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Everything posted by Daleo

  1. There is also a thing called the "Idaho stop" (used not only in it's state of origin, but in a few other US states); where at traffic lights IF IT IS SAFE to do so; cyclist are permitted to pause, (not just fly through) then continue. This is proven to reduce rider injuries where they are either hit from behind whilst stationary, or squeezed out by cars as they cross intersections, or when the road narrows on the other side of the intersection. It also reduces conflicts where motorists feel that the cyclists are obstructing their progress. In countries where bike use is widespread; the onus of responsibility for cyclists safety lies entirely on drivers. If you hit a cyclist; you are deemed ENTIRELY at fault simply because you are the one who has the potential to cause the most harm. In Australia, many drivers take the "Might is right" approach; so as long as they a re bigger than the other guy, they will do whatever the f**k they feel like. Guess which approach benefits the community more? There are literally thousands of proven options to reduce exposure of cyclists to the dangers of being constantly in close proximity tho other road users; but in Australia, as per usual, our legislators either; A; Do nothing B; Pull out the stick to beat the little guy any plan when they "Get tough" on bloody anything. C;Cherry pick tiny components of a grander plan; and wail when surprise surprise it doesn't work D; Let the media demonise one side or the other, so they can swing in with a totally ineffective, unproven option; so they can be "seen to be doing something" ​Cycling in built up areas is on the rise; but sadly as numbers rise, things will statistically get much worse for cyclists before they get better.
  2. You would see more than your fair share of the full spectrum of poor road behaviour; today was definitely a fine example of what people hate about cyclists. For every one cyclist you see displaying epic stupidity, and an arrogant attitude; there are 20 more; following the rules, being courteous, and not reinforcing the stereotype. Good work for not giving him the mouthful of abuse he probably deserved; the rest of us appreciate it. At least around Jamison park; the streets are wide, and visiblity is reasonable.
  3. The "Share the road" catchcry is an interesting one; because it's impossible for a cyclists to enforce their rights against a car. When push comes to shove the cyclist will be the only one going to hospital. There is currently a 2year trial in QLD with a minimum 1m safe passing distance (1.5m at speeds over 80km/h) on the spot fine of $330, and a potential $4400 fine if you contest in court and lose. Early evidence indicates that drivers are being much more considerate and passing much more safely. The only thing that has changed is the threat of a fine; the cyclists were always allowed to be there. There is now a clear understanding that you cannot pass a cyclist while still "sharing"(read bullying them out of) their lane with sufficient distance to avoid a fine. If you can't change lanes; you can't pass. Simple as that. Every other country that uses minimum passing distances reports lower instances of rider injuries and fatalities. I'd like to see the trial extended to all of Australia. I want my kids to be able to ride their bikes safely just like I did when I was young. I'm teaching my 5 y/o to ride on the street at the moment (we don't have footpaths) and I'm teaching him to acknowledge & engage other road users, as I believe it's important for them to see him as a human on a bike, not just an obstacle in their way. Terry's point about identifying children isn't one I'd thought of, but my son's helmet has written in indelible marker inside; his name, his address, my name, and my mobile number. My own also contains my name & emergency contact details in case I hurt myself badly while riding in the bush.
  4. Everything is relative in each different country, not judging your own financial situation. Welcome to the forum, it will be interesting to see whether more Stageas make it to the USA given the changes to import regs.
  5. Yet if you leave the scene of an accident where a cyclist has been injured; there is unlikely to be an additional fine, if in fact you are fined for your actions at all. Attach it how? To the threaded mounting holes or bracket provided by the bicycle manufacturer? Like on a motorbike? They don't do this; and for a market as small as Australia; I can guarantee they wouldn't either. For the record; I'm not unsupportive of this idea; but I am playing devils advocate on the issue. These questions WILL have to be answered before plates can be fitted across the board. Plenty of the city dwelling sole bike riding individuals you speak of, still have licenses, even if they only use them as a form of I.D. For the 11ty billionth time: "ROAD TAX" DOESN'T PAY FOR ROADS! Yet another flat earth misconception peddled by the ill informed. Even the old 3x3 levy introduced many years ago as a punitive levy applied to fuel never went directly to roads; it went into consolidated revenue. Even the tax revenue from fuel sales (which actually make far more sense in our bullshit "user pays" society) doesn't go directly to road funding. Nor does the money raised by "Safety Camera's". Why? These both make more sense. Where on your vehicle registration papers does this "Road Tax" appear? The only tax I can see on mine is a $226 MOTOR VEHICLE tax. Did you spot the key word there? There is nowhere near enough money accrued by the fees attached to licenses and Vehicle registration renewals to adequately fund road building/road maintenance. The bulk of funding for roads comes from the residents paying land rates to the council in their area. Do you own a property in your area? Why should I pay for you to drive on the roads in my area; that MY rates went toward building? Screw you man; pay for your own rajab damn road into my suburb. How much damage does a 12kg bicycle do to a road? How much damage does 1000 bicycles do? The same as one car? Less? How much less? I'd say the damage is essentially immeasurable. It's a nonsensical argument. Federally funded roads get their funding from consolidated tax revenue; so if you pay tax; you have paid for the road. Next argument please.
  6. People are acting like bike riders don't ALSO own registered motor vehicles; and therefore must already have a license. I own registered car and one registered Motorbike, and I pay thousands a year in land rates that go directly toward road maintenance in my area. How much more should I have to pay? You get that there is a fundamental difference between a bicycle and a MOTORcycle? The difference being the MOTOR component. How many motorists are getting stuck with these bills? Call the police; if they've hit your hard enough to damage it seems unlikely they're doing a runner... Also; the responsibility to remain at the scene and identify oneself after any accident is beholden on all people; so what is the solution? The person is breaking the law by running away with their broken bicycle. Being identifiable doesn't seem to stop motorists from leaving the scene of many accidents where riders have been injured; where is your counter argument using the same logic? Where does the numberplate go? There would have to be an ADR approved location, and standardised mounting equipment. This is where front facing identifiers on motorbikes has repeatedly fallen down. Who pays for the plate? And don't use any part of the rider as your answer; you are identifying the VEHICLE not the rider. Just like a car. There are arguments on all sides; the fact remains that plenty more riders are killed by inattentive motorists; than motorists are killed by errant cyclists. Yet every time a cyclist is killed or injured, the instant reaction is the universal call for cycling registration. This is exactly what has prompted the latest call. Would an identifier have stopped the helmetless cyclist in the city on thursday from riding his bike through a red traffic light, and under a bus? No. Why can't all just get along?
  7. You have a slightly skewed point of view on the pricing of the Stagea. If a 260rs could be had for that kind of money in Australia; wow. Double it; and then some.
  8. This is absolutely my number one pet peeve. Some seem to be mandating specific clothing for cyclists to wear? Where does this end? Why hi-vis; there is NO evidence that hi-vis makes cyclists (or anyone) more visible. * Most research seems to indicate people who wear hi-vis when riding are more pro-active about safety; therefore exposing themselves to less risk. So it is more a function of the person not the clothing that makes it safer. Why does all the responsibility for visibility now rest solely on the most vulnerable road user? Shouldn't ALL road users now be in Hi-vis to ensure THEY are responsible for their own visibility? The Cyclists breaking laws because they're unidentifiable is typical reactionary nonsense. How many cars do you see run red lights/break the law? And how many of those cars do you report to the police? My guess is none. Are you seriously saying, because cars are identifiable that they therefore commit no traffic offences? ​Who has the most to lose running a red light when you compare a person on a pushbike to a person in a car? Tell me again how many thousand times you've seen bike riders do it? How many pushbikes have you seen on the news that have run into a car & killed the occupants of the car? When licensed drivers in easily identifiable motor vehicles, stop committing traffic offences SOLELY because they are identifiable; THEN I'll accept this argument Until then, it just doesn't hold up. Registration is another piece of nonsense; registration is levied against vehicle weight and engine size; my bike rego would be about $3. Also, there seems to be a misconception that registration pays for roads: it doesn't. Council rates from property owners pays for all the construction & maintenance of suburban streets. It would cost more (evidence suggests MUCH more) than it could ever hope to recoup, and as Scotty says; then the cyclist will be wholly entitled to take an entire lane width and drivers behind will have to recognise his right to travel at 25km/h without being able to pass on any road with unbroken, or double centre lane markings. Now is probably a good time to remind you that THIS IS ALREADY A CYCLISTS RIGHT. There is no law in Australia that says cyclists must stay to the edge of the road, nor any law against riding two-abreast on any roadway. You are fully entitled to take an entire lane on any single or dual carriageway (doesn't mean it is smart). Laws against impeding traffic only apply to MOTORISED VEHICLES. As a cyclist; I would be bolting a 2m long steel bar with sharpened ends across the rear of my bike; to ensure that NO car was able to use my lane to pass me. I would also be wearing front & rear facing cameras to collect evidence against any driver who acted in an illegal manner, and submitting any evidence to police; than chasing the police constantly until charges were laid. I'll pay the damn $3 RIGHT NOW; come and get it. Are you sure you want that? REALLY? There seems to be this misplaced sense of entitlement amongst drivers, that somehow because they own a car; they own the road. People were riding bicycles on roads before cars were invented, and I'd suggest they will be there after cars are gone. The reality is much the same as everywhere in life; there are dickheads on bikes, just the same as there are dickheads in cars, just the same as there are dickhead in trucks. The difference is; when you bump into a cyclist while driving you can very easily kill them. The same cannot be said for cars & trucks. People in the largest vehicles should have a far greater level of care and responsibility around more smaller, more vulnerable road users. This is not currently the case; If you ran up to someone on the street & bashed them to death with a steel bar; you would be charged with murder, or at very least manslaughter. If; in some other circumstance, through your negligent actions a person died; you could be charged with manslaughter. If you swerve at, & run down and kill a cyclist, then flee the scene (as long as you are sober); you could potentially get away with a charge of "passing with undue care" which carries a 1 demerit point penalty. Cycling deaths in Australia have increased by around 30% in the last three years; yet not a single driver has been sent to jail for killing a cyclist, even when a court has found that the motorists negligence (or even deliberate actions in some cases) was the direct cause of their death. NOT ONE. It's ridiculous. People want laws changed to reflect equal levels of responsibility for behaviour; lets start with this. TL/DR? The big answer lies somewhere in the middle of all the arguments; don't drive so aggressively; pay attention to more vulnerable road users (bikes, motorbikes, pedestrians) and remember that the 2 tonnes of glass & steel you're piloting that can KILL in an instant. Cyclists also need to follow the rules; but we have far more at stake when we don't anyway. Also; remember that guy/girl on the bike is a HUMAN BEING; just like you. Registering bicycles or licensing riders isn't the magic bullet you think it is. Stay safe, be safe. Cheers, Dale.
  9. Yeah; the whole assembly would need to be replaced; you can't just pop out the red centre of the light. All I ever get is: "Let me out; it's really dark in here, and the cable ties are cutting my wrists"...
  10. Isn't one red though? What's a replacement lense (clear) worth?
  11. Pretty easy; took about 30 min. I got the link to the globes from another member on here, but I can't find his post/how to. Yup. Eggbeaters. Yeah, single globe each side. You could always bridge the wiring across from the other side if you wanted both on?
  12. Threw my new LED reversing lights in today; BIG difference. These are the ones I bought. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=360781669151&ssPageName=STRK:MEAFB:IT Also gave the headlights a good clean & seal with some Juice sealer. Wish I could still get this stuff.
  13. As PN-Mad said; split the line first. Don't forget; you can generate well over 2000psi with the brake pedal and booster. If that doesn't clear a blockage; compressed air certainly wont.
  14. Yeah, but yours is a special Unicorn; Right Nick?
  15. Several good options out there; Talk to Scotty about Hypergear. I'm running a Precision Turbochargers Sierra Stage 2. Jetwreck hooked me up with that one. Very happy with it.
  16. Normally exhaust leaks are more apparent when the engine is cooler; as things expand they tend to shut up.
  17. Perhaps bottle the wine & make profit?
  18. Your car looks amazing right now; the wheels suit it so well! I didn't want to spam your build thread, & I'm sure you've seen the pics before but I saw these today & thought of your build. Just in case; Feel free to delete, and apologies in advance. Cheers, Dale
  19. Most mechanical diy for rwd C34's is the same as R33/R34. Check the DI/how to thread in the main SAU forum.
  20. They don't unfortunately.
  21. Superb skills there, awesome end result. Really like the integration of the dash fitting too, real pro touch.
  22. You just need to wait for a wet day; you'll have hundreds to choose form. As for the starter; isn't the US market stuff on the other side? Or is it ours?
  23. I think he already has a Z33 LSD.
  24. The Fast Fit bar is rated to 1250kg, so probably somewhere around that.
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