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Everything posted by 180fan

  1. Also, it's not really a video but I did find a pretty awesome pic of a M35 towing an R33 on a more serious note, theres already a thread similar to this http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/364335-stagea-youtube-vids/?hl=+stagea%20+videos
  2. It's looking very good already, so many little things about arma2 that bugged me have been fixed up or changed. Graphics are nice as well. Think I'll be buying the DDE version, cant really justify the extra cost for the Supporter version.
  3. Yeah I'm not sure if its a problem with hit registration, or if you really need to focus on hitting certain weak points, but its pretty odd. Although despite how often you can sit behind someone and put a thousand rounds into them with little effect, every now and then you can get one hit kills on people, whether from shooting the pilot out or just somehow blowing them up instantly. One thing that has been annoying me is taking heavy damage, but still being able to land the plane, and then getting auto ejected anyway. It's not consistant either, so sometimes you can make it back to the airstrip with pretty much everything on your plane inoperable, and other times you'll get ejected as soon as you lose the engine The matchmaker needs some work too, every now and then you will be in a battle where everyone is around rank 6 or 7, and then theres one random who is rank 20 and flying a jet lol.
  4. Been playing it for the last few days, one thing that I really like is it seems you can progress at a decent rate even without buying premium. I'm rank 6 with USA, gives access to a decent range of planes. I'm enjoying the gameplay as well, only been playing arcade so far but I will have to configure TrackIR and my joystick for it and give the simulator battles a go at some point. Agreed about the ping, I normally get 400-450 depending on time of day, and generally dont notice it, apart from occasionally dying at really low altitude, when a tree doesnt load in until after i have flown through it.
  5. I Have been playing dead space 1 over the last week, it has a pretty intense atmosphere thats for sure. Although once you get accustomed to where / how the enemies pop out at you it gets pretty predictable.
  6. I've bought from RHD Japan (http://www.rhdjapan.com/) a couple of times before, also Nengun - Nengun can be slow when it comes to shipping though. Have also gone through Jesse Streeter (http://www.jessestreeter.com/) for purchasing off Yahoo Japan before.
  7. Installed and set up my shiny new boost controller Will need to change my spark plugs now I think, feels like spark is sometimes breaking down between 3-4k rpm, think its because my current plugs are gapped at 1.1mm
  8. Yeah, I didn't see any advertisement for it at all. Although, from what the commentators on the day were saying, they had close to 10k spectators this year, which is more than last year, so I guess people are finding out about it. It would be nice for at least a few hours of it to be aired live on one of the major networks though, rather than having to wait a few weeks for highlights to be televised
  9. I took a bunch of photo's yesterday at the Bathurst 12 Hour, these are probably my favourites of the bunch. Interested to see what you guys who know what you are doing think of them, as I have done very little photography before, and this is my first attempt at motorsport photo's. Pics were resized in photoshop, but are otherwise unedited.
  10. Wasn't a white one was it? There was a white LFA parked behind the pits at the Bathurst 12 hour yesterday, first time I have seen one in person.
  11. Moar! More photos at http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10200608298312146.2205918.1300279348&type=1&l=08402169e3
  12. Yeah it gets a bit wild up there during the storms. The Mercs and the 458's sounded insane! I'll post up some more pics soon, including some from standing on the GWS Motorsports (the BMW 335 and the 2 130's) pit wall.
  13. Few more pics
  14. I headed up to Mount Panorama today to watch a bit of this years 12 hour, thought I would post up some photos that I took up there. The race is still going at the moment, can watch it on a livestream here: http://new.livestrea.../bathurst12hour More pics can be found here: http://www.facebook....=1&l=08402169e3
  15. Just spotted a bayside blue c34 on the Bathurst 12hr live stream
  16. Garage Defend make one for the 260RS, dont know if it will fit a RS4 though http://www.nengun.com/garage-defend/gt-cooling-panel scroll to the bottom of the list of cars, the last 2 on the list should be for stageas
  17. Yellow C34 towing a trailer in Bathurst earlier today
  18. I think you're stalking me lol
  19. Thought that would have been you, hope you have a good Xmas too man
  20. didnt even see you lol, i must have been off in my own little world
  21. Looking good man, must have felt good to finally have the stag back on the track
  22. lol nice, I have been playing solo for the most part, joining up with random squads every now and then. Haven't left Esamir since I started playing, seems thats where the action is most of the time
  23. Been playing it a bit, when Briggs is up anyway, Vornskyr in game. I'm BR 9 at the moment, playing as TR.
  24. It was replayed on monday night on Ten, I think they normally only do one replay during the week so that may have been it
  25. Yeah my ping was 250, had one fight last night and uninstalled
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