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Everything posted by Birds

  1. But it's property investment you can't lose /genYinvestorwhowastooyoungtoremembercirca1990
  2. Balance is boring buy a jet ski
  3. What shits me about this is the same thing as ticket scalpers Buy it with the intention of profiting and some true fan who actually wants it misses out Same thing happened with the 86s, people were selling base model for 40k when there was a waiting list Ninja 250Rs, people had $1000 premiums on them over brand new, selling second hand
  4. Birds is rich Rich in heart
  5. My origin account got hacked, haven't bothered to unhack it with the cd key, that's how much I care about battlefield 4 lulz
  6. Waiting for someone to log off so that my pirated cd key would connect me to the wonid server Connect Wonid authentication verified Something like that
  7. KM on engine? Compression test?
  8. Fish eating fish screensaver Excel flight simulator Easter egg Don't get me started on this compstalgia
  9. Don't forget spinning titles, that was some cutting edge shit
  10. It did at least do the typewriter effect
  11. Random PowerPoint effects brought the lulz when our IT teacher did a presentation at school assembly. Massive passage of text came in one letter at a time...it was lagging too...
  12. I am back to work, unlike you, teacher
  13. I'm disappointed you needed to ask this; you're no Maverick
  14. Negative ghostrider, the pattern is full
  15. Got a bit OCD against the grain with a DE blade
  16. Coulda been dezz
  17. +1 for freight companies being the work of the devil You wouldn't think it difficult to pick up an item from somewhere and transport it to another location, without it getting lost or damaged...but no, they all fail at this test at some point.
  18. P.S. shithouse that it happened at Christmas time!
  19. Expensive lesson to learn - I really hope you get your money back or that the item turns up, but honestly: sending money via direct transfer to someone you don't know is like leaving money on your doorstep all day and expecting it to be there when you get back home. Most of the time it will be, but there are thieving fking scum out there waiting to take advantage of you. Pay for everything with paypal (who doesn't have one these days) and offer to cover fees for seller; if they still refuse then you have to ask yourself why they would do this if they were legit. The problem is buyers get too keen on getting the car parts they want and when they finally pop up for a good price they rush into it. Have to take the emotion out of the situation and look at he big picture - handing over money to a complete stranger.
  20. Pat? http://www.sau.com.au/forums/topic/462156-brand-new-genuine-r32-series-2-kouki-lower-radio-facia/
  21. Reply #420 blazeit ma fkrs
  22. If mastication isn't a necessity, then technically as long as the spinal cord and brain remain intact, the rest is fair game?
  23. If they were Sea Doo Sparks that doesn't really count
  24. Victoria is a joke for fines...almost everywhere else in the world will pin a few km over with a $50 or less fine and no points. Everybody everywhere speeds at some point in time; lapse of concentration my ass! Love how he blames it on that whilst his assistant commissioner has a go at everyone else who got caught speeding implying they are intentionally speeding / are content with it being harmless
  25. Need: house, daily/tow car, jet ski...in that order Have: too many Skylines and cars that don't work but rape me for registration and insurance
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