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Everything posted by yaface

  1. I see nothing wrong with my posts. Wonder if there's a name for people that actually have sex with books like there is for people who have sex with other random things. For example, a necrophaeliac has sex with dead things. A dendrophaeliac has sex with trees....
  2. pahaha yeh got the shits with the subtlety and told it to go f**k itself
  3. http://www.youtube.com/user/jonlajoie#p/u/14/jvjDr8KKtsE Remember kids, e=mc vagina....
  4. I like to stick my dick in the book and cum all over the pages, then return it to the library. (best i can come up with)
  5. THATS WHAT I'MA TALKIN ABOWWT.... Def gonna try the last one tonight, while studying for an exam thats tomorrow morning Helps me concentrate to drink, plus the text book looks more attractive the more I drink
  6. LOL relax broski... Could be worse....could be driving a honda... pahahhahaha... On another note, I'm thoroughly dissappointed at the lack of alcoholics on this forum right meow
  7. And the best drinks list you guys can come up with involve getting ingredients from the sauces isle at the shops..... LAME
  8. Lol, i'm not even gonna ask where the f**k you found that gif....but fkn LOL. Awww awww awww, why to gotto be like that son Meh, opinions are like assholes....everybody has them but in the end, only good thing to come from them is shit... I like my 33 (note: previous posts where I've said I'm looking for a 32 gtr in replace of the 33 were not made by me)
  9. pahahaah you cunny funt.... Wtf is with the sauces.... LOL!
  10. ok, so i'm going on holidays as of tomorrow and am going away to tangalooma with 9 other friends. Basically gonna be a fkn booze fest, but I'm wondering if any of you have a favourite/unique drink that goes down awesome at the beach and in the sun. Obviously corona's, pina colada's and mohito's come to mind, but anyone got any other suggestions? I'm taking 2 heinekken keggs, a case of coronas plus a f**kload of spirits. List your drinks ppls
  11. Malaysians man....with creepy american accents. Its fkd getting it started but worth it in the end....just like anal sex
  12. This is true unless you're german, in which case this is considered to be normal and sexually stimulating.....
  13. Scary thing is they do a lot of work for mercedes 2nd hand dept....
  14. Lol, be happy with what you got. I'm only running 12psi as of last friday....was 7 before ....think i might go jump now Good luck with that dude. Worse call centre ever.... You'll wait 30mins...sometimes get hung up on when you finally get through and sometimes even when you call through it cuts out straight away cos they can't take any calls in the que even....lame
  15. On a serious note, my car got taken back today to get the front bar repaired properly....for the 3rd time. If anyone is free next week, pm me as we may have ourselves a good ol fashioned gathering with pitchforks and torches to put some panel repairers back in line
  16. lol, thrice has been used two times already today.... Mad word
  17. Pahahah awesome. I had a meeting with the lady in charge of promotions for Fridays nightclub....fkn schwingggggg
  18. Chalk has mad food! I'll never go there for a drink though. I'd need to remove my shoes, lose some teeth and fk my sister to fit in with the crowd there on a fri/sat night
  19. lol, I didn't use number 1 cos I like to save that for your mother's face........golden showa
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