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Everything posted by Birds

  1. Even funnier that all except Dezz were/are up on said investment too
  2. In Donostia Will surely hit up a 3 star restaurant and order a well done filet mignon with no vegetables
  3. London nearly 8 cents, 88E brothers
  4. He's right and he's wrongWrong because if someone chucked 100k at the share 4 months ago, they'd be a millionaire by now. A friend on hot copper had 200k on it and is well into that actually, Right because most shale plays do take a couple of years to actually start producing oil, but A. share prices don't wait for oil to start producing to go up / be worth a lot of money (see above, or if a joint venture partner comes on or a major buys us out), and B. this isn't an ordinary shale (see company announcements referring to the discovery as behaving more like a conventional play; not that shale/unconventional plays aren't profitable). Do your own research (and that includes not necessarily listening to me) - even the experts disagree on things but one thing that no one but the most vicious downrampers on hot copper can disagree on is that they've made a pretty huge discovery.
  5. You'll get a 20 year old Hamish DJ Plexus - he only uses samples from the 70s
  6. Was actually dig at Greg's car
  7. The cops used to have a drag car at Calder Back when they were cool
  8. More like auto sports lyin' amiright fellas??? Edward Lees
  9. About 6 months ago he'd told me he was thinking of selling cause he just wasn't using it, going to waste. I tried to convince him to do some track days cause that would reignite the spark but, married man with kid/s, his priorities are elsewhere which is fair enough. I think it went way too cheap but at least he gets a quick sale and money in account is better than in a car not getting used. I think he could have got low to mid 30s for it fairly easily. That engine is something special.
  10. Matt didn't buy it, though I thought he would have for sure. Someone else beat him to it.
  11. 33R gone I knew that wouldn't last long; bargain But he wasn't using it either and the guy has already paid so he's happy
  12. Forum rules are you need a price Thanks
  13. I don't think many are jumping at uni courses with $$$$ in their eyes. Graduate pay rates are pretty well known to be horrible and it's widely accepted that you're going to be doing it tough for a few years proving yourself or moving up. Nut many careers in certain industries require a degree, so if you're passionate about that, it can be the "easy" or only way to get into what you want to do.
  14. In my suburb there is a 1 in 8 chance of finding someone sober or not on methodone. The police generally stay away as if they ever cracked down on it, there would simply be no population left. The town runs itself anyway, sort of like a Walking Dead scenario.
  15. Wait...gauges? $91
  16. Get back into a 33R Mine will be on the road in a few months / years
  17. Need a price matey
  18. 880,000km*
  19. Maybe noisy hydraulic lifter = actually is bottom end bearing? 33R is a work colleague. If I was in the market for one I'd buy it! He's a meticulous owner who only takes it out maybe once a month. All the work was done by Ben when he was running RP. One of those GTRs that has entered six figure territory. My black one should end up cheaper though.
  20. They have a fiat 500 with a dog box in it too lol
  21. That's on 98 with a safe tune If E85 easy 800+
  22. If that wasn't a Seinfeld reference it's bang on for his description of fatherhood
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