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Everything posted by ZED X

  1. Awesome! sounds good, ill keep my eyes peeled!
  2. Awww, Devo i missed out on this one. Are you planning to do another run of these PM-R33? If not any idea how much HEL would provide these same kits for outside of the GB?
  3. Ive tried this, its proven 100%, i tried Extra Virgin olive oil first and it ran abit rich. So tried coles brand canola and it run like a beauty. this was tested on a 32 gtr btw.
  4. I'm very keen, was looking to organize accom/flghts by myself, however would be much better going with a group. Luke have you finalized this yet? Idd be looking for a price for myself and a mate.
  5. This sort of shit breaks my heart Hope ya find it mate These sightings appear to be a good sign, hope you find it in one piece!
  6. Those are Volk CV Pro's, i used to own a set
  7. No you wont, u just lied now say sorry.
  8. What a random turn of events.. It's great to see some of our leaders have a brain.
  9. As above standard your looking at 10.5>11 psi stock. Depends how much you want to spend really, I managed 250kw with stock everything and a tune on 14PSI (with an exhaust camgear), mind you i dont run 14psi 24/7. Given you have a set of N1's installed, might be an opportunity to grab a set of AFM's/Injectors and a fuel pump and push for 270>280kw. Probably wouldn't hurt to grab an exhaust camgear aswell while your at it.
  10. Worst part is, if you look at your speedo wrong and its 1 tooth off. speeding fine.
  11. I still think we all fail to recognize that even if we are caught speeding a zillion times. Thats not the worst part. The worst part is 90% of the drivers on road will not be watching the road instead watching what speed they are traveling, because of 0 Torrance. Its going to be revolutionary when entering school zones, when everyone is focused on there speedos instead of watching children crossing the road.
  12. Was curious as well.
  13. Does this reg not also apply to speed cameras and guns themselves aswell? Im sure they also have a degree of inaccuracy.
  14. Wow.... sucks to be you guys. How on earth can they give 0km leniency?
  15. Thats nice, perhaps post a link?
  16. Hmm they remind of of Lenso D1Rs. However the ones you have pictured are 7 Spoke instead of 5
  17. Can you pinpoint the origin of the noise? Wouldn't be your front CV's as they would rotate regardless, If its your transfer case then chances are u would hear it quite loudly in cabin.
  18. I LOLD. Sig Worthy! No idea why on earth you would even want to do this, beyond the fact that it would essentially be a non functioning ornament.
  19. Aw i miss my zed. Looks tidy mate good luck with the sale
  20. Welcome Post up some pics!!
  21. Do it! Very easy to deal with, Ive had a ton of work done by them and have always been very satisfied with the result.
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