I reset my squat weights (and all other exercises) for form reasons a couple of months ago. I used to do high weight (high for me lol) low/mid rane reps, anywhere from 1RM to a max of 10. Occasionally did high rep set once in a while.
Well I thought I'd start from the bottom, going light as hell at 60kg ATG, but for maximum reps and just smash legs that way as I wasn't happy with where my previous squatting form was at. Only squatting once a week, for about 4 or 5 sets but max reps on each one, I've seen what I think are great improvements for me. I added 5kg each week and went for max reps and have worked my way up to 90kg, for 19 reps. It doesn't sound like much, but the most reps I'd achieved prior to this high rep training was 20 @ 80kg, and that was when I was 1 rep maxing about 130kg. I'm not keen to test 1RM again just yet; I just want to stick it out with the high rep training because I think my squat form is better than ever and my back doesn't hurt afterwards, which is a good sign. So far I think it is doing wonders for strength and legs are seeing a bit of thickness for once too. Sometimes less is more!!! Will do 95kg, 100kg and so on in the coming weeks and it'll be interesting to see how I go.
I'm also doing box jumps and steep hill climbs some weeks, which I think are helping too.