Yea that sounds a wee bit effed up! It's because the company's are wayyyyyy to big to give to balls about us customers and only want our $$$$ but expect us to be put through all these unneccesary BS! If she does sue..i hope she wins! Take a big chuck out their wallets while your at it!
I called them...they told me I had to go down to the nearest vodafone shop so I did on my lunch guess what? They told me to call up because they couldn't do anything in the shop! :@ not very happy i know they are just working there but still you think they could at least try and help
Would it matter if I've only just signed up with the contract a few months ago? Or do you have to pay like an early exit fee or some other BS like that?
wouldn't happen know when it is likely to come good again? or where to find out? because the contract im on is real good but the reception is p*****g me off :@ nearly drowned the phone the other day it was that bad ahahahah
Is anyone else having sh***y reception with vodafone? Or is it just my iPhone 4? I heard vodafone is going through a merger with 3 but my phone has had very little reception if any at all for at least 8 months or so. It cant be taking that long can it?
yer i've patched it up with 100 mile tape and yes Rhys i'm driving the pulsar no power, no flutter, no boost!!!!!!!!! least she has a sound system ahahaha and i'm pretty sure it's an after market bumper
thanks guys!!! it's great to drive, had a scare or two since i got it but i'm getting used to it needs to stop misfiring and she will run perfect XD and it sounds ok...almost like a diesel ahahahah and rhys i need help posting those pics ahahah
Hey everyone, i was just wondering where i could pick up a cheap front bumper painted(black like my car) for my 32, my little brother's girlfriend hit me and its half falling off :'(...if anyone could help us out that would be great thanks