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Everything posted by royb31

  1. both good cars but i love my 34gtr just got to soften it up a bit as the suspension is set up for track work and the ex took my daily driver but its still livable but as a daily its all good and feels new enough a/c is good no squeaks and rattles that comes with age so update and don't go euro unless u can get a amg c63 my mate has one and wow!!
  2. i own the blue v spec 2 was going to the airport back to work i live in perth but keep the car there in newy but its now in perth
  3. Mmm hard to say. When i got my 34 gtr it was missing a few things like the boost controller, the titanium sheild for the pods,aftermarket boost guage that i spotted in the pics from japan but mine was the same car in the pics. I believe it is common for little bits and pieces to missing but as the last post said they usually don't add stuff. Hope it all works out still a nice ride all the same
  4. liquid moly have a product that you squirt into the oil feed before you connect the lines which is quite good but other than that just pull either the fuel pump fuse or the injection control fuse and crank it over till you have oil pressure on the guage and do that a couple of times and all will be good
  5. dont know anyone thats why i'm on here
  6. any cruises or anything happening tonight or over the weekend
  7. Hi all been a member for a while just brought my car over from the eastern states where i've had it kept in my other house (had to leave it there nasty ex missus) here now and keen to go cruzing and have a chat
  8. cheers mate i'm getting mine put on the scan tool in a couple of weeks when i get back from work i will let you know what i found i really haven't had time to check it out but will get tool the bottom of it i think it got something to do with the active diff
  9. got a relay clicking in the boot near the oil resevior and some times the awd and a/lsd lights come on but not all the time ,restart the engine and the lights go out ,got no leaks seems to all be workn fine but this relay clicks about once every 30 sec its only just started to do it any ideas
  10. by what iyou guys are saying it sounds like valve guides/seals , sounds like its givin u a hed ache. Its not your turbo , as for pcv they can get gummed up take it out clean it wth solvent . oil grade is ok if its winter ,10 w 40 for summer ,i know how cold it gets used to work in fort mac oil grade was a difficulty in our large cat 3500 series engines [78 liter 2300 hp] in cold weather. but your symtoms sound like guides seals hope this helps
  11. cheers mate didn't think there was mines got no restrictor in it runs about 1 bar
  12. Hey read somewhere that there is a high/ low setting for boost on the r34gtr , I have a vspec 11 any info would be good
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