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Everything posted by Birds

  1. Joke between mates who talk all the time vs proper mudslinging from someone who shows up once in a blue moon
  2. http://carsales.mobi/cars/details/1997-Nissan-180SX-Type-X-S13/SSE-AD-3775338 Me likey Shitload of work done to that
  3. I've got enough money and know how for my little investment projects, no thank you. Besides, I already gave you and everyone else here know how. I dropped 88E as a stock tip here when it was trading around 1.5 cents. It peaked at 8 cents before falling to what it is now. Some people have lost money on the share, staying in and not selling out, or buying in too high, but anyone who listened to me from the start and sold at its peak would have made a shitload of return for a few simple mouse clicks, like I did. In a single day, the kind of returns you can't get from blue chip stocks after 20 years. Then you talk shit about shares worth cents as if it matters what denomination the company trades in - a hundred million dollar company trading itself as $80 shares or 2 cent shares doesn't change how much the company is worth. So you'll have to forgive me for calling you out on that or when you say "how's that going for you" in regards to my investment. I got no real beef with you Alex, I'm sure you're better in real life, but surely you realise how dumb and arrogant it sounds to come on here paying out on other people's financial choices/situation, or investment, or whatever they choose to do with their money. I don't know if you're trolling or serious or a combination of both, but the irony within it all is that you drive your Lexus and don your Breitling trying to make a good impression on people, yet you fall short in the areas that actually matter to people. Nuff said.
  4. 700% return on investment excites me. But you stick to your 25% return. I know a few people *significantly* more wealthy than yourself and all of them possess a damn sight more class and credence than you could ever project with your sheer arrogance, ignorance, pretentiousness, shameless self promotion and lining of yourself with over-capitalised luxury goods in an attempt to compensate for an image you couldn't pull off with merits alone. But as they say, money can't buy you class...you can't fake that one either.
  5. Your watches make you look like someone pretending to have more money than they do
  6. Your super fund doesn't count
  7. You didn't really answer my question
  8. Have you invested in something before or only ever financed?
  9. That is the assumption
  10. Yep I was wrong...but how long should it stay there before you can call it a floor, cause it hung around that for weeks.
  11. I'm gonna say 2.8 I hope it doesn't, but our last capital raise to private investors pulled the share price down just below the share issue price. Wouldn't surprise me if it happens again. On the plus side can pick up cheap shares.
  12. You don't get to call two different floors...pick one that it will stabilise at. I can't see much support in the buy side, only 12 million shares between current price and 2 cents...and there is heavy manipulation going on with 15 million share orders being traded back and forth. In auction it is being dragged down one pip at a time each day. I cashed out and will be back in when it starts climbing again. Got sick of watching profits piss away again. Still confident it's a great long term prospect but missing out on acquiring more shares for the same money if I don't try to buy in lower as it sinks.
  13. I'm pretty sure all but a Reliant Robin can achieve this
  14. Beethoven can feel that shit Could not pass up the opportunity to hear probably the most famous composer of all time belting out a hundreds year old song
  15. Who drives a classic for the handling?
  16. Your comparison is utterly lost on me
  17. I would have to have done that in the 240/Trueno/KPGC10
  18. Yep. I want to hear adagio sustenuto at the exact tempo he intended it. Unless he was some master troll or like a modern artist who modified their song vastly from the studio version for concert performances. Then he can f**k off.
  19. But you did In that alley behind Billboards With that guy
  20. Don't be jaded
  21. The downfall of DSE has probably been the most beneficial event of the year for VWL Loving my Logitech bluetooth / nano USB receiver headphones with mic. They power on through the charge cable too so never run out of battery.
  22. Too lazy to sell cars separately?
  23. 1. Up In Smoke Tour 2. Nirvana 3. Beethoven 4. Michael Jackson 5. Guns 'n' Roses (Slash and Axl friends)
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