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About havoc_r33gtst

  • Birthday 24/10/1989

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  • Location
    port kembla

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  • Car(s)
    nissan skyline r33 gtst
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  1. Messaged you cheers
  2. Looking to buy a RB25 non neo head. Hit me up cheers.
  3. Thanks for the replys fellas. Have a new heavy duty ready to go in anyway just going to bite the bullet in the next couple of weeks and change her over. Will take some photos of it and see how farked it was. Gonna be a long day under the car .
  4. So I bled the clutch to no avail. The pedal box isn't broken. Slave is operating. Nothing leaking from master cylinder. I noticed that when running, there is a squeaking sound and a slight vibration when clutch is pushed. Any thoughts before I pull the box out.
  5. Just a quick bit of a tidy up today. Wire brushed rust with drill and resprayed heatshield with dupli colour aluminum heat proof paint. Would have done it black but had the silver left over from a while ago.
  6. One of my mates is coming round to help me bleed the system tomorrow or Wednesday. I read the guide on bleeding all 3 sections of the clutch lines . Sounds like a pain but hey that's the joys of an RB hey. Will look at deleting return line with braided line to make it easier next time
  7. I know no ecu is plug and play . I only mean an ecu that I do not need to hack at wires ,?
  8. Haltech plug in will run a map sensor and do away with the maf. Take it to your tuner to diagnose. Is it running rough dying ? Or are you just trying to locate a maf ?
  9. My series 2 gtst isn't going into gear while engine is running. Clutch pedal feels like the pressure is gone and is spongy . Looked at fluid levels on the master cylinder they are fine. Slave seems to be operating correctly. If started in 5th with clutch out it stalls immediately so I think clutch is ok. I'm thinking the clutch fork maybe ? Or the ball joint thingamajig. Clutch wont engage when engine is on..Any suggestions or anyone had the same happen.
  10. Thanks for the quick replies. Ha ha well if it hasn't sold in 3 or 4 weeks I'll take the adaptronic off your hands ?
  11. Hey fellas. I'm looking at getting an ecu in the near future and was wondering if the power fc is still a good option. I know haltech link etc are the go nowdays due to e85 and map sensors. But I'm just after a plug and play unit and am not looking at e85. To the guys with them what are the pros and cons also how is fuel consumption vs stock. Car is a series 2 gtst with intercooler, exhaust, gcg highflow, GFB electronic boost controller, spitfires, coilovers. Thanks in advance
  12. Did mine a couple of weeks ago. Steps were as follows . Used Bowdens Own wheely clean. Washed with bowdens nano wash using two bucket method. Claybar using mild nano wash solution for lubrication. Bowdens paint cleanse and restore Meguiars tech wax 2.0 applied with DA polisher Waited 4 hours then used Bowdens fully slick . Plus tyre shine . Pretty happy with the results
  13. hey mate i have the same issue with mine although mine hits 7psi then creeps to 9 at high revs . i think something is faulty with the ms2 itself . in the instructions it states that it needs to be connected to a direct pressure source like fuel pressure regulator.i know its an old ass post but if u have worked out the prob plz pm me with solution.
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