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    88 Skyline

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  1. We've got the bearing out, that's not a prob, but my mechanic recons there should have been a spacer holding the bearing in place. and we need the part numbers for the spacer/retainer and the seal The old bearing was in bits and pieces when we took the cover and axel out... N
  2. Hi Guys, Thanks for your input, but I really need the part numbers or a diagram (even Better) for the passanger side bearing/retainer/seal wheel assembly for a '88 nissan skyline/stationwagon, VIN: WCJR31FGX3 Thanks Nick
  3. Whoa, It's got a RB30 motor, EFI etc. Purchased in Melbourne, as far as I've been told, manufactured in Japan with the diff being the only aussie component. It's a beatiful (and a little rusty) stationwagon Cheers KB
  4. Hi, Got a bit of a prob, rear passanger side bearing disintegrated, with it the seal, and apparently there's a spacer that goes b/w the bearing and the cover that holds the whole thing together Can someone supply me with a diagram of how this thing is meant to be put together? BTW, I'm in PNG, so going down to the wreckers is not an option Cheers KB
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