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Everything posted by Birds

  1. Now which religion is being used these days to gender discriminate?This is my point exactly - show me the western countries where Christianity is the dominant religion, that are still interpreting Christianity this way. For any one you can think of I can show you a dozen who are sill enforcing the notion of the Burqa/hijab and, in a broader sense, oppression of women. Western interpretation of Christianity has evolved to accept gender equality and women's rights; Arab countries' and their interpretation of Islam have not. To the point where Christianity these days is perceived as a more peaceful and democratic religion in the eyes of non-Muslims, even if the religious texts beg to differ. Refer to above example of swastika - it no longer has the meaning it once did. People bastardise it and when atrocities and oppression are associated with it, it's difficult for many to view it any other way.
  2. In other words, cover every part of your body even those not associated with sexuality
  3. However - the religious texts themselves do discriminate with gender. There are rules that apply only to women, which is what Burqas within an Islamic context were born out of. As written in the Qur'an itself: and Effectively, most parts of the male body can be viewed in public (men and women alike are expected to behave properly and with dignity), but most parts of the female body cannot.
  4. Yes...western media has an unfavorable depiction a lot of the time...but it's also attributable to the many Arab countries that have bastardised the religion into what most non-Muslims see it for these days; oppressive, discriminatory and authoritarian. When this is the only exposure people see, you can't expect them to view it favorably. It's not just a couple of people misrepresenting traditional teachings - there are entire countries doing it, basing their behaviour on it for thousands of years (religion is by and large archaic law). So do you take optimism to the issue and say look to those who don't do this stuff for your examples, ignoring the bad, or do you take an entire picture and include an overwhelming number of people who bring negativity to it? Could you wear a swastika in public these days and not be branded a nazi?
  5. Dude on the right looks like a cross between Laurence Fishburne, Kanye West, and Aaron
  6. Maybe if the burqa was banned here too illegal immigrants wouldn't drown so easily
  7. None to the point that Islam does...it's reputably the worst for gender discrimination I can assure you that given a choice of which they would practice if forced...most non-Muslims would choose Christianity, Judaism or Hinduism over Islam any day!
  8. As a security guard what would you rather have to search / pat down, jeans or a giant cape?
  9. Hardly The thing wouldn't exist if Islam wasn't an oppressive religion My original point was: any leftist objecting to the ban on burkas in Switzerland is effectively, inadvertently standing up for a tool of oppression lol
  10. Islam and religion in a broader sense is often a law unto itself, both statutory and socially (you have to respect someone's religion - why?), so I do smile whenever I see a country stand up and offer some form of restriction over any religious practices instead of bending over for it, no matter how harmless these practices may seem on the surface. It's a slippery slope what you allow and don't allow. Before you know it people who practice a religion have more civil liberties than those who don't, which has been the whole spark of the Flying Spaghetti Monster shit - a laughable satire that can't be fairly denied. Having seen more than a few live leak videos that leftists are often blind to...Palestinian women concealing butcher knives in their hijabs and trying to stab random Israelis...there are some good reasons to fk off something that in most cases is a symbol of oppression from an ancient and outdated and irrelevant religion.
  11. Neither have been forced on people historically or in the present time as far as I know
  12. Major cognitive dissonance for a lefty to witness a symbol of oppression banned as a civil liberty
  13. Modern Islam = Christianity Triggering intensifies
  14. Better than your heap
  15. Second hand dashes can fix that
  16. f**king retarded^ Generally do engine conversions in good looking cars with average engines/drivetrains, not the other way around!
  17. Leigh going to Sandown with Falcon?
  18. I'm in Miami biiitch
  19. There's a dash cam in the UK that is designed for motorsport too - pretty exxy at like $400 but it has 10hz GPS tracking / lap timer and heaps of other motorsport shit built into it; GoPro quality camera and sound / external mic input. Looked like a good all in one solution you could use on the street as an everyday dash cam too.
  20. Put an RB30 in it mate Sell your stroker kit to recoup some funds Never look back
  21. Tracky
  22. VWL engine swap day may not go ahead...for now. Had a mechy pressure test the cooling system and check combustion chamber coolant...found a loose hose clamp that was letting air into the system. Engine now running cooler than ever thanks to the 1.3 bar cap (might put the old cap back on to get the temp up a bit when not doing track days). However, there was a slight trace of oil in cooling system - potentially a slow head gasket leak or what he thinks could be an oil/water heat exchanger that can leak one into the other. May get an oil cooler to bypass this. $100 later
  23. I'll just wait til it's at Barry's next
  24. He did until it got stolen
  25. He's got you there leftish
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