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Everything posted by 180fan

  1. Some nice pics in here! I used my camera for the first time in a while yesterday, so I can finally post something in this thread haha. From the SAU NSW swap meet yesterday
  2. woops, looks like one of the privacy settings for the fb page was set wrong, i think its good now
  3. Here are my pics, over 100 in this album. If you use facebook, feel free to tag anyone you recognise. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.311428799006163.1073741833.286875378128172&type=1&l=036fae15cf
  4. Thanks to all the organizers and people involved for making this event happen, it was a good day and the weather even cooperated, for the most part. Here is a panorama shot that I took at the end of the day, I'll have more pics up later.
  5. Closest he got to pole position all weekend
  6. vk56de, do it
  7. On the other hand, i imagine it would have made for a once in a life time opportunity to see a koenigsegg get bogged in a muddy park
  8. FYI, anyone who was planning on checking this out this weekend, looks like it has been postponed. From their website:
  9. Just entered, now i need to find all my random parts that around the place haha
  10. Spotted a bayside blue 34 GTR on Captain Cook Drive at Kurnell this afternoon
  11. He got a 10 second stop-go from what I remember, and he may have retired before serving it (not sure on this) - which would explain the grid penalty if he did. Although reading it, it does look like they are giving him both the stop-go and the grid penalty. Guess they are making an example of it or something.
  12. Nice, if only that fence wasn't there! Thanks Yeah, the ones near me aren't too afraid of people either, as long as you don't move too fast or make much noise. Makes for some decent photo ops if the camera is nearby lol
  13. M35's do look nice in that shade of blue...
  14. Yeah same, I don't think I would use a proper macro lens anywhere near enough. I've been happy with the results from my EF-S 55-250mm though, it can work pretty well for some close up shots. Heres another of those birds i put up on the last page, they came back to visit again today haha
  15. One from a couple days ago, some birds that are often in a tree in front of my place got a bit closer than they normally do
  16. Nice shots Callan! I really need to go down to Melb for the GP one year Here are a couple of mine from the SAU NSW texi event last weekend
  17. Great day despite the weather, thanks to everyone involved in organising and running it. Copy paste of my pics from the other thread Full album is here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.298040290345014.1073741832.286875378128172&type=1&l=9691a8a35e Anybody who wants some more pics of their car, let me know and I can send them to you. I have a ton more photos of most of the cars that I haven't uploaded.
  18. I've added some more photos to my album on fb https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.298040290345014.1073741832.286875378128172&type=1&l=9691a8a35e Anybody who wants some more pics of their car, let me know and I can send them to you. I have a ton more photos of most of the cars that I haven't uploaded.
  19. Spotted one today engaging in a bit of watersports
  20. Here are some of my pics! Here is the link to the full album. Feel free to tag anyone you recognise https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.298040290345014.1073741832.286875378128172&type=1&l=9691a8a35e Will have more photos up tomorrow, I should have at least a couple of photos of all the cars that ran.
  21. Great day despite the weather, thanks to everyone involved in organising and running it. I have around 1500 photos to go through, will start posting them up tonight
  22. Will come along to spectate, I have been wanting to check out one of these days for ages
  23. Ch10 website might be streaming, looks like its live on One HD now as well. http://tenplay.com.au/sport/formula-1/live-stream
  24. I remember around 5 years ago, a few months after getting my Stagea (living in Bathurst at the time), I came back to the car to find a small group of Japanese tourists standing around it, they were pretty excited about it haha. And every now and then theres people in shopping centres or petrol stations asking what the car is, how old it is, and that sort of thing.
  25. I played a few hours of it on Saturday during the beta weekend, was going to play it some more on Sunday but just cbf. I don't really know why but I just couldn't get into it at all. Maybe if it had come out before Skyrim I would have thought it was amazing and all that, but as things are i just found the whole experience a bit meh.
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