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Everything posted by Birds

  1. Share investment nearly doubled Must find strength not to sell yet Black and white memory flashes of greedy pig Maths game from primary school
  2. Soups on fat boy
  3. I'll give you 40
  4. I don't know, once you put a value on something or at least try to protect it, it tends to invoke interest
  5. Why do you need help? Unlike the page or, better yet, delete Facebook
  6. Says the man who decided mid-run at deca that Nissan's factory driving position had inferior leg room to the back seat
  7. I feel stupid not taking them, tried to convince Leesh to replace her back breaking replica, but no dice. You tried ebay?
  8. This is true. Being at Barry's is f**king funny. If you didn't know anyone it looks like the most unfriendly place with the bulky westside regulars hanging around and his own dodgy demeanor. It's farkin family though, feels like home on a Saturday arvo. Might organise some dyno time with RP to tidy up the E85 tune. New head gasket has raised compression marginally and the tune is 3-4 years old anyway.
  9. Other news, gtst is back and feeling great. Aluminum radiator in there for cooling goodness. Fingers crossed the bottom end doesn't go on me now
  10. I'm not really betting on it to increase, even though an increase in oil price would be a great factor - I'm betting on this company to prove up the value of the acreage they own so that another company can bet on an increase in oil price. Therefore I don't really have to wait for oil to come back, only for a company to know that the finite resource will one day again be worth more than ever and that it would be stupid not to purchase the land from the explorer even in current climates (low price of oil). They are already in talks with potential joint venture partners so that could be a reality soon, but yeah it's tough to know when to get off the ride...risk vs return I guess.
  11. Yep...it used to be called Tangiers Petroleum...traded at $1 plus...they drilled an offshore (iirc) well in Monaco that turned out to be a duster. Share price tumbled baaaad, welcome to penny stock. Company changed name, new CEO, recruited an expert on oil - dude who effectively discovered eagle ford shale sweet spot. Planned an exploratory drill on a slope in Alaska where most companies had avoided but there were known shale deposits. 85% gov rebate on drilling in Alaska, so a 50 mil operation costs you 7 mil. This well...ain't a duster (so far). Metric shit ton of oil - just a question of how useful/viable it is. There is a very slim chance that the share price could return to $1 long term, if a joint venture is created or if one of the big boys buys out the company. The goal is to prove up the acreage they own and wait for oil price to return to make a shale drill profitable (I think it needs ~$50 a barrel). 88E own 200,000 acres of land worth $30 an acre at the moment...once oil is proved up, could be worth $3000 an acre. Roughly translate the share price in the same way and you'll get why I am not selling yet. That's the long and short of it! Disclaimer: spec stocks are risky, do your own research blah blah blah
  12. HOLD! It's a spec stock and they've possibly stumbled onto the largest unconventional oil reserve in America - think larger than eagle ford. And this is in spite of the price of oil sucking a dick right now. Potential for a 10x here, so...call it greedy...but...I'd rather lose it all than miss out on the big time Not too late to get on it, it's undervalued even with the massive gains recently
  13. Manual Vantage here I come
  14. Get a salad from woolies, that'll balance out the uncooked flavours
  15. Beat me to it, well done
  16. I think my GTS-T is the quickest thing Barry's ever done ARP goodness MLS goodness
  17. Not to move the topic from Martin's handing in of man card, but VWL hypothetical: if you had 100k (I don't) to spend on a car right now, what would it be? Any remainder can be kept as cash, but as a hypothetical, cash is relatively meaningless to you / you already have plenty.
  18. Yep, just like gambling, which is what it is. But this is a massive up that is happily wiping out my only significant down which was during the GFC. The point is my GTR has potentially been paid for. Mine on!
  19. It's not denial, you just don't have to talk about it because as a non-attendee it's not their business and I'd tell them so. A partner should respect the sacred ritual that is the happenings of a bucks night. In the same sentence, as males we shouldn't ask what goes on during a hens night either. The assumption is that you weren't unfaithful and if your partner trusts you enough then they really don't need to ask what happened. But each to theirs, everyone has different rules.
  20. Sorry, need to update that to a potentially excellent day!!!
  21. In other news, it may be a very good day for me on the asx tomorrow
  22. Who talks about what happens on bucks nights? It's supposed to be like Vegas
  23. I did 25 of 75
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