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Everything posted by Birds

  1. I thought mine was legal and would pass lol...106db They do the test at like 5000rpm Because, you know, that's about the engine speed I like to cruise around town at
  2. Doesn't have to be loud...stock exhausts get EPA notices if the cop has a vendetta against imports. And I doubt it'd pass...the standard system is only 2db quieter than the legal limit! Most aftermarket exhausts are illegally loud. I think you'll be right though...the cop would have pulled you over for a burnout and given you a lecture along with an inspection.
  3. The one they usually mail without telling you is an EPA notice. All they need for that is a rego and an assumption your car is illegally loud...
  4. Yes they can mail you fines. Rare though; they'll usually pull you over to tell you they're gonna mail you it.
  5. Mine is monthly so it's a prick of a wait. Will revisit mid next month and see if you still have it.
  6. If they were made from the conrods of a LeMans 300SLR, maybe...
  7. Mate the cops are f**king useless / do not care. They wouldn't even look at the security footage at the carpark my girlfriend's car got stolen from. Do 5km/h over the limit and they'll happily spend 15 minutes with you on the roadside. Disgraceful state the force is in.
  8. Nothing makes it feel better or worse for that matter, just trying to explain the process how it happened. It doesn't phase me a great deal, as AVG has already cleared the malware and Kasperky's decrypt will do it's job in the system files + what little media I do keep on there. The only concerning thing is if it was actually a target, because then there's a vulnerability in my firewall, perhaps through Steam. It would not surprise me if some kid hacking in the game was able to use Crypto to avenge a war of words he lost. Seems too coincidental. I didn't visit anything out of the ordinary, so unless hotmail or hotcopper or sau got hacked, I'd say it could well be a target.
  9. If you could wait til my pay day I'd take it lol
  10. What I don't get is how the infection got to attack my PC in the first place. Half an hour before it prompted me for install, I had been playing against a couple of hackers in CS GO, can only assume they had something to do with it because I persisted in calling them faggots.
  11. Unfortunately I stupidly gave this permission to do the deed, as it disguised itself as a java update. So used to clicking that "grant permission". The files end in .crypt Unfortunately for them I don't care about my in game screen shots or my job applications from 3 years ago. Do your worst fgts.
  12. Be me and get a group email warning from our IT department about ransomware; laugh off the concept of encrypting files and demanding money to decrypt them again Get home and turn on home PC...all media files encrypted and desktop background changed to instructions on how to pay to get them decrypted I deserved that... Lucky it's my gaming PC with only backups stored on it so the fgts won't be getting any bitcoins out of me. Kaspersky have a decrypter, but probably a good opportunity to upgrade to windows 10 from the ephemeral piece of shit that is windows 8.
  13. You have a mate who votes for the greens? If I had facebook I would defriend you by association.
  14. For me the biggest selling point was the chik in Adelaide These are the kind of credentials money can't buy
  15. Mate go invest in a building or something
  16. Also in the interest of disclosure, I'm back in 88E. Another (temporary) floor seems to have been reached between 3.8 and 4.1. It never went to 3 cents so that's a good thing.
  17. You sound like you're writing song titles
  18. I don't really leave my house
  19. Volkswagen - never met an unhappy owner
  20. Pull on these tabs to inflate the vest. For further inflation, blow into the mouthpiece.
  21. You appear to be supporten shorten
  22. Better to have it and not need it! Anyone new hopping into my car, I explain how to pull out the extinguisher...shitful odds of them ever needing it, but Paul Walker could have used one lol
  23. Bringing thousands of cash to a service station to meet a stranger sounds like an impeccable idea, much better than knowing where they live
  24. That moment when Moh could have saved himself a lot of headaches http://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/464814-4-door-r32-with-rb26/
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