Installed the RE Custom Stage 2 Map tonight but not properly road tested yet (5 min drive).......will give it a good go over the w/end...
Just wondering if anyone has tested more then one local map and has some thoughts on differences if any .....
I reckon the below site is a good start......they don't have one on their site but may be able to get one or point you
in the right direction...
Their must be places that hire super cars.....and some should have an R35 for Hire.......but I reckon they would insist on your Credit Card
and a solid gold one at that.
I'll have a quick look on the net for I have been approached by some Super Car club not that long ago.....or was I dreaming....
Just purchased a Cobb AP.....and got told that the maps supplied with the unit that "The Jap 97 RON maps are fine to run in AUS.".........I thought that Cobb had developed maps now specific for us......?
I wish.....No just my reply to earlier post in this thread......
"It will be de-valued and scared for life, being listed as a repairable writeoff. Once repaired it stays on the register for life!
What value does someone put on this. . . 10-20K??"
Happy with my new one....I would not bother with importing of any sort...but at 20k here damaged ...I would buy a shed full of them
but I reckon I would have to kill the hundreds in front of me with their 20k....
Yea......Would buy a shed full at 20k each.......Start my own R35 Wrecking/parts business......I would also say 70 to 110k....
depends on the day and if someone has a specific use for those parts....(Racing Team etc..)
Having both R35 and highly moded Exige (240R spec) in my Garage...
I can't see the Exige winning over an R35 in the Prod Class on anything but the smallest of tracks the Exige just does not have the legs.....
But hey.......all it takes is some talented driver and one Exige getting trashed to an inch of implosion.
Drive to the Beach most w/ends on back roads......have done this with many Cars and the R35
can be good on juice even when still going very just has to be smooth on the Pedal.
Cayman S would use only a little less going similar speeds...(requires more Pedal... )
Exige SuperCharged can also use a fair bit of juice.........(when using the PEDAL..more Pedal required to be as quick..)
I am happy with it's fuel Consumption........ ........but I don't get much traffic/start-stop here.........
500+ hp with mid-pipe and new Map is plenty.. need to squeeze an already highly tuned motor
for more.......
Seems like that grass is still greener on the other side of that fence.....
If you can't wait just download UK TG & 5thGear from below site......
PS: and if you have nothing better to do even Oz TG can be downloaded from the same site....
My Brother was the same ......I told him to tag along when going for my test drive and got him to drive for 5 minutes......
Loves it now but he has problems getting his wife to agree to the purchase.....