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Everything posted by fungoolie
First set of DSST600s (Dunlops) lasted 17K. replaced with Dunlop 7010s which have done 14K and look like they will go another 6K.
What really gives me the shits is that a pointless thread like this gets 476 reads in less than 36 hours with 26 responses whilst a simple question I posted a week ago on whether or not other's headlights turn off when you open the door or stay on gets two responses and about 170 odd reads in one week.... What the use a forum....
Bummer that the 09 doesnt give me this option in the diagnostic menu. Thanks for the info though domino.
The mirror is just a mirrored LCD display that hooks onto the front of your existing mirror. It has two video inputs so you can have front and rear cameras. When you engage reverse it activates and shows you an image out the rear of the car and when you press a button on the edge of the mirror it shows you a front view. When off it works just like a normal mirror. Theyre available on Ebay for around $100 including one camera and you can purchase a 2nd cam for around $30. Just search for reversing + camera + mirror. Significantly cheaper than $4000!!!! Its dorky because adding it to the front of the mirror makes it bulky as an assembly. If it was going to be a permanent fixture I would have sourced an OEM version of this mirror from one of the multitude of american cars that have this system as standard now and just adapted it to the GTR. The reason it's not permanent is because I have a 2009 GTR which has the analog MFD. Once out of warranty I will install this. http://www.discountcarstereo.com/detail.aspx?ID=1267 It's all explained in the thread http://www.discountcarstereo.com/detail.aspx?ID=1267 Essentially itsa video converter that converts camera video outputs to the video format that the MFD uses. It intercepts the signal from the AV system to the MFD and inserts the camera video when you select reverse. Your car cannot use this item and there is a thread http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Ow...Jd-t320961.html that explains what you need to do to install reverse cams on your 2010 model.
Depends on the installation and version of the car. Analog system (MY2009) and the composite to RGB intercept box between the AV system and the MFD could be blamed for sending out of range voltages to the display hence voiding display warranty or loading the output from the AV system incorrectly causing it to crap itself. You can draw a long bow with any of this stuff. Worst thing is that you're at their mercy and have to take their word for what actually went wrong. With the MY10 model I think the conversion is less intrusive so really they could only claim that the system the camera plugs into could have been comprimised only thus minimising the number of problems that they could blame your conversion on. Me? I've got a dorky mirror that doubles as a video monitor when I stick it in reverse. My intercept box goes in on May 2012. So, can you tell me if your headlights go off when you open the door?
Col-GTSX you have just totally confused the crap out of me! When talking microwave doppler radar I'm talking microwave Radio Frequency (RF) RADAR. Not LIDAR (Light (laser) detection and Ranging). Doppler Radar is not confused by glass and sunlight. In fact Radar is the only technology used in moving vehicles! Lidar (Laser) potentially can be confused by glass and sunlight hence why never ever accept a ticket from someone who has targeted you through their windcreen using a Lidar gun. LIDAR cannot work in a mobile patrol car. So unless you're talking about the lidar guns used by police from the roadside being kept in these cars I cannot comprehend what you are saying here. Lidar uses a LASER beam with an angular divergence of less than 1 MRad meaning the beam is only half metre in diameter at around 500 metres! This system cannot be used in a mobile application as it has to be carefully aimed and/or scanned in order to detect a vehicle. Radar is and will continue to be the sensor of choice in mobile applications for the foreseeable future. All your talk on the camera system is all well and good for making sure the image of the number plate is pin sharp etc but it has absolutely nothing to do with the sensor system used to detect the speed of the vehicles in the first place! It's just maximising the quality of the photo. You have not yet explained how or that Qld police are using a fixed position scanning laser based system to detect and isolate a speeding vehicle in a group of vehicles. Gatso does not make a scanning laser system. I work in research in the area we're discussing but more in the military field rather than civil however the technology overlaps and I can easily see how a scanning LIDAR system could be used to scan across several lanes of traffic from a fixed location using Time Differential of Arrival techniques to ascertain the speed and spatial position of any vehicle within the scanning field. Hence the existence of the Poliscan unit and I'm sure it works a treat in Slovenia and WA where I know it's being used! Given Qld didn't bring in photo detection till the late 90s I'd be surprised they were using state of the art now and it's usually publicised broadly to get people to slow down...So unless you're talking about technology that hasn't yet been utilised by the major defence forces around the world I cant imagine what this "version" of Lidar is that you speak of. However back to my original concern. Given that the picture says GATSOMETER, I would put money on the fact that this is a simple old tech K Band radar based unit not the Vitronic or any other brand of scanning laser/lidar unit. Even the cruddiness of the display within the photo indicates to me that this is an old tech analog system. Hence I still stand by my comment that there is no way that given the limited angular resolution of a K or Ka or even Ku band radar that you can distinguish which of the vehicles are actually speeding short of the obvious answer due to the circumstances of the two vehicles. Again the law being what it is, do not discount the possibility of getting off on the technicality if the law or policy or regulations state that if there are two un-resolveable vehicles within the radar beam that you cannot issue a fine. Believe me the police are masters of bluff and will have a go even though they know they don't have a leg to stand on. I just want Eastes to have the best info and not be misinformed about what he is up against and I know his solicitor will know where he stands with regards to the level of technology he was facing that day. I've challenged two fines now where they asked me to send in my evidence before the due date of the expiation notice arrived. They wrote back in one case cancelling the fine. In the second case they told me it wasn't enough and that the fine still stood. I elected to be prosecuted in court and guess what, no summons ever arrived...... Pure bluff. Hey why shouldn't they try, it is an unethical game, if I paid up and shut up they would have been $350 richer. Also as an aside and while were on this topic. To all you guys in Victoria I know that your police are using the latest Ka band mobile radar unit made by MPH industries. It has what is commonly called a POP mode wherby it emits a 28 millisecond burst of RF with which it can establish an APPROXIMATE speed of the vehicle but it cannot be used to issue a ticket and MPH has deliberately set up the units to not lock the speed when it registers it and have specifically told authorities not to ticket when using this mode. It's job is to beat radar detectors that don't have pop detection mode. However what it does do is alert the officer the fact you may be speeding so he will follow up and try and pace or track you from behind. The moral of the story is this, if you are pulled over, get out your mobile phone, dutifully inform the policeman that you will record the rest of the discussion and ask to see the radar display. Even without the phone backing you up no police officer will ticket you for a speed he cannot show you on his unit. If he's a good cop, he will just warn you.
They encourage a zero tolerance no leeway attitude in their staff so that you can never justify or find a valid defence to "speeding". It's easier to simply say ZERO tolerance and act all sanctimonious when you ask if its safer to pass a B double at 10 KPH over its speed or have a more commonsense approach. A friend once spotted a police car sans sirens and lights doing 110 in an 80 zone and when he called the local station to report this he was told that it was close to shift end and the policemen was probably late in getting the car back in order to swap shifts. I mean fer fecks sake. At least come up with something that sounds a bit more life and death! I know what I would be told by a copper if I came up with that excuse!
Col-GTSX I was quite curious about this new technology you've mentioned and after some basic research have only been able to find one lidar system that scans up to 6 lanes and can discriminate between them. The Vitronic Poliscan http://www.thenewspaper.com/news/29/2954.asp appears to have this capability and I've only been able to find reference of its use in WA at this stage which of course does not mean it hasn't been introduced in Qld. However the photo shown by Eastes clearly shows Gatsometer in the frame and reference to the Gatso website has no reference to a Lidar system that scans and can discriminate between lanes. Can you be sure that this lidar system was in use in this specific case? Surely the system you are discussing would show the lane identity in the photograph anyway? All the evidence required is usually part of the photograph in all examples I've seen at least in SA. Just want to give Eastes a fighting chance and not dismiss any lines of defence he may be able to use. I imagine a solicitor specialising in traffic would have this info at his fingertips.
My bad, being South Australian I assumed you guys were still using doppler microwave radar cameras as we do rather than a lidar based system. If that is the case I'd say you are screwed going down that path....
Yes spoken to a cop about this and his attitude was.... If you can't successfully overtake by sticking to the speed limit then he's clearly not going slow enough to need to overtake him..... And if you saw a car coming AFTER you started overtaking then you did not provide enough distance to overtake safely. He said you should NEVER find yourself in a situation where you have to accelerate more than you anticipated to get back in front of somebody. Lets face it, if we all drove how he suggested the queues on a country drive would be ridiculous. You can't win against their inane logic.
Relative performance of the vehicles is irrelevant. You don't always floor a car to overtake especially on a wet road and especially especially if you are a safe driver as you are trying to portray. And it is a Chev after all so it's more than capable.....
Im pretty sure the law is that if there are two cars in the radar beam then they cannot possibly resolve who was actually speeding. I know that this is written more for the case of a dual carriageway where the car on the left is entitled to go faster than the car on the right so there is no way of ascertaining who was actually speeding. Read the actual law first, it may just be cut and dried at that no matter what the circumstances depicted in the photo otherwise indicate. There's also the issue of the inaccuracies of the doppler radars when two cars are in close proximity to one another. You have issues of double bounce etc causing heterodyning/mixing effects. So theres more than just the unresolvable car issue here at play. However I do like the angle of you went to overtake and the prick sped up and cut back up the inside of you when the pic was taken, highly unlikely but definitely not impossible
I took my car in for its annual inspection back in May and when I got it back there was a noticeable change. Now instead of switching the headlights off when you open the door it simply chimes at me instead. I looked at the manual and this configuration appears to be the Taiwanese one where the headlights will probably switch off after 5 mins. I haven't actually tested this and seen if they switch off after 5 mins but I much preferred the way it operated before this change. What does everyone elses car do? And did anyone notice it change after their 12 month inspection?
The owner will get the excess received over the payout figure as with all Novated leases. Looks like in this case auction wasn't such a bad way to go.
No the 09 doesnt.... That's what Chris has been saying. The 2010 is digital and completely different.
I've always bought my cars under a 1 year novated lease. It's the most tax effective strategy and allows you to upgrade often. Mind you, at the end of the lease term I'd never return the car to the lessor for them to sell it at auction. I'd always pay out the residual amount and sell it myself. Good depreciation too. Lost $20K ~13% in 16 months.
Mats and locknuts key....
I got a keyring, model of a GTR and a tie pin and a wallet. Wouldn't be too fussed if I missed out on any of that...
How did you go with the project mu pads?
Not the case. R was able to be engaged from the get go....
I'm still very concerned on the statement that they "may" void a warranty if the damage occurred whilst the car was being operated with the tune when the problem occurred. I really wouldn't trust this at all. That's why I highlighted exactly what the manual states and that is that the warranty on the engine and turbos etc will be permanently voided if the engine ever exceeds those limits. If the tune affects boost and mixture (which all tunes will), I'm 100% sure Nissan WILL void the warranty if you are to believe the Warranty manual. Even if the problem then occurs afterwards when the engine is being run on the standard mapping you're still stuffed based on this wording. It's in black and white and it really doesn't matter what the dealer says, the buck stops with Nissan when it comes to paying for warranty claims. Also an exhaust mod without an appropriate retune could also theoretically allow boost levels to spike to above these thresholds again causing you problems in this department. I would just treat the info they've given you with a healthy dose of skepticism that's all.... And with regards to them working on JDM's. That's good news that there is a "rogue" dealer out there prepared to buck the system. However I'm not sure why any of you JDM owners would want Nissan to work on your JDM car anyway! Most of us with ADMs bring them to Nissan in order to ensure our warranty stays intact. Once the warranty period is over I'm sure there will be other competent workshops out there that will look after our cars as well as Nissan can for a lot less money. The only advantage would be that they now are prepared to sell parts to JDM owners which could be of advantage if you needed something in a hurry that was only held by Nissan spare parts.
It's all a bit like getting insurance really. Talk is cheap until they have to honour it. Read the Warranty manual carefully and you will read explicitly that there are pre-defined mixture and boost levels that if the engine EVER exceeds will void the warranty on it. ...
And to think for all these years we've been painting and polishing cars we could have just stopped painting after laying on the primer coat. Who would have thought hey?
You are correct. The ADMs don't have the aux input located in the passenger footwell. They cannot take a composite input anywhere as they do not have the aux button on the console. The only way to get an aux video input is to intercept the RGBS signal from the AV unit to the MFD and insert a composite to RGB converter. I've described where to buy it and how to do it in this thread: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Ip...35-t323900.html
Just like I said. There is no "setting" for LC2. Nissan did this so that people wouldn't be turning VDC off anymore to get good launches. Its the same launch RPM in R or VDC OFF. Just brake reasonably hard and floor the throttle and then release the brake. Mind you when the car was new (<5000kms) it was hard to get it up to 3000 RPM without double pumping the throttle etc. Now at 27000 kms it just goes straight to 3000 RPM independently to how fast you push the throttle down or how hard you're applying the brake etc. It's almost like the ECU adjusts as you put kms on the trans just like it limits torque whilst the trans is still cold. Quarter mile and 60 ft time has dropped by 0.15 seconds as well as a result of the consistently faster takeoff.