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Everything posted by Birds

  1. Depends if an overnight stay is involved or not A day/night thing up to $200, overnight sharing a house could be $250-300 all said and done I'm getting sick of weddings though. Above costs, plus wedding gift and hair/makeup/dress for the girlfriend. As a couple it can cost you shitloads. /subtle
  2. Birds


    Why not phenibut?
  3. Seriously tempted to get one of these done for the back of my R http://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/462801-custom-billet-badges-unique-to-your-car/ It would say Mohsen's a douchebag
  4. I have one, it's high comp though...
  5. It will be a hotly contested race between agents Bill Xian and Tim Derham
  6. Here Come The Habibs...I can tell already this is going to be like Mohsen's friends but with less shitty decisions
  7. Did you get that slow motion visual on entrance, where you see a bunch of booty dancing up and down rhythmically
  8. See previous page for cheers
  9. And lol @ Bubble changing its name everytime there was a stabbing out the front of it
  10. Damn 680...forgot about that. And The Hawthorn Oh wait...Cheers @ Casey's on Tuesdays! One of the diet mainstream places to pull off the RnB in one room, house in the other divides
  11. Edited For spelling...not for racism
  12. And Daisy's lol
  13. f**k Forgot Pool Room
  14. Heat (fkin Sundays) Seven Eve Motel QBH Housexy Frostbites Odeon Star Bar Metro Watermark (when Havana Brown was an unknown...or more of an unknown anyway) Billboards (when Hamish wasn't DJing) Evolution ZOS (for Ric) Trak CQ Bliss Lounge Beach Hotel (more Sundays) So many more I can't even remember
  15. Don't forget orange whip
  16. Weekend bump May take a (reasonable) offer... Come on, these are excellent tyres. Pretty sure they were the WTAC control tyre one year?
  17. Some mumblings and (hopefully) food for thought in no particular order: - I think ye olde studded belt case would shed some light on what the law considers a weapon; personal opinion of what constitutes a weapon is kind of irrelevant if we're talking law and crime. Not that the law always has it right, but they do have a habit of controlling/impacting your future. - Speaking of weapons (lol Troy umad), my firearms licence in Victoria - only needs a renewal every 5 years; I must also be a member of a firearms club, which only translates to an extra $70 a year. It's just a course and money. I don't need to have contact with anyone to maintain it. - In Vic i can possess and store longarms and ammunition and I do not have to do any competition shooting or hunting. Set and forget as long as I pay my dollars. The police may visit occasionally to routine check your gun safe. Pistols on the other hand - you need to attend 10 competitive meets a year to retain this licence. I guess the assumption there is, if you're not competitive shooting your pistol then you're using it for self defence or planning to kill someone. Longarms, on the otherhand, you may occasionally use to hunt or for pest control. No one is hunting foxes with pistols. - There is nothing stopping a psychotic from doing all this, it really is easy...or nothing to stop someone who was once sane, from becoming insane (think PTSD etc). Background checks, fine. But psych evaluation? Come on, criminals often lie and make a career out of it. Sociopaths are great at pretending to be normal. It is easy to pass that shit. The reality is, if someone wants to kill people and they have half a brain, they can and will. The only way to curb that is to blanket ban guns, for everyone, and make possession alone a 20 year sentence - not saying I agree with doing this, but that is the only solution to cull the population of circulated guns, even unregistered (it would have an impact), with ridiculous penalties. Good luck with that in America! The kind of person who goes and massacres people doesn't care about waiting periods or whatever measures you want to throw at them. They are calculated attacks these massacres and they often happen with unregistered or stolen weapons. They will bide their time. - On the other hand, one of the ranges I shoot at, people can attend who have never shot a rifle in their life. They can turn up, hand over a drivers licence and one of the range officers will teach them to shoot. I only got my firearms licence so that I wouldn't have to bother the range officer everytime I wanted some target practice. What stops this person from running out of the range and driving off with a gun on the day they want to massacre people or they snapped? (Besides the club rifles being .22s). - I hear the arguments about registered and licensed firearms owners not being the culprits killing people and I agree with this for most part. BUT...guns get stolen, by randoms, by family members. You can lose your licence if your firearms go missing. But what happens to the missing firearm? Where are the non registered firearms coming from? Imported? Factory "seconds"? Proper questions, I don't know enough about the circulation of illegal firearms and their involvement in crime, though I do know it is high.
  18. Birds


    Wow, hope the wife doesn't read these before you have a chance to delete them!!!
  19. I don't understand how to take this...so if there wasn't a passenger in the car, then this guy wouldn't be getting charged? Cause there's no mention of him aiding and abetting the death of the other driver. It seems from this statement like she is the innocent party involved and that's what all the fuss is about? f**k sake it's retarded. Charge him with dangerous driving, but to hold him responsible for the crime...our legal system has gone full retard (American), needing a scapegoat to hold someone responsible when in some cases you just can't because the people responsible are dead or an act of nature. And to oppose bail like he's an absolute danger to society lol, f**king terror suspects get bail. This guy puts his foot down a bit too often lol
  20. If he was Muslim and a hoon... Would people still "ridewith" him?
  21. Birds

    Spotify Playlists

    Chillstep This playlist is so good to throw on at home while you're doing anything! Excellent background music that won't interfere too heavily with the task/s at hand.
  22. lulz when Leigh and I snapchat the same song
  23. Fark parallel parking worries me the most. People openly swing car doors into other cars but people's depth perception when reversing in front of you is worse I reckon
  24. Wait...you paid extra for the Volkswagen? Edit: nevermind it's leroy
  25. No no bike It would just get stolen again where I live
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