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    V35 Coupe 6mt
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  1. just did exedy hd clutch kit with single mass, much better to drive and cant even notice any noise difference. cost about $2700
  2. i have this too please if anyone knows...
  3. grind the lip on the coilovers provided the adjustment tool will sill work with that part cut down.
  4. i have 19x9 +15 front and 19x10 +5 at rear. looks sweet real aggressive doesn't scrub at all either.
  5. yeah was thinking the same! ill have to join the facebook page
  6. any news on when the ozzie alternative will be out nightcrawler?
  7. if you buy an aftermarket double din, the wiring goes to that not the head unit. so the hard part is already done. i had my head unit out to plug a new aux cable into the back the other day. it took me less than an hour. so shouldn't matter when your putting speakers in. but if you where to do it properly id just run a spare rca to the boot now so you can plug amps in later. as for good aftermarket speakers you need a good amp!
  8. Agree the bose speakers are not the best thing you will ever hear but defiantly better than cheap pioneer kenwood ect so upgrade to really good speakers, if there is somthing wrong or your really really picky! my advise would be to still add an amp and sub to the boot, that combo sounds great with the stock speakers
  9. hey guys need a stock turbo, what have you got? Cheers
  10. i have a pair how much are you offering?
  11. yeah chasing one in good condition, thanks
  12. can you do a deal clutch and flywheel shipped to 6163 (wa) ??
  13. hey mate where in perth are you? my brother is chasing one for his r33
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