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Everything posted by xALmoN

  1. not too fussed about it anyway, its an easy paper, since i only really need a 40% in that paper. and, even though i like azusa more, i'll have to admit, tsukiko is very cute too. and cute works for me.
  2. that's why i've said it before, should've done accounting.
  3. still got 3 more assignments due this sunday/monday morning. And spent 12 hours in school yesterday trying to remember simulink. and i've got one paper, right smack in the middle of the exam period, if it was earlier, i would be able to go to brissie earlier. and because there aren't any nice azusa ones on animesuki, i'll just have to settle for tsukiko.
  4. settle down mr chef!
  5. lol debt free brah, i'm on parental scholarship
  6. i pay 34k/year, to sleep 4hours a day.
  7. i've been sleeping 4hours/night for about 3 days straight. assignments brah. dat unilyf and now to head to school, because some excel sheet with macros doesn't work on excel for mac.
  8. if you dont over tighten on install, there's no reason for the thing to be too tight when comes the time to take it off
  9. lol. unfortunately, no mining engineering company wants to intern me, even for free.
  10. hm i guess untuned -5s on 10psi with 3in gutted cat, and cam gears yielding 196 is an anomaly then?
  11. unfortunately, most of us still need to eat, and to work for free means no money for food/travel. which really becomes quite a vicious cycle
  12. thats mohsen right?
  13. vegetarian okonomiyaki (jap savory pancake) vegetarian fried rice (Lol) vegetarian yakisoba (noodles) vegetarian yakiudon (moar noodles) avocado/cucumber california roll salad california roll vegetarian bento box and because you're mates, i am more willing to accomodate, other random vegetarians? meh. i just point out all thats on the menu and dont bother explaining LOL
  14. i've already been spoiled by sankakucomplex, so not a big issue, and i dont quite mind spoilers anyway.
  15. i'm waiting for shingeki to finish before i start, serious shows need to be marathoned.
  16. glad you liked it though.
  17. lol. i knew it was a keeper, at the katsudon scene.
  18. nah, its an anime from 2011. but i rate it highly for a well made tragedy. and troll anime. nyaa it.
  19. did you watch madoka?
  20. hataraku maou-sama. 8 episodes of lulz so far.
  21. lol, cast iron blocks huh.
  22. yeah, its become my fav this season. and oreimo is starting to feel a little draggy, though, kuroneko hnnnnggggg
  23. byo wine, $2/pax. give us a call, or pm me to make a reservation, because even on tuesdays, we're sometimes stupidly packed.
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