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Everything posted by Houdini

  1. Confirmed today I will be travelling to Japan the end of October. Staying with a guy who works for Nissan. Already prepped to go to some car places, wreckers etc (actually he's a Nissan Cube fan ). So I'm asking early for advice etc. I will be trying to buy some bits to carry back, maybe take a suitcase specially for bringing back some key parts. Is it a good idea to buy some stuff and try to post it to myself? Thinking, thinking...
  2. Holy crap - another pink stagea!
  3. I reckon the dsg was half the problem. I hate those things and every car I've driven with that style box has sucked a*#. Manual in a diesel is so much better. In fact my diesel x-trail has so much torque it's quite enjoyable to give it a boot. Not Stagea style but still kicks butt for an SUV. I picked up someone at the airport the other day and the flight was delayed over an hour. Went out to the carpark and watched TV until I heard the plane land, then had a ball driving home and showing off the "sleeper" wagon. Ahhh, that's stagea living. Back on topic, last fillup 14.3 litres/100
  4. http://www.nissan-global.com/EN/PIVO2/index.html
  5. Can't access the link, says it was cancelled??!
  6. Posting here as not everyone reads other bits of the forum: I'm working on a project to convert the Japanese Car computer functions to English. This will be all the display stuff at this stage but not the GPS maps (although that may be possible). I need a DVD-ROM unit from a car as a discovery unit and I don't want to wait until I can pull mine out in a month. IF anyone is able to lend me one (if you've pulled one out to replace the unit or something) then you'll receive a free English language conversion and the grateful thanks of lots of forum members.
  7. very nice. Need to do something about the brakes now as the standard one's look povo
  8. Another question: is the V series DVD-ROM the same as the one in the M35? Are there varients in the V range?
  9. In the tru spirit of don't bag if you can't do... I put out the call to my developer network and found someone who reckons they can do the translation. I'm willing to kick the project off, fund it and then if I get a solution sell it on to forum members on a cost recovery basis. I need a test DVD-ROM unit though. Does anyone have one they've ripped out of a car or is willing to pull theirs out? You'll get a free English upgrade I will get mine out when I put the car in next month to get my alarm fitted but if there's one already out, I'm very keen to start work. Chris you got nay laying around? Bisseebee?
  10. oopps double post
  11. sorry my bad, stupid vista........where's my damn mac!
  12. I don't know who's being that nasty, certainly I didn't mean to be. I'm extremely impressed with Andy staying with this for so long. Serious case of beer to him when/if it ever gets finished. I will certainly decide whether or not to spend the dough when/if it ever gets released depending on cost. As you so rightly pointed out A it'll be a call of whether you wnat it or another mod and depending on cost that may be a clear side indicator or new tyres I was simply musing out loud on the whole thing after revisiting the thread. Given that I've seen Andy's working somewhat in English (Nav will never work on the system because of no Aussie maps), ages ago, it's just a but frustrating that the guy didn't take that long by the looks of it to crack the system, but rather has been taking a very long time on the security side of selling it! No offence intended.
  13. Brembos, hmm nice. Will they go onto a M35 Stagea? without too many mods? anyone know?
  14. I know I'm bumping the thread which will probably start more question on it and I for one want the thread to die (it's been frustrating that it's taken sooo long and I've only been waiting 4 months not 18) but here goes... What I'm basically thinking is that I've started to grow accustomed to the Japanese and really can't see myself using much of the Car computer stuff whether english or Japanese. And the fact that this guy's arsed around for so long instils no faith in me that if the software hack goes pear shaped you'll get any kind of support. Because he's taken so long I almost don't want to reward him by buying his software. So unless the end product is $5 then basically he can shove it! I mean seriously, he's probably spent 5 times the effort on his stupid (and defeatable) security measures. Realistically he's probably going to be asking $100 for his disks , tell himhe's dreaming. Is it just me being a crank pants or do others feel this way?
  15. Adelaide sounds cool, anti-bikie laws, car crushing. At least you guys vote in independent politicians - What's Xenophon doing about it?
  16. I've heard people call it a stage a but if you listen to the japanese commercials on youtube you'll hear it called a stagea with no break- kinda like wager or pager but without the err This is interesting actually becuase Japanese doesn't have a G sound (letter). So it's avery strange name.
  17. haven't heard ack form the guy above yet so yes 2 silver left. PM sent.
  18. horrendously expensive though
  19. send me a PM and I'll get one right out to ya. edit (pm sent)
  20. man i love that grill, don't suppose you can assist with getting one that would fit the M35 stagea?
  21. Resurecting this old thread becaus the rsults of my latest fill up are in. Trip computer said 50km's remaining and I'd done 450km's, looking good... than my results - 14.1 litres per 100km's! I'm not sure what happened the first time, maybe my user error on the odometer or something ?? Edit: oh yeah BTW my first big trip in my diesel X-Trail netted 6.1 litres per 100k's
  22. Pimped up 350Z turning right off belconnen way at 30pm followed by bright green R33 with black bonnet waiting to turn the same way (at lights)
  23. who's organising the group buy for swaybars? Andy's damn happy with his so they're tried and tested IMHO. Oh and BTW I've got a kid's seat too and as far as I'm concerned it's like a recaro for the little fella
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