Had a ride along with some cops from Knox and Nunawading, was quizzing them on the way. The one from Knox said Pettett is still on the books there and would fine his own mother
Haha I remember someone talking about it, but it was good cause I got items I needed but didn't have yet like some wireless bluetooth/USB headphones, computer speakers and UHF radios.
Went with a Commbank card ordered online through netbank in 30 seconds, surprised I didn't think to look there first. The guy at Travel Money Oz was surprised at the rate Commbank gave me for it and said even he couldn't beat it (in spite of their poster advertising "we'll give you $100 if we can't beat a competitor's rate" - apparently this doesn't apply because a Commbank are charging me $15 for the card lol. Thanks for the suggestion!
Bday present from Leesh = surprise Eurotrip
I realise I just pulled a Martin
But I'm trying to dodge the 65 euros or whatever that Travelex want to charge me for exchanging funds
We are the gumtree generation - everyone wants everything for nothing
There are some damn IDIOT buyers too. Trying to sell tyres and people offer me stupid amounts; respond by saying my minimum price so then they message me again a week later offering half of that. People trying shit on; dreamers!!'
Complete guess on my part; it's just not uncommon to see these plates adorning the low spec Beamers and it's difficult to tell if they are taking the piss out of themselves or really believe they have achieved the pinnacle of automotive ownership that others can only dream of; dropping 10k on a 10 year old Euro car...Maybe his initials are NVV lol - still a wanker either way
I don't buy the cartel argument...if they're not making weed, they'll make another drug, probably more harmful, or engage in some other racketeering. They're not gonna say "well guys, we had a good run, it's time to get honest jobs now."
88E brothers and sisters are enjoying the 6.9 cent spike
Kicking myself for not throwing more at it
Then again, this will prolly seem cheap if it hits 10 cents