hey all, im no mechanic or anything, ive dabbled under the bonnet here and there...but anyway.. around 3 years ago i fell in love with the skyline, i didnt care how fast it went or anything, it was just one sexy mofo, anyway...i looked into it more and so on and im well versed in skyline culture now.
Since i fell in love with the car ive been saving my hard earned part time cash for this bloody car (I used to waste it all on my computer), questions..
1. Ive seen some auto models around...whats peoples opinions on auto skylines? cos it was cheap i considered getting one
2...if i do get it and dont like it, how much is it to chuck in a manual transmission?
3. Ive been driving a pissy 87 1.6L corolla around for the past 4 years so anything with any power would be nice, so turbo or n/a...taking into account ive never owned a turbo car before so im not really sure how often youre supposed to service them in comparison to n/a cars..(what are the pros and cons about having a turbo besides having more power?)
4. r32 or r33 ... I prob wont be racing it or anything and im guessing the 32 is more fuel efficient due to the smaller engine size (talking stock stuff here) I initially liked the 33 with the 400r kit but the 32 is cheaper.
5. insurance ... its cheaper to insure the 32 yes? (disregarding mods)
ps. im a tightass and dont want to be spending excessive amounts of dosh on the car..however...i do like goin fast...
Initially i was looking at the $20k mark, but this has since dropped to around 15 when i found out a mate of mine got one for $13k 93 model (not sure if its 32 or 33)
thanks for ur time..