Yeah I'm not sure if its a problem with hit registration, or if you really need to focus on hitting certain weak points, but its pretty odd. Although despite how often you can sit behind someone and put a thousand rounds into them with little effect, every now and then you can get one hit kills on people, whether from shooting the pilot out or just somehow blowing them up instantly.
One thing that has been annoying me is taking heavy damage, but still being able to land the plane, and then getting auto ejected anyway. It's not consistant either, so sometimes you can make it back to the airstrip with pretty much everything on your plane inoperable, and other times you'll get ejected as soon as you lose the engine
The matchmaker needs some work too, every now and then you will be in a battle where everyone is around rank 6 or 7, and then theres one random who is rank 20 and flying a jet lol.