Just a few comments to help with the sale. The car looks really good but I think you need to publish heaps more images, especially; the interior, 'the usual' rust spots (to show there's no rust), pics of the improvements. If people aren't turning up to see the car, you might have to entice them with more pics. (Or, even better, a video - as GTR30 did when his car took a while to sell).
Also, you may need to completely fix the engine problem or show that it can be fixed without too much expense. I guess it depends who you're pitching to. 'Lumpy cam and unusual ticking' sounds like you're aiming to sell to a mechanic. Other buyers may be looking for something fully restored and reasonably reliable that drives well.
Good luck with the sale. If I wasn't so far south I'd at least go and have a look at it (and then I'd post the pics here).