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  1. Looking to upgrade from my 99 barina, manual with 140--- on the clock, how much cash would you be asking with that? Also what is your reason for selling
  2. could you send some pics to tsb@deakin.edu.au please.
  3. great looking car, what year is it?
  4. Saw my first R35 (silver) yesterday going down princes' highway in highton in geelong. Only saw it for a second but wow, it was sex.
  5. Got a Qld license before their new rules were brought in, they didnt affect people who already had a license. So im aloud to, just need to buy the car first
  6. would someone really bother upping the engine in a 32 if you were not going to put a turbo in? I know it would be an improvement but if you were spending that much to upgrade your cars output I would imagine a turbo would be done too??
  7. had a mate with a celica that had similar stuff with the blue glow. If your after ideas he also had them in the air vents, above the sun visors and in the little slots in your doors, as well as the usual foot wells and under seats.
  8. man nows theres three things i really want, one of these, sau membership and.... oh yeah a skyline will save for that first
  9. Wow thats a shame, really sorry to hear that. It was a really good shop and the guys there were great. And lame about the boxes, however i do visit their so maybe in the future I can obtain one.
  10. time to bust out a hacksaw imo.
  11. Had some wanker trying to pick my girlfriend up by telling her he had a AMG Black. I knew they were extremely rare but not this rare. What a knob.
  12. Geelong Car sound had one of these in their shop for a while but i think they are closed now, looked deep enough but it is a sealed box. Pretty sure they have closed, i know they have at least moved, they said they got it sent down from a place on the gold coast.
  13. Firstly thats shocking, way to give your kid some morals aye. And i think the guy saying support you local car club meant more along the lines of real clubs, so that this stuff doesnt take place.
  14. Dammit cant get the pics off my phone but i saw one of those people carrier 'space gear' the other day with a GTR badge on it...... wat the hell aye
  15. Had the same thing happen to a mate with his 180, he was a little slower to respond though and they got away with his steering wheel :S as for some comic ideas try this or just say goodbye to your paint job
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