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Everything posted by xALmoN

  1. If i read it right, you got into trouble for apprehending a criminal before he got onto a crowded tram thus eradicating the risk of people getting hurt? I think that the police need more powers, they need to be respected. Pull the gun sometimes. But there must also be regulation, and people who abuse the system need to be removed. (I guess it costs money to enforce such systems?) I see kids going about disrespecting people nowadays, they hurl verbal abuse at the elderly, cut queues, and push people around, and these are 10 - 15 year old kids. I can see where they're heading towards in the future. Working at a snackbar at boxhill station, i've been threatened a few times (by kids, by homeless people, lol) and i dont want to defend myself only to get a lawsuit thrown at me, its a waste of my time and resources. And what left me confused today was, when i was heading down Flinders St today, there was a police officer copying down registration numbers, he was copying down most if not everyone's registration but driving an import, i can't help but feel paranoid about this. Any idea whats happening there? This happened around 1.30pm. I wasn't driving recklessly or anything, nobody was. I couldn't ask because the lights turned green and i had to move or i'd be holding up traffic.
  2. Is there like sort of a Rules of Engagement guide for police officers? Like if some dick with a knife comes threatening you, as a policeman, are you able to disarm the guy and then arrest him? And how many policemen are out on patrols per car? I'm thinking 2/car but thats just from movies and stuff, the only one time i've been pulled over, there was only one officer in the car, how would that ensure his safety if he's dealing with criminals? And do people caught smashing bus stops and vandalising shit really get away with the stuff they do? Why isn't this publicised more openly? Who would want trash like that prowling the streets, with knives no less? And is there a law against verbally abusing a policeperson? Are these laws just for show? And one more thing, if I, as a civilian, foreigner no less, get robbed at knifepoint, i disarm the guy, smash his own knife into his thigh, am i liable? Or can i plead self defence and get off with no criminal record? Because it seems to me that I can be charged for assault just by defending myself. Am pretty sure, you as a police officer should be able to answer my questions.
  3. I'm young, 24 this year, and still on my P's till august, but if people are needed for numbers, i'm more than willing to help. I do not drive unsensibly and give way most of the time.
  4. =( i just saw it and its been rescheduled.
  5. I'm glad i'm broke, don't have the cash for fuel =D
  6. Lol, not directly, the NEWater after being treated is plumbed back into the reservoirs, so it doesn't go right into the watersupply. A desal plant is in the works as well. But the contract with malaysia is still there for another 50 years or so. Even after treating sewage and desal, there's still a need to import water from malaysia because its still not quite enough. But at least back home, we got to play with waterguns and water balloons, there's no restriction. I used to water my banana plants straight from the tap, the only restriction being cost. Of course there was that whole stint with government people drinking bottled NEWater infront of the media, the public didn't take to kindly to having to have to drink recycled water either, but being the nanny state singapore was and still is, the citizenry didn't really have much of a choice. I used to have many boxes of those pre-bottle NEWater bottles, and they didn't really taste different from regular tap water. Kudos to the water treatment guys for that. Personally i have no problems with drinking recycled water, but, it is energy intensive as well. Reverse osmosis membranes aren't cheap to procure and cheap to maintain, and pretty energy hungry as well. Thats just one part of the process used to ensure that poo and pee doesn't get into the end product. Then there's heat sterilisation and a whole lot of other processes that make this water potable. That trans tasman pipeline thingy does seem like a cheaper alternative. But seriously, if there are so many viable alternatives, why not just adopt all? Use the pipeline, use desal, use rain/reservoir water and use recycled water too.
  7. You can even put hydropower turbines in the pipes to generate electricity, since gravity does all the work, a slightly slower flowrate doesn't make a difference... I dont see what not.
  8. smoking outdoors is fine, its just smoking in enclosed places that get me, like in sheltered carparks with low ceilings and minimal ventilation... But think about it, if everyone EPA-ed gets a fine of about 500 dollars, thats 3.5million in revenue!
  9. Singapore buys water from malaysia, they threaten and threaten to cut off the supply, yet the water still flows... The idea is brilliant.
  10. still waiting on that stolen bicycle though...
  11. where where where where where?!!?!?
  12. how did the camera survive the heat?
  13. should give DT panels a try eh? i've got some cracked sideskirts that need some attention.
  14. xALmoN


    lets have a cruise, and drive side by side on the freeways, at 80kmh
  15. i used to like running, till i busted my knee.. now i hate running.
  16. Thats one of the reasons why i at one point of time, had 4 different bikes... But i mostly only rode one. I get bored of seeing my current bike and needed to build another, and another and another.
  17. thats a massive scrape, so you can get spray cans from autobarn? i'll try that too!
  18. xALmoN


    Yes, people insist on stopping by the road, next to a no stopping sign, to drop off a passenger for 5 to 10 freaking minutes, hold up 10 cars or so behind it, chat with the passenger, and no one could change lanes because the traffic was going too fast... You've gotta abuse them.... continuously beeping the horn.. =D
  19. magura HS33s? i'm sure those will stop it good.
  20. 200mm disc brakes for the penny farthings!
  21. HAHAHAAHA! I remember attempting to do a pedal kick drop on a friend's trials bike... His rear brake was on the left, the last thing i saw before i fell on my ass was the front wheel stop spinning.
  22. your solution, discbrakes!
  23. i'd actually prefer running mountainbike gear, with 36 in the front and 16 in the rear. With small width rims and tires, can go fast too! and the riding position wont kill your back.
  24. yes doctor!
  25. Damn, makes me want to build a new bike for myself.. I'll go back to what i used to have, a planet x jackflash.. my most recent dobermann pinscher got stolen, to be frank, i hated how it rode...
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