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Everything posted by Birds

  1. I love how effortlessly Feather blades shave even the thickest of growth. I've left it 10 days between shaves and in one stroke with the grain, it's gone...almost baby smooth but not quite. It's the against the grain second pass that *sometimes* leaves nicks, though. Also, stupidly tried to get some nosehairs with the de I a my aggressive setting - just about turned 2 nostrils into 1! I bought a razor pit from mensbiz for $30 - it apparently extends the life of blades by 4-5 times. Nothing but amazing reviews, so looking forward to it and hoping they aren't sock puppet reviews.
  2. Both He was saying that bitches present no problem for him, when he has them and when he doesn't.
  3. Are you sure it's oil and not ps fluid?
  4. Anyone still shaving in an enthusiast way? Took the plunge on a Dovo shavette today. I've wanted to move onto cut throat for a while now, as I'm enjoying the DE, but it's not enough of a "challenge". See how I go and hopefully no (bad) cuts. Got a decent brush, bowl and soaps/creams to go with. Maybe once I'm used to the shavette, I'll look at a 5/8" straight. Just don't wanna drop $200 on a razor if cut throat isn't for me!
  5. Yeah, real estate agent got a scare when he called us asking if we had any offers and we said we knew it had sold for 600 previously...he spouted some shit about them being desperate to get rid of it, prolly to cover his ass.
  6. Myself included...as I've joined the ranks of people getting screwed at house auctions 540-590 range Opening bid 620 Sells for 761 Sold for 600 4 years ago, area has had 27% capital growth, median house price 650 lol
  7. fypbrah
  8. It took you 6 months to make that? I made that in 2 days Off 1/40th the capital And suddenly I have an opinion on capital gains tax
  9. nomohomo
  10. Hamish beat him to it
  11. You Europeans and your mail order tunes
  12. lol @ everyone Ripponlea on his south east suburban living arrangements
  13. Your girlfriend innately has two personalities There's girlfriend who is dating you and would never do a thing to harm you or your finances And there's scorned girlfriend who no longer has an emotional connection to you and is in self preservation mode potentially chasing security that you can't/don't give to her anymore...especially when she has a useless science degree The latter may never surface, but if she does...oh man...have your shit in place (even then, you're fked)
  14. Those rare moments where Martin and Birds agree
  15. I give it 3 months and Leigh will be paying his gf to live there
  16. A keen western bulldogs supporter
  17. Cash before gash mate
  18. Would take the gear oil but cbf picking it up lol 40 minute drive, so lazy Are you ever further out east?
  19. Yeah but a bitch isn't one of them, which I'm told is a huge plus
  20. Mate Women these days want the right to vote and all that shit...take everything that goes with it.
  21. Leigh - google ACNC. Most charities in Victoria are registered with them.
  22. And chicks for free? Good luck with that
  23. Another day, another $1000 for nothing Get on it Pat Also, hot days...lol don't hear the workers on Venus complaining.
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