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Everything posted by Odium

  1. Not trying to impress... she was doing the pizza cooking, so I just hung out with a scotch and coke and let her. I'm house sitting atm with her, if you really must stalk I'm tagged in a bunch of stuff with her on FB. VWLStalkerClub, activate.
  2. You should sell him a Deli Meat Slicer... for the lulz
  3. Smashed some Vegan Pizza last night, it was too good for my liking... I even fried up some seasoned tofu strips, and they were eaten before they made it to the pizza, like they were Haloumi. I don't know what is happening to me, everything I've always thought about vegan food is being disproved
  4. Everyones has officially rustled everyone else's jimmies... Today has been fun
  5. If I worked at 50% capacity and just didn't are about my quality of work, I'd: a) Get fired for someone who did do a good job. or b) Never get a payrise to the level I wanted, because its clear I don't give a shit about quality of work and that reflects badly on me as an employee. or c) Not get fired, and slowly put the company out of business.
  6. Direct Freight did a delivery here to work yesterday. Driver backs his truck up to our roller door, swings open the back and jumps in... I spot that all the random boxes are sliding around and diagonal like they were stacked up and have fallen. Give me a box which had a corner collapsed in, said it was like that at pickup... I sign for it, he then goes to gather the dozen (1-2 foot sized) boxes from the truck floor and literally throws them half the length of the truck (4m) from a 50cm height so they are closer to the back door. Then he stacks them 2 high in front of the door. I understand that truck drivers are technically "professional" drivers, but a lot of them can only claim that because they do it for a "profession". There are some good ones out there, but there's some serious knobs out there as well. Don't throw items around in front of a customer, or at all.
  7. Na he didn't look Mohtarded
  8. Greg, agreed... Same with reducing the road toll... instead of blaming hoons and speed, try increasing the level of driver training... Most people don't even know how to react in an emergency situation or when ABS kicks in. I've always said that the best thing to do would be to make every learner driver attend a Level 1 and Level 2 Defensive driving course because they could get their P's... Actually getting into slides and recovering from them without just panicing and crashing, government subsidised so they are only $50 or so out of pocket. But it's never going to happen because the government won't have any usable data after only 3 years that they can bring to the next election. It won't make a difference until 10-20 years later once the road toll actually decreases.
  9. Speaking of embarrassing photos, I saw a stock looking old silver merc this morning with a 2 foot illest. sticker diagonally placed on the rear window.
  10. Also, it's very obvious what background people have when they type like this =/= means accounting background != or <> means computing / programming background "what the hell does that mean" means farming background
  11. -$30/h once you factor in the cost of beer at the uni bar between lectures. Yeah... that ain't work... It's not work unless you're sneakily browsing facebook, VWL and redtube
  12. Grats on new place. I love flat packs, its like big boy lego.
  13. Morning Morning Blues Slumping hard and its only 9:30am
  14. 600?
  15. Thunderbolts and Lightning, Very Very Frightening!
  16. 25% Casual Loading is the standard rate. Unlike Casual, Full time gets 30 paid days off per year (4 weeks annual leave + 10 days sick/carers leave) So although the casual hourly rate is higher, with Full Time you also get given money for not working... so it does come close to evening itself out... (52 x 5) = 260 (52 x 5) - 30 = 230 = works 12% less days, effectively raising the Full Time "hourly rate" by 12% I don't think it's too big of a pay difference, considering job security, dismissal protection, etc etc
  17. Additional benefits though, which you don't get when you've got boosted pay from Casual Loading
  18. For Bridal Party presents at my mate's wedding, he bought us all cufflinks... I got given ones which were keyboard letters... Like this but much nicer quality. Do like them a lot
  19. It brake rotors are hot they expand... When the cool down they'll contract back to normal size, if you pull straight back into the pits without any cooldown and pull up the handbrake and then let it cool, the rotor will cool down unevenly (as some parts of the metal are in contact with the brake shoe, some parts are sitting under the brake pad / caliper, etc). Uneven expansion / contracting can cause the rotor to crack with a nice loud PINGCRACK sound, and thats the end of your day at the track. So if you've been smashing a lot of hard laps, and don't get a nice long cooldown lap... always go out the back and down some slow laps of the carpark.
  20. Dunno, where did you see it last?
  21. I'm in for a morning drive up
  22. Circle of (Track) Life
  23. All I'm seeing that graphic show is that even when we're in deficit, the world doesn't end, because it happens over and over again. So why now are the LNP jumping up and down that Labor are destroying the country? When it's a recurring cycle which hasn't killed us at all, we still continue to prosper and haven't financially imploded. Economic Stimulus means projects, projects cost money, projects mean jobs, jobs mean economic rotation... The circle jerk continues for another term in office.
  24. Now lets overlay that with a graph of the economy acceleration / deceleration and it won't be so much of a Liberal Skewed Infographic
  25. FYP
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