He's right and he's wrongWrong because if someone chucked 100k at the share 4 months ago, they'd be a millionaire by now. A friend on hot copper had 200k on it and is well into that actually,
Right because most shale plays do take a couple of years to actually start producing oil, but A. share prices don't wait for oil to start producing to go up / be worth a lot of money (see above, or if a joint venture partner comes on or a major buys us out), and B. this isn't an ordinary shale (see company announcements referring to the discovery as behaving more like a conventional play; not that shale/unconventional plays aren't profitable).
Do your own research (and that includes not necessarily listening to me) - even the experts disagree on things but one thing that no one but the most vicious downrampers on hot copper can disagree on is that they've made a pretty huge discovery.