A lot of people here saying to take it and move on... I think you guys are the exact reason the police treat HPI drivers like they do. Because they think they can get away with it.
When i got yellowed by a cop and the pits inspector told me everything was fine, i sure as hell followed that shit up. Im not paying $100 for a pits inspection that is bogus. In the end after a couple of phone calls, letters from the pits inspector and my mechanic, and inquiries, i was given a full refund for my expenses on behalf of the WAPOL, and the Chief Officer offered me an apology on behalf of the officer that issued the yellow sticker.
Allen the first part is very true, cops still have the power to give you a yellow sticker, even if they have no idea what they are talking about. The second part i disagree with. We pay for permits and engineering certificates to make the modification legal. If an officer can claim that you have swapped out the modded item, then they are also claiming that they know what they are talking about and your mod is different to the one listed on the permit. If the item is 100% the same item, then you have grounds to back yourself up legally against that treatment.
Fact is, as long as they think they can get away with it then they will do it. It's people that just accept it and don't do anything to stand up for themselves and the rest of the HPI scene that bring this sort of thing about.