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Everything posted by Dominic

  1. This is what a $35,000 GTR looks like. And the fifth shows you the kinda chicks you pick up with a 34 GTT. (Gees Im looking for trouble today)
  2. Go the GTR, GTR's hold their value, $35k will get you a good one. Youll be able to resell it for what you paid for it. Plus GTRs are the ducks guts of all cars and what all GTS, GTT etc drivers dream of. Plus power... stock GTR eats GTT's. Plus Grip Plus the 11 inches of front and rear rubber (265/40/17 fit on stock wheels) Plus watching the tail hang out at will on a skid pan and then gathering it in by pressing the loud pedal Plus street cred as in.. "What kinda *line* ya got" "OHHH so you dont have a GTR" (Flame proof suit on)
  3. Mercedes forum -My wife is divorcing me and trying to take the house. How do I kill her and keep my Doctors license? Bentley Forums - I used the ash tray today How do I replace it? US Car Forums - My girl slept with my brother and my wife. How can I kill em? I have a record and I ain't going back. Mustang forums -Some punk kid in a civic tried to race me. Civic forums (quite a few here) -Just added some more decals (5hp gain) -whose tailpipe is bigger (post pics) -I want some Altezza'a -Car actually took off today. Thanks to my new wing. VW Bug forum - Save the Earth concert was a success (pics) Lamborghini forum -Wind noise around 210MPH SUV forum - Are the Gas prices going down any time soon? Delorean forum - Just got back from the future and blew a head gasket. Please help. I'm from 1985 Toyota Echo forum - Does our car use AAA or AA batteries? Ferrari forums - Just bought a boat. Need suggestions about a quick round business trip to Columbia + should I bring the bitch along for the ride? . Hummer forum -Had a fender bender today 24 hurt, 10 killed. Is black touchup paint available through the dealer? Mitsubishi forum -How to remove training wheels (DIY) Subaru WRX forum - Got pulled over for drifting in george St. I hate cops Supra forum (For sale/wanted)- 2 turbos isn't enough. Volvo forum- My husband still wears his sweater tied around his neck at soccer games, is this wrong? Porsche forum- Anyone want to get in on a Group Buy for "male enhancement" pills? VW Kombi forum- If I run out of gas, can I get this thing to run on bong water? Skyline forum- Is there anyway to get a 50" wheel under this thing? Commodore forum- Is there any way we can get GMH to pull some strings at the RTA and stop the little turbos from beating us at street drags. Amish Horse Drawn Buggy forum- Smoked a kid in a Civic! Gemini forum - who's rust hole is bigger? (post pics) - does a V6 bolt straight into my gemini? - im 14, and i wanna do a FOoLY SiCk turbo conversion. can i do one for $10?
  4. NAHHH..... I think Ill go DAEWWOOOOOOOHHHH? (Yes Ill use the EVO, Bloody skylines wont fit a full size spare in the boot, and I got a flat first event) Keep Thursday 19 Feb free. A practise Gp Rally skidpan day will be held. Stay Tuned...
  5. Who would have believed it? Pictures of Daewoooooos on a Skyline Forum. Duncan are you the guy that drops his pants in excitement when Bronwyn Bishop appears on TV.
  6. I have a 19 year old who cant drive and doesnt like cars. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH HIM ????? This is my sons web site http://www.geocities.com/panpacificjazzorchestra/ See Him live in concert with his 20 piece BIG BAND, before they tour New Zealand (April) and Switzerland (July) Soup Plus ($8) Tuesday 17 February Hornsby RSL ($11) Thursday 8th March North Sydney Leagues ($15) Saturday March 13 with special guests John Morrison and Dan Barnett
  7. OHH SHIT !!!!, Just looked under the bonnet and Its not an EVO, Its just a Lancer with an EVO bodykit, I thought $10,000 was too cheap for a genuine EVO ;^)
  8. I really dont think it is due to any skill or ability on behalf of FATZ. I think it is purely the superb balance and handling and unlimited power of the 1.5 litre auto Lanos with the air on.
  9. Guys Im currently obtaining my Motor vehicle dealers license. So i have a fair bit of inside knowledge in the car game. 1. The difference between a $50k car and a $40k car is $10 k, THERE IS LITTLE OTHER DIFFERENCE IN STOCK CARS. 2. People "arrange" to have the speedos wound back to around 40 -60k as the aussie market likes cars with this amount of ks. (Theres a guy that advertises in the Sydney trading post to wind back your speedo) 3. A car with loads of extras adds only a little to the price, many dealers remove extras, such as alarms, suspension etc as a stock car sells for a fair price and there is a ready market for aftermarket gear. 4. remember when you buy from a dealer you have to be prepared to pay for part of his rent, wages, insurance, license fees, advertising and the big killer GST of 10% on imports. The trick is look at heaps of cars add what the extras THAT YOU WANT will cost you second hand and then offer a fair price. Remember that theres plenty out there that wanna take ya money, not many want to help you make some money.
  10. After Pete blitzed me (in my GTR) at an Aaron McGill meet with his gf's Daewoo lanos. he said I should try driving an EVo 6.5. Well here it is and the spoiler sits in the garage with the original Enkei wheels. Ill tell you how it goes after the Grand Prix rally.
  11. Went to a BBQ On NYD and sat amongst a group of guys talking about cars. They seemed evenly split between Ford and Holden lovers and so made me feel a right loser being the only turbo owner in the group. The seven of us were aged 40-46, so we are not kids. Anyway one of the guys (joe) has a small collection of Toranas including a L34 SLR 5000 which he dotes over, The car cost him 15k two years ago and he has since spent another $40k on chrome, waxing and wanking. he went out to a birthday party in August and was concerned about the area so got a few mates to park their 4wds behind his car and then he chained the wheel to the brake pedal. When they were ready to leave the party, the 2 4WD had their windows smashed and had been moved, the Torana was gone. Joe scoured the papers and internet regularly and a few weeks later an add appeared advertising WELD Wheels to suit a 1976 SLR 5000, He went to see them and recognised them as his, he also saw on the wall of the garage his baby capsule and booster seat, his jacket and a few other items that had been removed from his car. he thanked the guy and went home and spoke to a few friends, one of them Abdul said Ill get the car back for you, dont call the Police. So they met at 10.00 pm with 3 cars parked outside the house and joe walked inside alone. He tells the guy that he has stolen the car which is of course denied. joe phones Abdul who immediately walks in the door with 5 others and loudly announces he has six other mates in the cars outside. The thief apologises and offers to give back all the items from the car but advises that the car has been stripped with some parts sold. Abdul places a hand gun on the table and says " we are all waiting here until the car arrives in one piece" The thief says its impossible but after some discussions makes a few dozen phone calls. (At this stage Joe a simple farmer is the most scared of the lot) At approximately 4.00am a tray top arrives with every last scrap and piece of his beloved Torana on it. The thiefs mates had driven hundreds of kilometres and knocked on doors after midnight to get every last piece and return the car. It took a mechanic 4 weeks to piece the car together and other than a few scratches the only damage was that the steering wheel had been saw cut to remove the locking chain. Next election Im gunna Vote for Abdul instead of Bob Carr.
  12. Thanks to all the emailers, But the R33 GTR Wheels advertised y'day have sold. I still have a 93% new NISMO Twin plate clutch http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...ead.php?t=30749 and The Ohlins Gold Front and Rear "Height and Damper" adjustable shocks as new and used for only 4,000 Kms http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...ead.php?t=30746 Will do Incredible price for both 75% off the new price.
  13. Swap for what? I may be interested but let me know. I dont need them any more as I wont be putting the skyline on the track anymore and the tyres are too big for my replacement car.
  14. This as new clutch has been measured using Vernier Callipers and has 93% of the "meat" still left. Only done 4,000 km. It is a genuine NISMO twin plate to suit R33 or R34 GTR. (no flywheel) It cost thousands new but will sell for $750 pstrata@tpg.com.au
  15. I have for sale a set of unmarked R33 GTR rims fitted with 50% tread Bridgestone Re 55 racing tyres suitable for street but designed for competition (tyres cost $2200 new) 255/40/17 tyres These will be ideal for the next dutton rally or to win a few supersprints. $1,850.00 is the price which is less than the tyres cost. pstrata@tpg.com.au Sydney
  16. Ohlins of Sweden is acknowledged as the worlds best suspension upgrade for any car. I am selling my Ohlins Gold Coil over shocks for the front and rear of a R33 or R34 GTR Only. They are of course height and damper adjustable. (these are not the cannister type which are illegal in tarmac rally in AUST) Only done 4,000 km of road work and cost near $10k new. $2,500.00 will get a super bargain and the best suspension. Costs approx $100 to fit. email me direct pstrata@tpg.com.au Sydney (but can send interstate)
  17. A written off V spec going to auction. At least you can brag that you own a GTR R 33 and you cant wait to get it on the road !!! http://www.pickles.com.au/servlet/Auction/...003289&check=ps
  18. Pentium III 450 Mhz, Windows 98, MS OFFice, Standard card. 2 Y old
  19. has to use the attached and included ISA card,
  20. I am modernising my office and have 27cm adjustable height LCD monitor Dell Desktop pentium 3 with 128 Mg Ram, 20 Gig HD, CD ROM, network card, keyboard, mouse etc, ready to go. Will sell LCD Monitor separate for $150.00 and Comp. for $300. Sydney pstrata@tpg.com.au or SMS 0414 62 62 43
  21. Mitsubishi has quoted the Following: 1. 100 Evo 8 arriving June about $70k on the Road (60-65 +ORC) 2. If they sell, a further 100 coming in 2005 3. ONLY the 195 Kw model coming to AUST, not the 206 or 235 Kw 4.The EVO 6.5 did not sell well and thus many were used as company cars By Mitsi AUST., rather than discount new cars they are for sale thru dealers like Paul Wakeling, Kakimoto etc for $52k + On Road + GST. They are called 2nd hand and not Demos as they all have 4/03 start of warranty (2 year) All have under 10,000km. 5. The wholesale value of the TME cars is $46k (Aust Del) less for imports. 6. 6.5 Power is 10 Kw above post 01 STI but they are 200 Kilos lighter thus the better performance. 7. factory figures are 13.1 SSQ and 5.0 0-100 This is the information I have got to date as I have a friend that has bought two (6.5) for racing
  22. Offers are OK.
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