i added to that email to mike rann ...... Also as a former employee of the now defunct Adelaide International Raceway, it has come to my attention through both the media and my own observations that the increase in young fatalities and the introduction of "Hoon laws" have come in since A.I.R have shut. The facts are out there, we as automotive enthusiasts have absolutely nowhere to take our cars, whether they be our street cars, or full on race cars. The closest place most people can enjoy their cars is at Mallala. Now you add up the cost of trailer hire, fuel costs of both the race car and the tow car, entrance fees and a racing licsnse and it can get quite lucrative, yet the government will just sit on their hands and do nothing. Opening another racing venue and getting patrons at the door will be like shooting fish in a barrell. Take for instance the drag strip in Sydney (WSID) they have 3 weekly "street meets" and at most of them, they have to turn entrants away as they are full to capacity, now if that isint a good incentive to get money back into the government, I don’t know what is. I am not the only person out there that has opinions like this as most drag racers have to either travel to Whyalla or Mildura to get to their closest drag strip