I'm loving the nexus 5, it's not too big like lots of people have been saying... Considering I've come from a 4.65" Galaxy Nexus to the 5" Nexus 5 its not a huge jump in size... Battery life is awesome, Push Email + Facebook notification + a few 10-15min phone calls + Whatsapp and SMS all day long, and I was coming home from an 8 hour day (plus an hour of driving each way) with 75%+ battery life It's light, but still feels really solid and well made. If you're going to get one, I'd recommend the black. I got the white and now I can't use it in the garage like I'm used to My GNex I'd pick up with grease COVERED hands and zero fks given, just give it a wipe on my shirt when I was done... It's a bit trickier to clean black off the white back cover.
I'm honestly not sure how Apple manage to make so many people splooge over the most minor incremental upgrades... People rushing out to buy a $1000+ outright phone, sure its got a slightly faster processor... but all the apps are designed to function on the lowest common denominator (which is the lowest phone running the current OS, iP4S) so you don't really feel the power boost anyway... I'd love to buy a beer for the guys in their marketing department, they sure as hell know what they're doing
Edit: Speaking of keyboards... I've just installed a new one called Fleksy, really intuitive and easy to use (after the day or so of un/learning curve). Just wish it had some swype like functions as well. but other than that, its really accurate and smooth as butter.