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Everything posted by Birds

  1. Between bra-less ice addicts hitting on cops and paramedics, and security guards discussing Port Arthur as a government conspiracy to implement gun control measures, I think I'm done for tonight in the ED
  2. It'd be 300% if you listened to me the first time around
  3. 88E hits 6.1 today List of happy VWLers ------------------------------ Bird$ Borci Pat De$$ (?)
  4. Yeah they ride a lot of bicycles there though lol
  5. My memory is shit without a stroke Seriously think I'm headed for some sort of dementia or Alzheimer's later in life
  6. Hmmm. Someone, somewhere in the world would be making a business out of collecting deposits on multiple cars for sale.
  7. Oh crap, I might have started the argument lol...sorry guys...back on track for medicinal discussion
  8. FWIW I am pretty pro weed, for medicinal use at least and anyone who can improve their life with it. But as a sufferer of the long term effects, I would like to see more education on the potential downsides that one can experience from it, as it's seen to be a very safe drug to use short term, when short term can be all you need to get what I did from it. And continuing from above, I can certainly see a spike in the amount of stoned drivers getting around if we were to legalise it. Whether they are merely replacing the drunk drivers or appearing in addition to them, I do not want to be sharing the road with people out of their minds. And you can certainly make that illegal and put fines on it, but like drink driving, how much would it really curb people who do it regardless?
  9. Without getting into a pro or anti argument, I would like to point out here (because I see this get thrown around a lot, along with the why is alcohol legal and pot isn't mantra), that there is significantly less marijuana consumption than there is alcohol consumption in our society. Not saying which one is better than the other, but if consumption was on the same level we may see much more adversity from weed than we currently do.
  10. Might be some good stuff on mensbiz? I can't recommend anything as I haven't tried enough, I just go off the mensbiz reviews and buy stuff with a minimum 4 stars...that seems safe to me. If you're talking off the shelf I always swear by Nivea's gel. Currently using Gilette Fusion gel and it's not bad.
  11. Is there really that much divide between mind and body in the western world? I feel like more than ever we're giving credit to some alternative medicines and treatments of mental health with the idea of run on effects for the body. Some are even claimable on health insurance. Then there's fitness which is a total mind and body thing. I don't know why the divide would exist in the first place when it's so obvious that the brain controls vital functions and responses, even autonomous. Only have to look at the autonomous nervous system and how it reacts under stress/pressure or in response to physical exertion and you know that any effect on the brain is going to translate. Perhaps western medicine has largely ignored this in the past, trying to treat things at the site rather than the potential source, but I know western psychology has mingled the two for centuries.
  12. Which flavour have you left the most of It's pineapple or orange, isn't it
  13. Absolute truth
  14. Nervously broke out the Dovo shavette last night for my first foray into cut throat shaving. Really thought I was going to walk away with a face full of blood, so decided to just stick with cheeks. Well, after them, I thought I'd try the side of my neck...before I knew it, I had done the whole face. Seriously the most comfortable shave I've ever had! It may help that I spent half an hour doing it so as not to slice myself, but I think all my time with a DE safety had helped me transition to this, as aside from holding the handle completely differently, the same rules applied (angle + pressure). Not a single nick, just one or two red spots from against the grain strokes. This was also using just king of shaves kinesium oil and Gilette foam, no real shave soap or prep. Definitely sticking to the shavette, and touchwood it wasn't just beginners luck. There's hope for me getting a traditional straight razor yet!
  15. What's the worst that could happen if they f**k up You die So what, then you don't have to deal with warranty claims and all that jazz
  16. I think you do
  17. 90db would be the idle lol, with factory pipes My R1 with yoshis and no baffles probably hit 130db + on full song
  18. Sound financial advice
  19. I can't gear my shares now can I Can I?
  20. What is truly hilarious is that 1000cc superbikes are legal on the road. The assumption here is that this motorbike is going to obey the speed limit, when 1st gear tops out at 165km/h and the bike engine is not in it's powerband until 80-90km/h. Not a chance. I sped on mine all the time.
  21. They'll give you $250 a week for it. The only thing you'll get from capital loss is savings on capital gains IF you ever make them again.
  22. Really can't think of a better metaphor for itExcept maybe the yakuza taking their cut from a district of businesses to "protect your business" from getting f**ked up (by them), except that the government f**ks your shit up even after taking the money. So really, they are worse than an organised crime syndicate.
  23. Speeding isn't safe, but neither is driving. It's all risks and reducing them or increasing them, as has been mentioned. I drive like what society would call an idiot, and often...but much less when other cars are around me or in adverse conditions and that's my risk reduction. Speed limits are set at a certain level to cater for the lowest common denominator and poor conditions(and to raise revenue!). This is your unintelligent, slow reflexed person in a shitty car. You're not going to instantly kill someone the moment you step above the speed limit; it only increases risk and, yes, there is safer speeding and it comes from a more capable driver doing it in a more capable car. This is someone who has very good reflexes, experience as a road user / can predict situations, can multi task, can pull their way out of a shitty situation, has good depth perception, fast reaction times, good eye sight, pays attention and takes in everything around them, not just 3 metres directly in front of them (which seems to be 90% of the driving population as far as I know). But you can't have different speed limits for different people in different cars, so we're stuck with what 80 year old Deloris can safely do in her 1980 Mercedes 280E...assuming she even does the speed limit. So yes I've sped plenty, but I've done it knowing that even though I can get booked for it, as long as I'm doing the above I'm still a safer driver in a lot of ways than that idiot woman in the SUV who tried to merge me off the road without indicating when changing lanes. The worst thing people do is step out of their houses and into a car thinking of it as just an a-b daily routine/task and not a 1.5t +/- piece of metal that can kill if you turn a steering wheel 45 degrees the wrong way or fall asleep at it.
  24. I'm happy to pay income tax but capital gains is a fking rort. Taking money from what they did nothing to help me achieve, when I took 100% of the risk on shares...yet they wouldn't cover my losses if things went the other way. At least if someone has no income there is welfare.
  25. I'm thinking more like
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