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Everything posted by yaface

  1. Lol, hope you're packing man.... I wanted to actually come tonight. I went over to pick my car up, assuming the front bar and some other things will be fixed and its fkn worse than before.... Fkn repairers....
  2. BLASTED...... (so much inuendo right now)
  3. I'm gonna be in the shower and be all like BYYYAAAAAA.....then I'm gonna take my wife and make love to her like BYAAAAAA. Chappelle is king
  4. That fkn sucks f**kin schwingggyyyy. Post up a sheet yo!
  5. You my friend are a sick flamin mongrelus..... I like it
  6. and by breaking a rule I mean breaking a vagina.....
  7. Hahaha, pretty sure the koran says you can't drink alcohol either.... May as well break another rule...lol
  8. The G604t is what I've got as well. I'll probably never buy another dlink product again but the modem I've got is alright I spose. The splitter you have connected, does it have a phone line connected as well to it? Someone please bash this guy in his vaganeous.... The censorship in australia is an absolute joke....especially with games
  9. Funkytown right here....
  10. Call them hoebags and go off. They won't take you seriously unless you make a complaint about the service. They'll do a line test and then get you to mess with your settings. What modem you using? Dlink by any chance??
  11. Gayness....back from holidays and back to real life which is fail You may have a problem with this at first like I did. Make sure you have a filter on every line in your house and then check you line noise. If everythings in order, call them malaysian american farks and go off at them They just like to use and abuse you man Wanna make out though?
  12. lol. On another sexy 'oh god just touch me' note, I"m on holidays................................ So screw you guys, i'ma going home.................nup nup...home
  13. Tossed? Remember though, you don't make friends with salad...you don't make friends with salad, you don't make friends with salad Fkn win! Yes but to normal people that means we have a chance
  14. Hey gabnr, you should def come since you're around the sunnybank area anyways. Parking across the road is awesome...basically get the carpark to ourselves.
  15. A bit like how hitler convinced people that germans are suppose to have blond hair and blue eyes.... People will believe what they are told...for this they fail!!! LOL I can't help it man seriously. I'm a chronic procrastinator. I procrastinate procrastinating.... Oh and uni blows male goats
  16. Every ranga's hero.... That guys a massive douche. Hated him ever since he was in Rambo I like the way you think, maverick
  17. I saw this and lol'd and tough, once again ppl need to stop imbreeding....
  18. John is pillow pants? Awesome, forgot about the long island ice tea. I've got all the ingredients for it too....some reason there's 5 full bottles of barcadi sitting around my house...guess it's gonna come in handy meow
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