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Everything posted by Neuroglider

  1. if i wasn't such a pussy i'd yell at people if they did a burnout during a cruise if i was there... but yeah... the situation kinda sucks but hey... that comes with the whole public cruise event doesn't it gotta trust in the people that come to it otherwise one person can ruin it for the rest of the cruise sucky indeed
  2. urgh... it's going to be fun trying to get my volk te37's white 18" with an offset for my car... lol going to cost an arm and a leg to :S
  3. Mmmm i'm thinking of getting the impul kit as well... I'd prefer genuine whenever they come around (if it's possible to source from overseas i might!) But in any case sexy piece of kit i must agree! Love the carbon hood to haha
  4. either that or the owner hopping on the forum "hey guys this car was stolen, if you know where it is can you please tell me ... oh hey a cool thread below..OH MY GOD ITS MY CAR!!!"
  5. lmfao at the boat in the wall to hahahhaa
  6. lmao that poor whale stuck in a wall
  7. Oh come on, hardly being a bully! dw I'll make you come to the cruise Did you wanna start a new thread when you get back from your awzum euro trip on details for this *SKYLINES ONLY* cruise so people can plan for it etc Btw. just think of it like a sport Usually my training starts at 830 and i'm not home until 11! same sort of thing! except no exercise... But it's also being social!
  8. yer i agree, if it's once a month where u stay up for a little longer a couple of hours maybe, that's definately easier to cope with than once a week
  9. LOL tuesday the 7th... ok i will be able to make that i get back from the mine at 530pm on tuesday the 7th, soooo as long as it's at a decent time after that like an hour or two i should be able to make it epiiiiiic fun about to be had
  10. lol i had my first cruise in my 34 2 weeks ago (the 30th of may one) hehe the only cop trouble we had was trying to get away from them, so they pulled over a commodore tag along... (it was an import only cruise btw.. was quite funny) in the end was great fun! no problems whatsoever and asif not make it because u work in the mines, i work away as well! except i work 8 n 6 hehe, if i were you just make a thread for a certain date and start a chatting about making a cruise for that night, i did and it worked out great
  11. it'll be a small cruise no doubt but still good fun, though as for the dangerous part it really depends if we all just like to sit around and chat for a while and cruise a little or chat little and cruise lots.. hehe but either way it's good fun i'm sure your baby will be fine in any case!
  12. So long as i'm home i'm up for a decent cruise anywhere!!!
  13. curses.. i'm not home first week of july.. home from the 8th to 13th of july...and then 2 weeks later is my bday which im home for whew but if it becomes monthly i should be able to make it eventually!!
  14. Naw i'm onsite wish I could come! Would be pretty awesome
  15. Sounds good! I just hope it's on a week that i'm back haha, but I wouldn't ask that you organise it around me, that's selfish Would just mean 1 less zawesome skyline But in any case I'd be up for attending a monthly cruise! would it be weekend like Friday night sorta thing? or weeknight haha
  16. quite a few, i know my gf is a member and hasn't got the gold title below her name, nor do a few other people..im lucky i got mine
  17. http://justjap.com/store/product.php?produ...=339&page=1 would that be one of the stealth ones by any chance? i'm looking at getting one of these for my car as well. if it's worth it i'll buy it, so long as it fits well and I don't have to fiddle too much... in any case just give the metal a polish or completely paint it black for uber stealth!
  18. Dave, Passive = gf that was with me in my 34 next time I think we're bring both our cars haha
  19. lol that was AWESOME when the cops pulled over that commodore! i was pretty much the only 34gtt left after the 2 gtr's left i stuck behind the supra all night...jesus that had a lot of go :| left me in the dust a few times haha was awesome fun though first cop in the wagon when he rocked up was cheeky "nah was japs, commodores don't do burnouts" what'd he end up pulling over? the commodore HAHAHHAA gold! oh shock btw the 33 was dave (red jumper guy with no shoes the whole night hahahaha)
  20. Haha there you go Olivia, you can put the stickers on that night before everyone sets out on the cruise Dw i'll prob be putting an extra one on to hehehe
  21. But the exhaust pipe burns the latex :S ... WROOOONGGGGG got sauwa sticker, lookin forward to meeting everyone might get a handheld uhf... just to listen to chatter haha
  22. just go reaaaaaaalllllllyyyyyyyyyyy slow
  23. i'm so totally lost...what??? lol
  24. pester dan if he comes to the cruise put it on that night haha
  25. Engine bay is complete stock, no pod filter, no BOV, everything looks shiny and factory not too sure on the economy for the auto... uhm there's 2 dif economy types... if your babying the car everywhere or if your flooring the car and then you get the avg if you do both haha but yer as one guy mentioned 400-500km to a tank? ish? but also remember u gotta fill it with premium (bp ultimate, caltex vortex or whatever it is etc) but so worth it, plus i imagine she might have fun driving it
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