = $1.40/bottle (vs Pure Blonde (or real Asahi Super Dry) is $44/slab = $1.83/bottle) So technically, all the fun and beer you drink when brewing it there with your mates is free... and you still come out on top
  6. P.S. I fücking love Bobs Burgers
  7. If making your own beer, I recommend going to U-Brew-It, good fun going with a bunch of friends to mix and make the beer for a few hours while drinking other beer... Then you go back a few weeks later when its done and bottle it. Quality controlled and it's guaranteed to be good, less pissing around getting your home setup right and producing piss for the first 6 months/$1000 worth of attempts. So yesterday I simply responded to her email with an sms saying "I'm not doing this over email" and she replied with "I know, its stupid and horrible but I can't speak to you about it in person. I crumble and just want to cuddle you. I'm a mess." I got home at about 7 and she wasn't there because she had to work late, got home about 30 minutes afterwards... Wasn't overly awkward, I already know she still loves her ex of 8 years (broke up almost 1 year ago, but he's always calling her about needing her help with things, he's a bit of a special case with some fairly major disorders...). I pretty much said "Well I don't want to break up, so sort your shit out" <-- Paraphrased over 2 bottles of wine She loves me and apparently every time I do something nice, or be an amazing boyfriend, she compares me in her head to her ex... which means she can't stop thinking about him. I think I need to say to her "If you won't let go of him, you're going to lose me... and then you're never going to escape him and his co-dependency bullshit" I refuse to Beta Beg... So it's either she sorts her shit out, or I'm out.
  8. 3 posts.... haha, welcome to SAU Victoria section
  9. True, if he's slammed the N D into the P too hard, it might cause some box damage... Gillboy, do you know if the box has had any type of friction modifier added to its lubricant in the past?
  10. Yeah... so I'd like to avoid going back to live there if possible
  11. Yeah I moved in to her place, semi officially... Living there with her at her place, throw a bit of money into her account each week to help with rent and bills etc. Won't be a super hard transition, as I was still at home prior to this so I'm still fully set up there. Moved in pretty quickly which could have been a factor...
  12. Well now its starting to sound like he might be leaking tranny fluid out the R...
  13. Thats his problem Aaron, he wants the D but he's stuck in the P and the box has given up waiting for him to make up his mind which way he wants to go with his life... Bro just get the bus, it'll be easier for you in the long run.
  14. Who was the bloke with beard and the camera lens as long as my arm?
  15. They're hiding behind the semen splatter sheet on the left, furiously masterbating to their Nintendo DS's
  16. It's suddenly like a teppanyaki restaurant up in this bitch... asian meat being thrown around everywhere.
  17. But.... she was vegetarian
  18. 5 months I knew there was a hidden reason behind me somehow getting a girl who was 2-3 higher than me on the scale Artz, Tony... INAPPROPRIATE!!!! but yes, very.
  19. Mother f**ker... now I'm never going to get to go to Chiba... TL;DR: Still in love with her arsehole ex and is a sucker for punishment
  20. Reply =
  21. Oh no... Did you parked it on a hills? Automatic cars are not able to be parked on hills without causing permanent damage to the entire drive train. I'm sorry to tell you this, but it will cost approx $3600 to fix your issue. Your local mechanic needs to be told that your parking selector gear cog is bent from parking on a hill, and he'll know what to do to fix it for you.
  22. ^ fkn student lyf...
  23. Nothing definate yet, Let me just check if the lady is free for din dins
  24. Time? I'm thinking about 7pm?
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