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Everything posted by topher_

  1. Ye they give you a boost. They don't make you big unless you do everything else right. If you aren't doing anything right no amount of juice will make you big.
  2. Yeah but my post was saying would they get big if they had no idea what they were doing. I never said they don't make you big.. only if you know how to diet and train in the first place. I jumped on it because honestly i didn't want to take so long to get big. Wether anyone thinks that's soft or not i couldn't give a f**k about really because it's MY body and i want to get in the best condition i can be in. So i don't care if i have to take creatine or roids to do it, as long as it gets me big in as little time. I still have to work hard for it, even twice as hard as the natural guy because i am in the gym twice a day when possible and for probably double the amount of time a natural guy can train for. Is it a get big quick scheme? Of course, that's why i go to the gym to get big, so i'll do what it takes. Does it make me soft or not wanting to put in hardwork? Hell no, i'm probably training harder than every natural guy in the gym.
  3. Where your belly button is and all the way around turning into love handles? I get that pretty much where i store most of my fat with a little bit of fat on my chest but not alot.
  4. Because it sounded like a bit of a smart arse comment and i have an issue with smart arse people Anyway everybody is different and i have a mate that is 88kg and a bit shorter than me and he is bigger (except for back and legs)
  5. I'm only 5' 10" and why would i lie about how much i weigh? lol You can't see any chest or legs or anything in that pic so maybe that's why, who knows? I'm not gonna try and argue the fact of how much i weigh because it's just stupid. If it really bothers you that much i'll jump on the scales naked and take a picture of the scales for you
  6. So what you are telling me is that someone who was as skinny as i was started taking roids, only ate 3 times a day and did not know how to lift at all would get big? Come on....... But yes, lots of people waste their money on cycles and then end up shrinking back to what they were in the first place because they don't take any PCT, stop training hard and eating as much once they come off. Nice arms mehmet, how long you been training for?
  7. Hmmm couldn't edit above post... Steroids don't make you big though, they just give you a boost. You can inject someone with no idea about diet and training with 10 litres of roids a day and they won't grow.
  8. I'm planning to do another one in october and then another 2 next year and cut up for summer next year I'll pm you details of what i took etc after i get back from the gym
  9. Was 73kg am now 98kg. Training was pretty good i have always trained with a mate and both of them have been training for a minimum 4 years. Diet was pretty good at the start but i started slacking off towards the end and eating alot more shit such as chocolate and stuff so i put on a bit of fat there. 1 cycle
  10. This was me before i even stepped foot into a gym, been that skinny size my whole life. http://i27.tinypic.com/2gshbnr.jpg http://i32.tinypic.com/2m50xhf.jpg This was 4-6 months into training roughly http://i44.tinypic.com/95ugrt.jpg These pics were taken 1 and a half months ago http://i26.tinypic.com/zn8p3m.jpg http://i31.tinypic.com/14xnz15.jpg
  11. Definately a bit of fat but not too much. You are always going to put on some fat when you are eating so many calories a day
  12. When did i say i am struggling in putting on weight? I've gained 25kg in the year i have been training.
  13. If you were replacing the missing carbs with fats then yeah i can see that you would grow a little. If you were on a 'low carb' diet (how low?) and weren't eating fats and STILL grew then you don't know how to diet properly lol
  14. You either bulk or you cut. You won't grow if you aren't having enough calories
  15. Why would you be on a low carb diet if you are trying to gain weight? trib is a waste of money.
  16. But doing ab work will make them grow. Why bother working out your chest when you can just lose a shitload of body fat and see tiny pectorals?
  17. Why bother putting oats? Why not just buy a protein with carbs that's half concentrate and half isolate as a meal replacement? I honestly don't know what people's obsession with oats in shakes is. Also waxy maize is gay, you can't mix it with your shake because it slows down how fast the protein gets into your body, glucose does the same thing anyway even better and at 4x less to buy. Research into it, the internet is chockablock full of information. Take what everyone says with a grain of salt and research yourself. My uncle has been a bodybuilder for 20 years and my old man used to compete, doesn't mean i take everything they say for gospel... you gotta find out stuff for yourself especially when it comes to supplements. All you NEED is a whey isolate and glucose powder for a PWO. iIf you need creatine make sure it's a monohydrate as everything else is a gimmick, don't trust online reviews of supplements as most of the time it's faked or idiots who think it's doing something when it hasn't just because they have taken it.
  18. It's basically a sugar, i put in 2 small scoops which is about 50g of carbs. You take it with your post workout shake to give you a quick insulin spike to feed your muscles after a hardworkout. http://www.elitefitness.com/forum/diet-bod...ike-241285.html There is more detailed stuff about insulin spikes there. Also makes your shakes taste nice and sweet I was always lead to believe protein will repair your muscles and calories make you grow. If protein was all you needed why do body builders eat in excess of 6,000 calories to bulk? Why not just have protein and call it a day? Does anyone have any information on how much protein synthesis is increased on juice?
  19. Heard of glucose?
  20. http://www.cardomain.com/ride/3373893 Pretty gay pics, haven't taken any proper ones yet
  21. Where were you when i was looking for a worked 32 about 4 months ago?
  22. Why not just have 5 spoons of coffee before you go to the gym then?
  23. Do you know why your heart is pumping fast? It's just full of sugar. It does not give you an increase in strength and recovery, it's all placebo effect. I bet if i gave you panadol and told you it was a pill you would act off your head too.
  24. Anyone who uses products like no xplode thinking it makes a difference is a dickhead. Sorry it had to be said, stop wasting your money on rip off supplements.
  25. When i train with my mate we only spot once we get stuck. We barely lift help them lift it and then after they punch out that spotted rep it's drop set time
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