Hi everyone, bit more info on the event being held on SUNDAY 28 FEBRUARY 2010
Its open to all Japanese vehicles built upto and including 1985.
Costs to enter your car into the show is $10 per car up to 2 cars or $25 for three and over owned by the same person.
Gates open to the entrants from 7.30am and spectators from 9am. Its free to spectate.
Venue : EARNSHAW STATE COLLEGE Cnr Earnshaw and Tuffnell Rds Banyo 4014. UBD Map 121 Ref E11
Food and drink stall will be available.
Here is a chance to show off your older ride no matter what condition to the rest of the Japanese enthusiast community.
There will be trophies: peoples choice, encouragement, and a couple more. So don't be shy come on out and show off your pride and joy.
If you want more info ring Marek 0418 410 443 or email to [email protected]
Tim 0413 812 204 or email [email protected]
Alan 0416 312 189 or email [email protected]
I'll keep everyone posted with more info on the June event when it gets closer, Cheers Miss Datsun
Apologies but I work elsewhere from the workshop during the day, then there at night and was trying to do ten things at once at work and searching help areas etc. for other things on the forum and fairly new to posting here and wouldn't let me pm etc.etc. so quickly posted this then seen something afterwards, thanks for the reply. Cheers Miss Datsun
We've been speaking with Alan from Rising Sun Collectors Register of Australia and i've copied and pasted the info for these events from their flyers. Both these events are no way connected to the promoter of the Japanese Car Show held in Strathpine in October 2009, therefore that is why we and alot of people, businesses and clubs will be behind these events and will be helping advertise them and due to that are already looking to be huge events! We will also keep you posted of any extra information before these events. Cheers Miss Datsun
Please find details below on the two coming car shows in 2010 which are being staged jointly between the Rising Sun Collectors Register of Australia and the Mazda "Four of Clubs" Car Club.
Open to all Japanese Vehicles built up to and including 1985. Three trophies by people's choice only. Admission for show cars is $10 for up to two vehicles or $25 for three vehicles and over owned by the same person. Full catering on-site for food and drinks. RFZ event. Venue is the Earnshaw State College on Earnshaw Road, Banyo Qld
Ring Alan on 0416 312 189 for further details or email to: [email protected]
Open to all Japanese Vehicles irrespective of build date. Three trophies by people's choice only. Admission for show cars is $10 for up to two vehicles or $25 for three vehicles and over owned by the same person. Full catering on-site for food and drinks. RFZ event. Venue is the Earnshaw State College on Earnshaw Road, Banyo Qld
Ring Alan on 0416 312 189 for further details or email to: [email protected]
Alan Taylor
Rising Sun Collectors Register of Australia
PO Box 84, Banyo Qld 4014
NEWS JUST IN...due to the constant rain the council now will not allow the use of the Carrara Stadium grounds as they are water logged so the event is now moved across the road to the large carpark on the corner of Alabaster Drive, at the traffic lights, if you are putting up tents you won't be able to pit anything into the ground as its all on bitumen.
Cheers Miss Datsun
Held by the Automobile Restorers Association Gold Coast Inc. (supporting Nerang PCYC and Local Charities)
Where: Carrara Sports Complex, Nerang Broadbeach Road, Carrara (Exit 71)
When: Sunday, 5 April 2009
Show & Shine Celebrating 75 Years...of the Aussie Ute! All makes and models of utes and other motor vehicles are welcome!
Dr Datto Motorsport will be there with a few cars, merchandise stand and the 1600/510 Ute (1600 wagon conversion) on debut to the public