This ones not in the shed...just out of it..( bout 5 meters away)..Back in the day when i doing my traineeship at Morphett vale wreckers, i had to get a exhaust system off of an old just happened to be sitting on top of another car...i jacked it up with a scissor jack...braced the jack with wood, and just got a spanner onto the first nut when the jack slipped, taking the wood out, and the full weight of one side of the cressy landed on my arm...the sill panel crushing it againts the roof of the car it was sitting the time, the other guys were loading the sims truck up the other end of the yard and couldnt hear my screams for help....there just happened to be a customer walking round the yard that heard me and managed to push the car up off my arm....i dont know how he did it as he was a weedy little old guy, and the cressy still had its motor and trans in it....fearing the worst, i pulled my arm out, in tears...and it wasnt broken....didnt even break the skin..though i have a small crush scar where it was.....