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Everything posted by zippo

  1. zippo

    Spotted Thread

    saw a black R34, minus spoiler parked at chaddy harvy norman from 2 - 4.30 pm.... tuf looking . plate is UMF-432. SAU sticker on the side window. i am still confused whether it's a custom plates or not... cussing plates. you modha fooker? (UMF) lolzz.
  2. ++++++ for VUE de monde..www.vuedemonde.com.au contomprory french chef is shannon bennett and 321. chef is Andrew McConnell's Restaurant modern aussie www.threeonetwo.com.au my fav's.
  3. zippo

    Spotted Thread

    spotted blk_sz at 2 pm ... WAC 358.. thats one hot ride dude. damn.. it's sparkling .. i could even see my brown face on the bonnet. thats a smart move la3er..
  4. zippo

    Spotted Thread

    hey BLK, i drive R33 s2 turbo... silver. if your ride colour is black, then i have seen yours.. i think you are the only one...
  5. zippo

    Spotted Thread

    keep seeing many 'lines at HOLMESGLEN tafe (chadstone campus). All this happens when i am walking towards my car. drivers giving me weird looks ,when i give thumbs up or giving appreciative smile. if anyone out here... HELLOOOO
  6. zippo

    Spotted Thread

    a white r33(real clean) leaving chadstone shopping centre at 1:00 am. guessing F&F movie. couldn't see the reg. but it was followed by 200sx reg. SPADEZ. cruzing towards dandenong...
  7. zippo

    Spotted Thread

    just before 10 mins. spotted a nice black R33 on glenhuntly rd (near rail crossing). i was inside the Annabella pizza, came out after hearing the sound.
  8. zippo

    Spotted Thread

    An hour ago spotted a nice white R33 driven by a gal. Reg. something like R33R33 ? ( but tooo many 3's). on glenhuntly road, at elsternwick. Gave way, received thanks. No problem.
  9. zippo

    Wedding Idea's

    hey dude.... congrats.. well, i work for a function venue as a chef, i am not promoting or anything.. it's just a gr8 place.. they got 3 venues like brighton, south yarra and ripponlea. give it a try.. and i think they have contacts for all yo needs like flowers and bla bla bla... link: http://www.gcholdings.com.au/. i work in brighton ( the international). anything lemme know. cheers
  10. zippo

    Spotted Thread

    i was at the high st between 6.45 to 7.00 . low front bar, but R33... nyways, spotted a black r34 on chadstone road at 2.30ish.. thinkin of something else... din't wave. my bad.
  11. still on sale??? lil late .... i am after floor mat
  12. zippo

    Spotted Thread

    saw white R33 in north brighton near the round about, gave a thumbs up around 5:00. another white but R34 on beach road... gun sound man.... around 5:30, i was at a bar sitting out..
  13. hey bud, thanks for savin me man....
  14. hey duncan, thanks for the reply man... what a coincidence.. i changed the bushes already.. but no use... and about the slope roads, i have lancer, that drives straight ( i even tested takin my hands off the wheels). so i came to the conclusion that the left front wheel is bent inside.. nyways i am goin to RACEPACE next week for service... hope BEN can help me with that... cheers
  15. hi, i just got a gts25t r33.. i seem o have a problem with the wheels (i guess). it's steering left even on a flat road.... i took it to a local mechanic and did wheel alignment.... but still same... i was told by a tyre shop guy that the car needs a camber/caster kit.. never heard that before.. any idea why this is happenin.. help appreciated. thanks
  16. well said, answer i was lookin for mate.... thanks , soon buzz you with something>>>>>
  17. hey tez, you mentioned about 3'HIFLO rite.. i am not sure if i have the full exhaust or not.. but i have a muffler ... and what is cat back??? and what is exhaust system ( does it include the muffler).. i know this will be an annoying question.... but i am just pumped... cheers man.. it kinda look like diz..
  18. zippo

    Spotted Thread

    spotted a R34 Pearl White today exactly 2 pm pulling outta a crib.... on grange road(close to princess hwy). awesome wheels my man....
  19. hey tez, have a quick question. see, if i take the car to a tuning shop.. and say, i need a fmic. you think they will have the stock(new) of if i need it secon hand what are the options... the reason i am asking is... i spend most of the time reading threads, i see price difference for same product. or if i get the parts myself will it be cheaper???? cheers
  20. hey tez... thanks for helpin out man..... i will post you updates.... keep up the good work... peace.
  21. hi terry. thank you. well.. i have the h&k pod filters (when bought), just installed the 3" apexi exhaust .. now the skyline talks... i dont know what DUMP pipe really means.... i have to find a mechanic soon to know about the parts of the car..... after scanning the threads, i read some good thing about BEN in racepace motorsport.... what you think?? i am also in search of alloy wheels...... what i have is antique... i gotta change this man... what ya think of this got for $8500. cheers
  22. hey guys.... yeah that's right... another rookie thinking about his Skyline bought 2 days ago.... and wondering what to do next... so, i got myself a 1996 GTST r33.... RB25DET engine.... pretty stock and tip-top... the way i like it... cuz i want to build the machine myself.... and learn along the way.... so 'guruz' help me out.. should i start straight with the engine or start with priming the beast.... spending??? right now 3k.... any suggestions much appreciated.... and also... any recommendations for RB mechanics. thanks
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