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Everything posted by JSTA33

  1. yesterday i spotted a black r33 with 'sicey' i think on the windscreen.. also today round lunch i spotted a silver 34 going down elizabeth way then seen it parked at auto barn at elizabeth, nice rims.
  2. yesterday at lunch time, going down elizabeth way i spotted a bright greed s1 r33, a yellow r34 and a silver r33 i think. later that night i spotted a cop being a dickhead, driving slowly past my car (was standing about 20 meters away) then he floored it, doing atleast 80 in a 50 zone i rekon. why can they brake the law? haha
  3. need a good condition starter motor for a r33. dont mind paying abit, but must be in good condition.
  4. hmm, the belt has no reason to be wet, cheched the car today for loose bolts and leaks, and its all good. only started a few weeks ago. looking for a starter motr atm'
  5. yeah after doing abit more research ive come to the conclusion it is the starter, a more detailed description od the sound is; it sound like you turn the key in your ignition when the car already is started and it grinds. gonna get another starter and replace it myself, from what i hear its not the hardest thing to change, ill have a look first though, thanks guys.
  6. spotted a silver s2 r33 behind muno para shops today, then a black r33 at the curtis rd/ main north intersection with a carsales sticker on the back window, ten at the same itersection i seen a white r34 waiting to turn onto craigmore road.
  7. you still got the crossover pipe that the bov is connected to? im only after that pipe, wanna get it chromed. cheers.
  8. i have searched these forums and couldnt find what im after. the last week or so ive been having this blackboard scratch/type sound on sold starts, sort of sounds like as if someone is scratching a black board. it sounds like the enging is struggling abit to rev when i turn it on, and its not my turbo because ive heard this sound on n/a cars too. it only happens in the mornings and after work. its a r33 rb25det. thanks
  9. spotted a black stagea going towards munno para, was clean then i spotted a red r33 going down curtis road, then spotted a white r34 i believe turning onto main north, didnt see what model skyline it was though then i spotted a black stagea again, at the intersection of dalkeith and main north.
  10. spotted a white clean r34 going past my work today at about 3.30pm when i was puling out of the driveway.
  11. mine has a few thing wrong with it.. clutch squeeks when deressing and releasing pedal (but im not fussed) brakes squeek haaaardcore till their warmed up, also they squeek nonstop when its wet and when ive just done a hill run. running bendix but will be getting slotted rotors soon. also on start up for a second i get a sound like as if someone is scrathing a blackboard. wierd sound, only started recently.
  12. your a legend, my car idles at 1100 rpm with the silencer in there, and 900 without the silencer in the exhaust. i thought that was normal. ill be changing that tomorow morning. cheers.
  13. spotted a red r32 down my work street slightly lost traction coming out of a bend, then i spotted a white 33 with stock rims near gawler, down coventry road.
  14. im after a sticker too.. but the kind that krishy has on his windscreen..
  15. im after a hoodie, PM me when i can order one, cheers.
  16. spotted a silver 33 with a boot lip instead of the spoiler, going past the bowling alley in elizabeth yesterday about 5 or 6.. also spotted a few cops doiwn peachy road, one decided to follow a commy instead of me.
  17. spotted a white 32 with a black bonnet parked on the side of the road in gawler.
  18. spotted a grey s2 r33 going down some road near gawler. clean car.
  19. fuel pump works all good? good condition?
  20. what suspension has it got? how lowered is it?
  21. spotted a dark blue stagea at the shops on peachy road about 2.30 today.. damn clean car .!!
  22. hey mate, ive got bendix at the moment and am absolutly sick and tored of them squeeking, untill their warmed up, and am ready to try new pads. how much for the front pads for a r33 skyline, stock condition. cheers. posted to adelaide cheers.
  23. clean car mate.. good luck with the sale.
  24. why not look into buying the intercooler and pipes seperate? and do your own pipe work? work out a hell of alot quiker, that way you can also have the pipes going werever you want.
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