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Everything posted by Birds

  1. It's not enough of a bad life choice; needs at least four doors and a new paint job
  2. If she's anything like his last...she simply doesn't exist
  3. Not really; one is having sex with a woman, the other is with a man.
  4. Shelves > cabinets
  5. A pic or two might help Josh
  6. I do high bar more for shoulder reasons. Low bar I fear will flare my shoulder injury and yes, has always been comfortable sitting on my traps. That said, I don't squat that heavy, so...
  7. Really? I've had everyone telling me to go low bar for more power and better balance through the squat, especially as I'm tall in the body.
  8. 88E recovery is goooood Dezz just about back to even again Birds severely in profit
  9. What has been seen...
  10. Frothing the 88E recovery from Friday Bring on the superhighway news
  11. I see a cool air intake, a Nos fogger system and a T4 turbo, I see an AIC controller. It has direct-port nitrous injection...
  12. Was down there checking Jim's car out a couple of weeks ago. Frikken mint and the AFM is hilarious!
  13. Yes. Went through the red lights of all 4 intersections to catch up to me, then blocked off a lane of Burwood Hwy for a "random" inspection, later admitted to be pulling over anything with four round tail lights. Then the same cops got Pat an hour later on Stud Rd.
  14. I didn't see the lights until I was already a man. By then they were nothing to me but blinding
  15. That sounds much wiser than investing in a booming share
  16. Too used to driving a Pulsar? Weren't used to the snappy acceleration?
  17. I reset my squat weights (and all other exercises) for form reasons a couple of months ago. I used to do high weight (high for me lol) low/mid rane reps, anywhere from 1RM to a max of 10. Occasionally did high rep set once in a while. Well I thought I'd start from the bottom, going light as hell at 60kg ATG, but for maximum reps and just smash legs that way as I wasn't happy with where my previous squatting form was at. Only squatting once a week, for about 4 or 5 sets but max reps on each one, I've seen what I think are great improvements for me. I added 5kg each week and went for max reps and have worked my way up to 90kg, for 19 reps. It doesn't sound like much, but the most reps I'd achieved prior to this high rep training was 20 @ 80kg, and that was when I was 1 rep maxing about 130kg. I'm not keen to test 1RM again just yet; I just want to stick it out with the high rep training because I think my squat form is better than ever and my back doesn't hurt afterwards, which is a good sign. So far I think it is doing wonders for strength and legs are seeing a bit of thickness for once too. Sometimes less is more!!! Will do 95kg, 100kg and so on in the coming weeks and it'll be interesting to see how I go. I'm also doing box jumps and steep hill climbs some weeks, which I think are helping too.
  18. Now that we've made some of y'all some money, sell when you think you've had enough stress / have earned a tidy profit and then you can never lose. Or...stay with me and go down with the sinking ship / into the clouds with the oil gods. Have a mate on hot copper who is currently worth 1.4 million after today's gains. Massive investment and risk but, wow. Hope to join him one day. You're on your own!
  19. 1. Get balls 2. Stop wasting money on cars and waste on stocks instead
  20. I threw another 8k at it today...I think even with the recovery the market hasn't fully digested it yet. We're sitting atop a massive discovery as confirmed by the company.
  21. 7 grand up for the day so far
  22. It's very good news from what I read. 8 cents could be history.
  23. And I shouldn't have sold ten grand worth at 3.8 to take out my original investment Impossible to reliably pick the best times for anything; it'll haunt you if you think about it too much. Set and forget and check the prices once or twice a day = winning. Now let's see this baby crawl past 8 cents when the news comes.
  24. This is the right attitude to have. The worst mistake people make is caring about the money they invested. I've learned that lesson the hard way, way too many times and finally decided to try holding this time around...it's working very well so far.
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