My first track day was this event last year, it really is the perfect event to start out with Pretty cheap, 80% so nice and relaxed and noone will be going off into walls or getting angry with you for not being on the perfect racing line or getting in their way. And because it is passenger laps all day it's a great opportunity for someone with some track knowledge to jump in and guide you through it for a session or two Cams licence is super easy to get, you can buy it via their website... think its $95 But you'll need to be a paid SAU VIC Member (or another CAMS affiliated club) member first Fire extinguisher is simple, make a metal bracket and bolt it between your two passenger seat bolts. Bolt an Autobarn 1kg extinguisher with a metal bracket with metal straps (none of this plastic crap) to your seat bracket with high tensile bolts and washers. No tek screws or anything. Needs to be solid, and not going to come loose in a 50G crash If your Road Bike helmet has current AU/NZ Approval Stickers on it (black and red and silver with the four ticks from memory) then it'll be fine.